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early celebration of my birthday
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Yo!~! i had my early celebration of my birthday ytd... hahaha~! meet them at 6.45pm at newton mrt station..... keira and junlong was the earliest.... followed by annie.. and the surprise... rainy.... then 5 of us walk to newton circus to wait for vickie... hahaha~! yeap~! she had the stand to eat.... xin ku ni le....... haha~! we ate alot of food.... bbq stingray, bbq squid, sambal kangkong, hokkien mie, carrot cake, oyster egg, chao kuey tiao, satay, chicken wing.... wat else???? hahaha~!
we headed over to the clarke quay for a short walk..... hahah~! 5 of the gals went in to mos.... leaving jun long outside... we had a quick tour so that keira can go home.... hahaha~! after that hanged around.... had 2 bottle of beers.... 2 bottle cannot even finish~ so sad!!!! haha~! vickie went home.... then annie rainy and i went dancing.... then went out to catch breath and annie went home.... leaving rainy and i... haha dance lor.... and ping yan called rainy.... sch reopen he sure die de!!! ask him go dun want.... his frd treat him then go.... bleh! anyway... his frd poured as martell with coke.... sweet.... and bitter is the taste... 2 sip of it i dun drink le.... we went to dance a while more jiu go home le... hahaha~! reach home abt 4+...
as per usual..... i can only enjoy the very best outside and nv outside and at home.... 30+ missed calls...... it's like.... even if i dun go clubbing.... if i just went out for late night shopping... or maybe supper.... missed calls are nv fail to appear in my hp screen.... sigh~!
i think only dar dar can fully understand why i nv like the feeling of going home....
pictures UP!!!!!

writtern @Thursday, September 27, 2007

argh! so reluctant to wake up
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I was so reluctant to wake up this morning! hahaha~! dragged myself to clean my room... then i went to bathe and i sneaked out of home~! hahhaa~!
went to meet dar at novena mrt... and had a hunt for our new hp! hahaha~! although it is considered as a pretty old model... i spend abt... $400 today i guess... hahaha~! but nvm it's ok! another hp tml! i'm going to extend my contract and get a new phone and sell it away!!!!!! YAHHO!!!!! so at least i can give abt.... $200 back? better than nth u know... hahaha~! ehm...
called angel... and she met us at PS... we watched chuck and larry... truely hilarious.... the round and round thing.... -_-"~! freaking idiot keep repeating the round and round thing with no corners... -_-"~! ahahhaa~! din really laugh my head off cos the funny parts are pretty senseless....
and angel left us... dang~! must kick her next time i see her!!!! hahahah~!
ehm.... hanged around.... waited for lichuan to join us for dinner and then buy hp... then go home le...
items bought:
-- hp M600i
-- giordano shorts, 2 tops
-- IP zone jacket
-- screen protector
-- hp pouch
-- dun remb wat else i bought.... -_-"~!
-- nv bought dorothy perkins clothing... why?! cos the 3 for $33 no more le.... sigh~!

writtern @Tuesday, September 25, 2007

it's TueSDAy~~!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Its tuesday~! hahaha~! let's see... i've got nagged to wake up today.... hahaha~!
went out today with mama to square 2... bought the nail polish i saw ytd at the O2 skin.... hahaha~! purple stars.. so sad they dun have orange... ahaha~! ehm.... then went to eat at the lerk thai with mama... treat her.... spent abt 30 plus on that... wanted to buy that earring... but they say no quarantee that the colour wun change... so i dun want buy le... hahaha! so sad....
tml i wanna go buy some pen holder and small tray to put on my stuff... or not my table look so messy~! hahah~! and buy my short pants from giordano.... hahaha~!
so so many things to buy.......... oPpS~!

writtern @Tuesday, September 11, 2007

After such a LONG period of time
Monday, September 10, 2007

Heex... after such a long time i shall blog now... opps~! hahhaa
ehm.... let's see... after FYP i had worked at the comex... sit down and work... hahah~! time was crawling at tat time.... cant believe it that it's really over...
after that job... went to work at expo john little sales.... hahaha~! ::::::::::
first day ---- packer for dar...
second day ---- cashier with angel acc me...
third day ---- cashier with angel acc me, popeye's for lunch
fourth day ---- cashier with angel acc me half way through
fifth day to last day ---- cashier alone
conclusion::::::: thanx to dar dar and angel helping me along... if not i sure cannot make it! haha~! and of cos the seniors to help me do closing every night! haha~! till now i still cant do it myself...
oh yah!!!!! i think there are some common things abt indian customers... they always ask for further discount... some say "got further discount or not? i pack myself"
if not "i stand so long got further discount or not?" i wanted to reply "i've stand longer than u did...."
if not " i dun care how much this is i will pay for it! and if u dun sell ur free gift pls dun display it outside!" ---> wanted to slap her....
if not " why not i go put this back and come back later straight to u to pay my stuff?" somemore they even jump queue twice le... i so angry i say "sorry... but could u turn around and take a look how long the Q is?"
hahaha~! but overall i enjoyed! no matter wat kind of complains and customers i have met... cos it's all about experience i think..... hahaha
so.... what else.... argh argh argh!!!!! annie rainy and vickie got their bags!!!! and i dun have... say no stock.... wth.... tml annie going to refund me the money le... sigh sigh sigh~! nvm... wait till i get my pay.... i go buy crumpler.... if not then it's the converse bag i saw today with dar... hahaha~! well... went to get the JL shirt with dar and rainy... both of them are immune to my jokes lor.... kaoz~! hahaha~! guess only angel laugh abt it... so many thanks to her sia... -_-"~! ehm... went to meet the late Queen at suntec.... the shop of the bag i wanna see din open.... looked around for my wallet... end up buying a beige colour leather-ed one.... at mango... my card is being burned.... sigh~! hahaha~! haven get pay.... spend so much le... *stab!!!!* hahhaa~!
bought so many stuff during the expo sales.... hahaha crayons..... was playing with it with dar on the train and angel said "u two macham no childhood..." then i say "ma de! ur childhood got this kind of crayon meh?" hahaha~! that sentence spoken from me was in a jokingly manner okay~! hahaha~! from wat i know... i have not seen such a "high-tech" crayon during my childhood... hahaha~! orh yah.... and i bought many many... ahem~! haha!! and a swimsuit.... and a pillow for dar.... he keep buzzing me with his "the fan din kana my face" hahaha~! so just bought for him one... ahahah~!
i've planned out wat i'm gonna do with the money money money i earned... ahahah~! hope my plan goes correctly lar... hahahah~!
announcement : annie, vickie, rainy, keira, jun long... pls make urself free on the ehm... let's see.... 11 or 12 oct
dar, li chuan, shun rong and angel.... pls make urself free on.................... 11 or 12 oct...
haha~! if the upper grp ppl mostly free on 11 jiu 11... if 12 jiu 12... ok ok ok??? hahahah~! more like divide 2 grps on 2 different days.....
shall stop here for now... bleh bleh!

writtern @Monday, September 10, 2007