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Monday, May 04, 2009

simply hate the feeling of feeling upset n no mood w/o knowing why....

sucks.... the feeling simply sucks... -_-"~! how to kick this weird habit sia?

i tot u were be out in tat very instance... was wrong... waited... yet it became 1hr even though u knew i had to work...

simple qns.... u knew the ans i simply cant bring myself to ans... reason being... the ans can be answered even w/o thinking...

dam it! get it off already.... -_-"~! stupid emo-ness.... stop haunting me will ya?

writtern @Monday, May 04, 2009

Sunday, May 03, 2009

went to browse thru all my photos...

to me meaning of photos? capture the happy moments, sad moments, still moments.... time is stopped for that particular moment....

hesitation in deleting some no doubt its just going to be memories but yet.... i feel tat it is haunting me at times...

aiyoYO~ where has my confident gone to... come back pls.... -_-"~!

lets just keep track on our foot steps in the future ^^

writtern @Sunday, May 03, 2009

WoOOH~!~! thanx rainy gal~ owe u one~ will treat u a meal ok~~~ it's not one grain of cooked rice but a whole big meal hao bu hao??? heex~~~

went to k session with dear n his frds~ wooH! luck luckY~ lucky that dear de friends are so nice.... yao bu ran... i'm dead! XD

eh.... actually dun remb their names... -_-"~! i only remb its junlong, joseph, and dear ur neighbour de name i dunno i only know the nick tat u gave him -_-"~!

hahaha~ guess wat song i so called "ordered"? national anthem... -_-"~! okok i'm being lame lar~ of cos 1st song is the usual one i sing =X

haven went for K session for quite some time already.... so yeap! my voice still suck as ever~ hahahahaa~ and i'm pretty surprised with the cost... cos it's not as ex as kbox... although drink sucks but i find the environment better??? no idea~ mic sucks though... -_-"~!

went to find mother's day present with dear... walked the whole bugis... a little regret not pulling him to tangs to buy cos i got member!! can get 6% rebate -_-"~!~!~! ah~ but just so lazy to go there.... bought a braun buffel wallet for his mom... 1/2... 1/2... heex~

i really braun buffel fan XD hope his mom likes it~ heex~~

then went to buy tix~ to watch movie watched house... actually wanted to watch x-men but only left 1st 2 rows de seats.... argh~ then change to house..

lousy show? starting was ok.... ending was -_-"~!

had pepper lunch express for dinner~ wooH~ VERY long nv finish my dinner already!!!! YAY~~~~~ heex....

chit chatted with dear at bus stop till 11.45pm...

ni dui wo de hao rang wo wu fa fang qi ni...

writtern @Sunday, May 03, 2009

Saturday, May 02, 2009

ehm.... weird wake up surprise for me... slut eh?? i wonder who?

if its who i'm thinking... pls dun comment anymore cos i din even say anything to him either...

if u happen to find a new partner i wish u all the best....

writtern @Saturday, May 02, 2009

Friday, May 01, 2009

aiyO~!~!~! i slept from 8.45am to 12.45pm.... -_-"~! wat "long" nap is tat??!?!?!!?

its okay~ i'm fine~ i will slp early tonight~ HOPEFULLY! hahahaa~! i realise i can really survive with little slp.... am i getting old or wat? the fear of death in slping??? hahahaha~ NAH!!!! -_-"~!

oh~ im just so bored lar... dear dear MIA dunno wake up liao or not.... T_T i guess i'll just hang ard my computer doing nth~ hahaha~!

hungry.... in search of food

writtern @Friday, May 01, 2009

omg.... i reached home ard 7.10am... gosh i'm really tired...

thanx for giving me a chance ^^ most imptly thanx for saying that u love me cos it really meant alot.... realising that those words can really make me trust u so much more....

even though its just sitting down chit chatting... or just sitting down lying on ur shoulder already made me feel very xing fu...

i wun screw up this time.... hopefully -_-"~!

jyjy next 50 yrs hor ^^ =X

wo xian zai de xing fu dou shi ni gei wo de... xie xie

writtern @Friday, May 01, 2009