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Best view in IE Photobucket

Saturday, August 30, 2008

YO! went to chalet ytd! hahah~! reached there abt 8 plus... hahha~! let's see... just gonna post some pics up and comment abt some of them... heex~!
ehm... a pic of nyp students!!! hahahahah~! yeah yeah i graduate already but so what?
me and dar dar! see so lovey dovey! hahhaa~! muacks!
dar dar's classmate from yr 1! hahhaa~!
we are like the only gals in the chalet??? gosh gosh... hahhaa~!
yeah~ picture with anthony!!! hahhahaa~! look at his eyes... look so slpy~
yun ting and me~! heex... another prawn lover like me... hahhaa
jiang he and me! hahaha~! shy shy.... take picture with such a well build guy.... =X
guo hui and me! haha... ehm... comments arh... he pose like a gal? hhahaa~
lantern festival not here yet! but got a couple of nice aunty give us some to plaY! heex~! dar dar and anthony!
orange colour lantern! my favourite colour!!!!! heex~! see my face red red... drank chivas with green tea become liddat liao... hows the taste of the drink... ehm... 1st sip was fun... subsequent is yucks! cos i dun like the alcohol smell in my mouth!
green colour de lantern! yeah~!~!~!~!~ nice colour oh~~~~
hahha someone shy shy take pic... guess who is it????
wink winK!
chefs of the day! except for the 2nd guy from left... and another chef is gone... who is guo hui .. the satay man!
the grp of guys! hahhaa dun need to name them all i guess... one is missing! argh! zhi hao! where are u?!?!!
the followings will be some funny shots...

the whole chalet ends with this last pic at the top zhi hao, me and dar.... waiting for bus... and the last grp pic is as follows~~~~~~

writtern @Saturday, August 30, 2008

free time?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

free time for me pls!!! hahaha~! yeah i declare free time now at this very few minutes for me to share wats going on... heex...

basically writting all the tutorials from like "sketch" to "colouring" haha... nah.. i'm just trying to say i scribble all over the place during tutorials so i just copy it nicely into my notebook and revising at the same time... 2 critical modules that i wun be able to handle in short time... which is thermodynamics and the polymer stuff.. haha... and their tests and quizes are like the very 1st few ones... sigh...

lucky thing i'm going for MSE/ASD'08 chalet! not my batch lar! haha dar dar batch de... they invite me so i go lor... sigh! BUT i have to do lab on tat day... so i reach there dunno 5pm liao... cant rollerblade SO SUCKS...

pretty into drums lately... wannna learn... hope it's not half bucket of water heex

writtern @Tuesday, August 26, 2008

motivation coming in
Friday, August 22, 2008

hahah~! finally the long waited motivation has come... little by little.. trying to pick up the pace.. although i'm like still far away from others... i will try my best de...

few weeks back papa keep asking me to help him draw his lights... i tot since i dun have the time and mood to do tat i propose to my dad tat asking annie to draw for him but he need to pay her... hahaha~! 1/2 way to success... left the debating part when he come back... must win this battle for annie.. then next time she can treat me for lunch or dinner again HAHAHHAHA!!!!

ehm... i want a crumpler!!! i want different kind of bags for sch! hahaha~! i'm like so greedy... i want so many things... i'm not satisfied... i still want my omnia... haha~!

but i want my good grades too for sch! hahhaah~! i wanna prove tat i really go ntu to get good grades... prove tat slackers can also get good grades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

writtern @Friday, August 22, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

i look forward to 12 hrs of slp every sunday to thursday nights... and i always get 6 or less becos by the time i finish everything it's 12..

i look forward to fridays the most... the only day i can slack so so much...

i look forward to weekends.... although i have to do some reading up of sch work i get to rest at home...

i look forward to meeting my frds... becos they are the ppl who love me for who i am...

i look forward to graduation the most of all... becos i wanna end this studying life...

i look forward to rainy days... the rain just wash away my troubles... for only awhile though...

i look forward to seeing u... becos u bring my smile back...

selfish-ly... everything compared to all of the above... i want to take back my confidence... take and not find... becos finally i realised i blamed too much on the word lost to console myself... learning how not to depend on others... i wanna be independent like how others can be... but only be in my way.... heex...

writtern @Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

argh! argh! argh! a sudden of no mood.. i'm mood-less... totally!

i feel feverish every night... i sneeze everytime even in the hottest weather in singapore.. nth could be better........

getting hang of sch work... like real! i slp through out the whole damn thing! only one week had passed and i just wanna drop out... i feel sucky... who knows? nvm... i know... heex...

it's ok.. put on a smile and everything will be fine... jia you jia you jia yoU! =)

HAHAHAH! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! i'm fine... even if i'm not... i'll still have to be in a way or another!

writtern @Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thursday, August 07, 2008

less than 6hrs of slp... dark rings darker... energy lesser... concentration lesser... haha~! since monday i have been slping in lectures... cant tahan... lucky tutorials dun start on wk1... can skip tut class during wk 1... heex... but miracles do happen! i was wide awake during today's lecture... 2 lect 2 tut... argh! i was like... wth... i need to be in sch by 8.30 and can go off at 10.30... hahaha~!

acc the "gang" for lunch... i din eat cos i had heavy breakfast... heex then went to nyp with tai bao... why? he needs to go nyp take transcript and i'm going to nyp find dar dar... haha~! dar dar they all eat lunch w/o me... so sad... heex...

went to dar hse print stupid notes and tutorial... haha~! sigh~ printer ink so er xin.. aha~!

so tired... go slp le ...

writtern @Thursday, August 07, 2008

2nd anniversary!!! and sch starts!
Sunday, August 03, 2008

went to the singapore flyer ytd... ehm..... stupid ndp block the roads... no cars no taxis no bus and no shuttle bus can go in... have to walk.... so tiring... poor legs.... i was wearing high heels somemore.... hahaha~!

sch is starting tml.... guess i'm going to complain in the blog better.... cos not to be rude but when i complain to my frds they will say "can get in still got so much to say..." but are they going through wat i'm going through? when i know i got in ntu i was stress... when i say i wanna go aus study i was stress... when i say i dun go aus study already i felt relieved.... the moment i went to ntu i felt stress even more stress.... when i saw the prof talking i feel so pressurised..... when i saw the lecture notes i felt so damn shitty and so so so so stress... when i flipped through i was thinking what the hell is this???? its so so so so so much more difficult in poly... nth the same other than u can wear home clothings...

ytd i was thinking... if i din have such a big head i shldnt wear such a big hat in the 1st place... yah... i think this sentence suit me well.... i have no intention in hao-lian-ing that i got into ntu... honestly.... it's nth surprising... how many ppl are getting in every intake?? thousands... and meant thousands..... -_-"! ppl work are stress.... ppl who dun work stress... so ppl going in uni cannot stress???? complain stress=hao lian? sigh! see things in a different perspective lar !!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i'm going to kill myself!

writtern @Sunday, August 03, 2008