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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

aiye~~~ went dental this morning.... hahaha~!

met maple dear aka future dear for the 1st time... -_-"~! mai keep looking at my dark circles can..... i swear i get my pretty eyes back F5!!!! bleh~ ^^
Rainy came to see her blk p,then i ask her to shun bian come over say hi to dear =X hahaha~! rainy gal~! so long nv see u.... why are u getting thinner n thinner? blk p bo feed u well arh!? WHACK HIM ARH!!!!

met up with lao po (natalie) to sign contract.... hahaha~! nat nat~~~~ u need to pay $200 to be taller than me leh! not worth it! pls dun~ =X

overall a very happy day becos of everyone who always surrounds me ^^

writtern @Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

finally i understand the root of my problem...

just say one sentence to me.... and i promise u have my complete trust....

diana.... why are u always so slow.... -_-"~! this one sentence can really clear all my doubts....

and clearing my doubts means i can really dun demand so much due to my fear....

my fear: to lose u...

the sentence is the ans to my qns... qns : how do u feel abt me?

tats all.... we started but yet u nv told me be4... ^^

love ya always

writtern @Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

happy yet guilty.... true enough i sound like 3rd party.... -_-"~!

but overall i can only say thanx... thanx for really considering me for once...

jy bah...

writtern @Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

lolx~ busy working the past 2 weeks.... lolx... made some great fun loving frds there... lolx~!

well lets see... i've got a ex-wife there.... have a bai ka frd... (opps) i have a lao gong there.... lolx~! it all started out really funny... who else... oh~ a seh kor-ing frd... hahaha~! kinda miss the laughters... why? cos when laughing u really forget every little unhappiness hahaha~!

going to work at ps like next mth.... sch started end june.... goodness gracious me~~~ how am i suppose to describe tat i really dun wanna go study.... but one cant slack that much either -_-"~!

oh yeah~ vickie n annie came to visit me during work.... misunderstanding might still exist but i am truely happy to see them~ ^^

really missed de old me.... the me who can just laugh everything off.... wat kind of person exactly am i...... gosh u_u

writtern @Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday, April 09, 2009

it's april!!! and guess wat? i'm working now.... sucks.... but yeah... wat to do i'm despo for money for the reason being is.... i'm really afraid tat basket will not pay for my uni fees.....

many things have changed.... browsing thru my pictures.... i missed jkt.... i missed the zoo trip.... i really missed my frds.... misunderstanding we have.... how are we going to clear them up? no doubt ppl who knows me well knows tat my mouth can be pretty straight forward but i dun mean harm.... -_-"~!

made a no. of great frds thru the net lately.... i oso had some arguements n disagreements with them.... but yeah.... we still do joke n tok.... and i finally found a frd who really can see that i really cherish all frdships..... and i dun mind being the bad guy to let others be happy....

sadness.... tml is another working day..... aja aja fighting!

writtern @Thursday, April 09, 2009