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QET test
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

oh my gosh! i din know i was suppose to take the english test.... only when i go check then i know i need.... hahaha.... can see i'm not into the uni thing yet.... going to... soon soon... how soon? very soon.... getting use to the long journey already.... getting use to the "lost of direction" and asking for direction already..... transport is still a killer..... its $5+ per day..... if only i can get the tertiary ezlink asap..... heex... how to say wat to say? met up with fiszah today... how shall i put it? it's a fun day overall.... went to find dar in nyp after lunch with fiszah... hahaha~! his classmate's lappy got virus... hahaha~! sian.... the word virus is also a killer... why is that so?!

it killed 2 of my thumbdrive.... and no one dare to put it in their computers to reformat it... neither do i wanna put it in my lappy... so it's like.... i bought a new one.... and i will be super extra careful on who is going to use it this time round........ i wonder thumbdrive got anti virus for it or not... hahaha~!

how was my test? oh gosh! 2 qns... one is on beauty and one is on computer game.... wat do u think? of cos i chose the computer game... i must be crazy to write abt how beauty contest contribute to the society.... gosh! hahhaa~! i seriously find that i wrote out of pt... aiya! but heck care..... so long as i'm able to hit 250 words.... it's already a miracle... hahaha~! my thumb still hurts so badly.... especially after the essay... it's like freaking painful.... feel like chopping it off.... hahhaa~!

went out this 2 days with dar... maybe it's cos we say out the unhappiness... we are able to change..... its always the outsider thoughts and opinion which can change him... haha.... at least better than nth.... so long as he try his best.... smiles! from today onwards... and from this very beginning.... i will refrain from complaining.... no pt complaining... why? cos i made my decision and my chose.... i cant keep complaining to make myself feel better.... it's as good as running away from problems.... my lost in directions to where i wanna go.... i shall walk it out asap.... wat i lost... i will find it and take it back..... not going to rely on others... just by myself.... cos i believe.... i can only do it myself for this... hahaha~!

sch is starting so soon... next week? i'll wait for peifen... so both of us can change the modules and timeslot.... who wants to wake up every morning at 5 to 6+ for a 8.30am lesson at jurong... no way man!!! hahaha~! but i heard its on 1st come 1st serve...... so yeah... if i dun snatch time slot from others... i'll end up waking up early... hahaha~! i wanna do wat i wanna do... hahaha~! i wanna shop all i wanna shoP! ho ho ho!!!! as if i got the money....

writtern @Tuesday, July 29, 2008

my cosmetics!!!!!!!! and skin care!!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

hahah! now see my cosmetics!!! i got some for free... some are samples.... who ask the promotor put there with no price tag... -_-"! haha shun bian see my disney watch that i haven wear be4...

writtern @Wednesday, July 23, 2008

my bags! and mini amp!

hahaha i wanna show u guys the mini amplifier that i mention in the previous entry... heex....

let's see how many bags i have.... hahhaa well... i cant find some of my bags so i din take pic of it...

writtern @Wednesday, July 23, 2008

my new laptop
Sunday, July 20, 2008

i got my new laptop! good spec... but it's heavy and bulky... and UGLY! hahaha i think i'm going to get a garskin next month to cover the appearance....

ehm... its a T61p from thinkpad lenovo... wat the net forum say was... its good for cad cam..... and yeah... my dad bought it... in forum stated that geforce graphic card is good but not as good as quadro.... so we went for the quadro one... ehm... i guess many promoter or sales person shld do good homework at home before coming to work... u know why? cos once a customer ask a qns... they cant ans they will just find any other thing to be the ans... then customers will go ???? and the sales person will he or she go ???? i was like argh...... -_-"! but nvm! i got mine... tats the most impt thing... the next thing is just the garskin and the screen protector... hahaha~!

ehm... there is this shop at adelphi.... sells amplifier and ear piece... i think ppl who go for good sounds shld go there... u can try any ear piece be4 u buy... unlike in other shops u cant try... for this u can try.... the uncle is oso frdly... haha guess wat... my dad bought a earpiece for himself and the uncle gave me a mini amplifier for my ifone.... hahaha~! so nice of him... but i dunno how much it cost... danG~! oh well... sigh~! i wan a samsung mp3... the sound is so much much much much better than ipod or creative... maybe becos i prefer the thickness of the bass.....

