wanna tok abt the night i spent over at vickie's place 1st... annie came~! we have supper/dinner... then we went to vickie's place... we played monopoly... while... i was the richest at 1st... then annie was the one who bought the most at 1st... and vickie was picking up the community chest and chances all the way.. but luck changed... my playing style was wrong... then my luck was bad... hahaha~! i became bankrupt... hahhaa~! then after tat i went to eat instant noodle... then we slept at 4+am.... ehm... woke up around 11am... i tot it was 3pm.. cos when i looked at the clock in vickie's room it was 3.. then i saw my hp... it's 11am.. hahaha~! anywayx... after tat we had another short round of monopoly... i'm the winner now! hahahahhaa~! then the game ended~! ok... now talking abt studies.... well... i've been telling ppl tat "i dun think i can do well... i'm slping in the class through out... and dun understand one bit at all..." it's the fact tat i dun understand! then others may think tat "here she goes again babbling abt not going to do it when she will end up with As..." mere rubbish? i have no idea... i really cant concentrate this sem.... and i really dun understand... so when i turn to ppl for help they were like O_o??? please! anyone out there willing to believe tat i really dun understand?! and now i'm coughing like mad??? i just wun stop... drinking of water and eating of cough sweets wun stop it from coughing... so i went to buy the cough mixture... i can only stop it for like less than 5mins and it starts again..... u know wat??? i can really finish the whole bottle..... -_-"! i rather stop the cough so tat i can slp rather then cough and slping at the same time... i rather faint/die from overdose of cough mixture... now... back to my topic... anger tat i had for myself is brewing every now and then... yet it is vent on others... especially my darling and my buddies..... sorry.... really... hahahaa~! lately i get pissed off over the smallest matter on earth.... sigh~! and darling and i will be like... sian.... cos i'm sian... then i dunno why i'm sian... and for tennis... yes! i dun get to plaY! but i wanna play! i wanna play but i cant play cos i did not attent training for more than 1 semester... so why am i still in the sch team? if i cant play... why put my name in just to fill it up? it saddens me... i rather be kicked out if i cant play.... i know i deserve to be a reserve becos i do~ sigh... i just dunno wats going on.... it has always been like this ever since young..... i get pissed over the smallest issue.... and i will feel sian? for almost nth at all.... sometimes i'm angry and sad abt myself and i dunno why..... i just wanna chop myself apart.... i'm just going crazy.... i really do not know why i'm always irritated becos of nothing at all... and i cry for almost everyday.... anywhere.... or maybe i'm having depression??? maybe.....
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