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anger tat i had for myself but vent on others....
Monday, October 30, 2006

wanna tok abt the night i spent over at vickie's place 1st... annie came~! we have supper/dinner... then we went to vickie's place... we played monopoly... while... i was the richest at 1st... then annie was the one who bought the most at 1st... and vickie was picking up the community chest and chances all the way.. but luck changed... my playing style was wrong... then my luck was bad... hahaha~! i became bankrupt... hahhaa~! then after tat i went to eat instant noodle... then we slept at 4+am.... ehm... woke up around 11am... i tot it was 3pm.. cos when i looked at the clock in vickie's room it was 3.. then i saw my hp... it's 11am.. hahaha~! anywayx... after tat we had another short round of monopoly... i'm the winner now! hahahahhaa~! then the game ended~!

ok... now talking abt studies.... well... i've been telling ppl tat "i dun think i can do well... i'm slping in the class through out... and dun understand one bit at all..." it's the fact tat i dun understand! then others may think tat "here she goes again babbling abt not going to do it when she will end up with As..." mere rubbish? i have no idea... i really cant concentrate this sem.... and i really dun understand... so when i turn to ppl for help they were like O_o??? please! anyone out there willing to believe tat i really dun understand?! and now i'm coughing like mad??? i just wun stop... drinking of water and eating of cough sweets wun stop it from coughing... so i went to buy the cough mixture... i can only stop it for like less than 5mins and it starts again..... u know wat??? i can really finish the whole bottle..... -_-"! i rather stop the cough so tat i can slp rather then cough and slping at the same time... i rather faint/die from overdose of cough mixture...

now... back to my topic... anger tat i had for myself is brewing every now and then... yet it is vent on others... especially my darling and my buddies..... sorry.... really... hahahaa~! lately i get pissed off over the smallest matter on earth.... sigh~! and darling and i will be like... sian.... cos i'm sian... then i dunno why i'm sian... and for tennis... yes! i dun get to plaY! but i wanna play! i wanna play but i cant play cos i did not attent training for more than 1 semester... so why am i still in the sch team? if i cant play... why put my name in just to fill it up? it saddens me... i rather be kicked out if i cant play.... i know i deserve to be a reserve becos i do~ sigh... i just dunno wats going on.... it has always been like this ever since young..... i get pissed over the smallest issue.... and i will feel sian? for almost nth at all.... sometimes i'm angry and sad abt myself and i dunno why..... i just wanna chop myself apart.... i'm just going crazy.... i really do not know why i'm always irritated becos of nothing at all... and i cry for almost everyday.... anywhere.... or maybe i'm having depression??? maybe.....

writtern @Monday, October 30, 2006

unlucky days...
Thursday, October 26, 2006

i was unlucky since ytd!!!! was sick after sch.... and when i reached darling's hse wanna slp but cant slp.... then after dinner he gave me medicine... for four pills i drank 3 cups of water! hahahaha~!.... it was so strong i went to slp immediately... woke up at 9pm... then his dad send me home at 9.30pm.... hahaha~! then when i reach home i open the cupboard... when i closed it hit my left hand's fourth finger... till now it's abit numb... hahaha~! then nvm~! during lunch i accidently bite my lips... and it bleed.... hahaha~! during QC lab... my hp dropped on the floor... then i went to sit at my place to pack my bag... my knee hit against the table... so painful........ then nvm~! when walking down the stairs i fell down.... hit my backbone... and then the skin peeled off abit so yeah... it bleed.... -_-"~! plus i'm still sick... -_-"~!~!~!~!~ argh!

nvm.... show u guys some pics of my presents~! :

this is from my class... i think? hahaha~!

this is from ann kiat... hahhaa~! it's a tennis clock... and winnie the pooh... why clock?! song zhong?! hahhaa but dun worry... i like it very much!

this is from vickie to coffee and me... hahaha~! i love it very much... but he is keeping it... and says he dun wanna use... dang~!

this is from marilyn.... haha i think she shared it with someone else... but she dun wanna tell me~! hahhaa... it's a bk to put photographs... argh~! nvm~ but i still love it... hope it comes in handy someday... and i will make tat day happen!!! hahaha~!

tats all i got... not very much... i still love all of them! thanx!

writtern @Thursday, October 26, 2006

my birthday~!
Sunday, October 22, 2006

happy birthday to me!!!!!!! hahaha... tats ytd not today... hahaha~! okay.... an enjoyable birthday this yr.... hahaha~! let's see....