oh well... i'm looking forward to this friday... and 2nd of aug! hahhaa~!

writtern @Sunday, July 20, 2008

2 days of fun with friends!
Thursday, July 17, 2008

2 days of fun with friends! 2 days of late night out with friends! heex! i slacked too much so getting out is like.... letting a 24hr caged dog out to play... hahahaha~!~!~!~

ehm... how to say? i really love my friends so much... no matter wat kind of jokes they say... i wonder why.... think maybe i changed alot bah? how much i dunno... and i changed in wat sense i oso dunno?

one thing i can confirm is.... ugly words said by ppl abt me wun influence me as much as in the past.... and i smile more and laugh more than last time..... heex.....

thanx guys!

writtern @Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our First Step
Monday, July 14, 2008

1st day: met annie and vickie at changi airport! Dar send me to the airport... how sweet~! haha! then he went to meet ah nei to take pay..... ehm... after meeting annie and vickie we were like comparing whose suitcase was the biggest... of cos it's mine lar... duh~! and it was almost empty okay? hahaha....

2nd day: woke up in the morning... Q-ing up to use the toilets... hahaha~! after that we went toto the market to have our breakfast..... and we had noodles!!! mie ayam!!! one of my favourite food in indo... why? cos the noodle is super nice and the texture is none like the ones in sg.... and guess wat? vickie dun like to eat noodles but she finished her portion... HO HO HO!!!

After breakfast we went to the zoo.... ehm... drive in zoo to be exact! hahaha! very fun.... but then again.... i still din really like a place call zoo... i wonder why... haha~! up up up we went! we went to up the mountain... had some cool fresh air! then we went back down becos it was quite late already..... hahah~! then after that we went to one of the shopping malls near my hse... ehm... annie bought a set of colour pens i think? those that u can paint on ur nails... then vickie bought... a shirt for peggy.... hahaah~! i bought hair clips... so so so much cheaper than sg... heex...

3rd day: we went to the so-called dangerous mall! hahaha~! why called the dangerous mall? cos it IS dangerous... there are cases of ppl missing there... and eh... theft cases... but we still went there becos! shopping mah...... shopping leh.... its wat almost all gals do everytime we go out? hahaha~! bought too many things i cant remb.... annie bought the least! oh gosh..... everytime the 3 of us goes out.... she almost nv buy anything.... thats just cos she din see anything tat attracts her bah... haha~! vickie saw one bag they like very much but the aunty just dun give any discount... so stingy! argh! but nvm~ after that trip... we went to another shopping mall and close to my hse again! hahah its a new one... one mall that is so new that it's my 1st time there too... heex!!! there are so many nice clothes over there... but i cant take it anymore... the sizes are all so small.... i wanna slap their faces! wahahahah~!~!~!

4th day: i dun really remember what we did on the 4th day... oh my gosh... ehm... wait wait let me think... i think we went to a big big mall... but we din buy anything much except that i bought a pair of shoes.... and we had A&W.... heex.... thats all i remb...

5th day: market early in the morning..... and packing late in the afternoons.... then we went to a short shopping trip... and we head off to the airport.... and it's home sweet home.... too many fun times... cant slp type it out one by one... hahahah~!

writtern @Monday, July 14, 2008

my goodness!

my goodness! i actually remembered my password for this blog.... haha so i'll just gona type sth... just in case i forgot the next time... haha~!

lets see..... time passed very fast... and i've graduated!!!!!!!!! hurray!!!!!! i'm going to ntu soon... sch starts on 4th aug? but i'm just not in the mood to study.... kind of stress..... heex....

but over this time i made many good friends in sch.... haha... fyp i made like.... 4 gd frds.... throughout the whole 3 yrs... i made like ehm.... 4 (FOUR) very close gal-friends..... hahhaha~!

i'm just bored.....

writtern @Monday, July 14, 2008