on friday... vickie and gang bought a present for me... this is how it goes.... in the morning i kept pestering them saying "where's my present? give me give me!" then all of them say nv bring... annie say nv buy... then later in the day they say it's in the 3rd cubicle in the toilet... -_-"~!~!~!!~ okay... after tat i suspect they put it in the locker... so i was like "it's in the locker right?!??!!?" then annie said "if u can open it then it's urs... if not it's mine..." i was like O_o... they told me the locker no. in like yr 1 sem 1... and i dun open their locker... so how am i suppose to know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! hahaha... so guess slowly... and with the help of vickie's 2nd no. and han xue's 1st no. and the range of the 3rd no. i was able to open it! hahahah~! the moment i was able to open the locker... i was so happy!!!! hahaha it's already a gift.... a gift of memories... after tat vickie took the present and fleed with keira.... hey come on! u all run so fast for wat?!??!!?!??!!? then annie and i slowly stroll back to the lecture... ehm.... they present was kidnapped by C2! hahaha just kidding~! i guess vickie pass it to them... then after awhile my bag is kidnapped by annie... tats really a kidnapped... -_-"! then went to the toilet... annie and keira are in the cubicles... then want me to guess who held on the the present and my bag... -_-"~! so yeah.... guessed wrongly.. but got my bag back... and the present was passed to me later on... hahhahaa~! tats all on friday... it's not a bad day... then had dinner with family... not exactly family in the 1st place... food was nice... but was very enjoyable... hahaha~!

on saturday~!~!~! went to darling's hse to wake him up... then he actually said wanna accompany me to eat in the end he ate mac at home... then i ate alone down stairs...then we were late meeting up with li chuan... but nvm... he dun mind... =X haahhaa~! but he wore smartly... as though he is going to attend some wedding dinner.. -_-"~! hahhaa... then we went to tpy... wait for xue li... then she wore like japnaese... ahahaa~! really couples... both of them wear so nice... heex... then after tat went to sing song.... ate cake... drink sparkling juice... then sing song again... then went to PS... argh~! wanted to watch death note but full house... as in almost full house... haaha~! then we went to the cathy to try our luck.. but it's even worse... so went back to PS purchase at the AXS... for a 11pm show at J8... hahhaa~! then after the show we went home.... took a cab... hahah cheaper than i tot... tats good of cos... heex~! ehm.... the show is good! REALLY MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaa~! okay....

the following is who wished me~! hahahhaa~! really alot ppl this yr... so happY~! i repeat.. they are not in any form of orders... hahaha~! here goes... my darling~, mama, kor kor, papa, 5th 6th and 7th aunty, valerie, jia jia, yeong yeong, foo xin, ann kiat, weixin, yu siang, gary, vickie, lynn, keira, ming ren, sau wei, revathi, zhe hong, marilyn, ah long, leonard, li chuan, xue li... who else..... rickson, jasmine, kelvin, jun long, isa, shalih... hahhahaa~! tats all... i think... still got some more... but i dunno who they are... cos no name in my contacts... so sorry... but really must thank them even though i dunno who... =X

ok... show u all some pics...

this is the present vickie and gang gave me... hahaha~! the gang namely, annie. keira, jasmine, rickson, kelvin, peifen, bing chen and vickie of cos! hahahaha~!....

heex... tats the cake i had in kbox... it's not big.... and the candles were less than half when they brought it in... so i din get to wish be4 i blow... so i wish be4 i cut... hahahaha~! nvm i still got one more cake at home... later at night then i take out and take pics and show u all next time... or maybe it has already been cut~ who knows... hahahaha~! anywayx! the taste of the cake is above my expectation... hahaha~! i tot free de will be weird... but it's nice.... hahahahhaa~! dun believe? ask darling or li chuan or xue li bah~ hahahhaa!!!!!..... oh.. and behind is the sparkling juice... weird taste... i dunno why... hahaha~!

i've got no more pictures to show already.... hahahhaa... wat othre presents i got? a bag... a pair of shoe... and hair clip... and necklace... and 5 pair of socks... the above are from darling... i believe socks no need take pic? hahahhaa~! bag and shoe.... u guys saw it already! hair clip and necklace... i'll take it next time okay? hahaha~! tats all... thanx everyone! and take care!!!!

writtern @Sunday, October 22, 2006

1st day of sch
Monday, October 16, 2006

1st day of sch very tiring.... die!!!! hahahaha..... really very tired... slept at 2+am... was chatting ont he phone... heex.... well... this sem seems to be like we are having more female teachers.... dang~ now having night class.... luckily i bought the book so i no need to copy so much... just high light here and there abit... hahahaha~! ehm... feeling so sleepy now....

ytd went to have dinner with darling's family... ate at marina bay.... steamboat... ehm.... then went to fetch jeremy.... then went home.... tats all......

haiya sian.... wednesday and saturday pls come faster~~~~~ FAST FAST PLEASE!

writtern @Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

went out with li chuan and his gf and my darling on wednesday... on tat day i passed the present to my darling already.... dunno if he likes it or not... got alot... 3 shirts, 2 pairs of socks, zippo, a pack of cigarrettes, jeans, zippo fuel, hair spray, 2 boxers, belt... hahaha~! ehm... let's see... then we went to bugis... darling bought me a bag.... the design he liked it though... heex... then li chuan, xue li and darling bought bags too.... after tat we went to vivo city.. watch movie... and also darling bought me a pair of converse double tongue shoe... he say ppl shldnt buy shoe for others... cos the others will run away.. but it can be broken if the others pay back some amt of money.. so i paid him back 10 cents... hahahaa~!~!~

ok.... my birthday is coming! so... yeah.... wish me happy birthday and i will be happy.... i hope i get many many presents!!!!!! from a certain dumb dumb though... heex~~~~ ehm.... cake~!!!~!~!!~~ dinner~!~!~!~ hahahaha~! eh... ate alot today... real lot... till my tummy is going to explode... shall stop blogging... abit dunno how to blog abt...

writtern @Sunday, October 15, 2006

ehm..... dunno... blur....
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

haloo~!~!~.... let's see.... last few days mentally disorder i think.... to the extend tat i wana get a doctor for help... end up not going anywayx.... let's see..... wat have i been doing lately? no idea... sorta blank for a moment.... oh yeah~ i quited my job.... wat can i say...... papa din want me to work while studying... and sometimes the tot of walking from the mrt to the workplace made me felt sian..... and i burnt my hand lately.... plus ever since cheryl came to help my confidence dropped..... she was like doing everything herself... and rushing ahead of the others.... no teamwork.... still missed the days with marilyn.... tats wat i call partnership/teamwork with her.... hahahaaha!~ with gina too of cos... sigh~! ahaha... ehm...

got a new hp... isnt wat i want.... i wanted SE or sharp... but sharp too ex... and most function can only be used in japan not in sg.... and i wanted sth tat accept mini SD... it;s only nokia or pda fones..... so i got nokia... n73.... sigh~! and last night it got abit of problem already!!! it shut off itself! and did not on itself! scared the hell outa me!!!! argh... i just got no fate with nokia! with my previous nokia fone it's also the same!!!!! argh~!~!~!!~~! oh well... wee hong's birthday just past not long ago... next is jasmin's then darling's and mine.... hahahaha~! haven see jasmin for a very long time... wonder how she is doing ever since she left peicai.... enjoying life i guess... hahhahaa~! -_-"! seriously i have no idea wat i wanna blog... shall stop soon.... going back to training... but i still have the laziness not to go training... tell me how?

writtern @Tuesday, October 10, 2006

i want off....
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

have been working 2 weeks in a row... no off.... hahaha~! no doubt i earn money each day... but it's still tiring.... to think tat i get to shop the most from 11 to 5pm.... and wun get to see many stuff.... hahhaa~! ehm... wat else... wanna go out with frds whole day till night oso cant make it.... cos i'm to part with them at 5pm to get to work... hahahah~!~!... anywayx... have been doing lots of shopping lately.... shop for pants... shoes.... but i just still cant find the type of top i want... spaghetti strap... well... i found one tat i like... but it's branded and expensive! so i could only afford one.... buy one=more than my one day's pay... hahhaha~! yeah... it's nice.... but maybe too revealing... -_-"!!!!

okaY~! went to K lunch today.... forgot to bring jacket... so the aircon was killing me! hahhaa... i sang quite a no. of songs i think.... ehm.... all female singers.... i rarely sing chinese songs.... anywayx.... was with darling and li chuan.... both of them sang rooftop... -_-"~! hahhaah~! and i sang shan hu hai with li chuan... stupid someone nv hear the song be4... so dunno how to sing... hahhaha~! anywayx... it was okay except for the aircon... at least none of us were good singers... so there is no need to feel the embarrassment... hahha~! =X

wanna watch movie on wednesday if i can get my off... -_-"~!!~!~!~!~!~ i JUST WANNA GET A DAY OFF!!!!! so please! just give me one!

writtern @Tuesday, October 03, 2006