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ehm... tiredness? maybe...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

hahaha~! 1st of all... i got back my results... tot i could get 4 As... but i was wrong... got 3As and 3 B+... hahaha~! the one and only A tat is a fake out was the cnc milling and drawing thingy.... -_-"~! i tot the most was a C or D... and it came out as A.... hahahaha~! the one which was a disappointment was my mechanics.... -_-"~! B+.... to think tat i study for all modules.... it's really an effort paid out... i wonder how my classmates are doing.... cos asked some of them... none really did replied me in msn... hahahahah~!~!~! busy playing game maybe... -_-"~!

okay~! wat did i do lately... let me think... ehm... i went out on saturday... supposedly i asked marilyn out... but she woke up late... so yeah... it's okay~ then i went to OG myself.... bought a t-i-double gur-e-r pillow... hahaha~! yeap! it's tigger!!!! hahahaha~! tats how he always spell his own name okay~~~~ on tat night uncle long wanted to drink beer... then ask marilyn and i to tag along... i drank corona... hahaha~! not strong i know! but i'm a starter okay?! lolx... then on sunday i left it at darling's hse... hahaha~! liddat next time i go his hse at least i got sth to hug... maybe i'm used to hugging a pillow when i'm playing game... -_-"! then suddenly go other ppl's hse play game no pillow.... hahaha~! then at night darling wanted to drink... but i dun feel like drinking... actually wanted to go airport... but i cant go... -_-"! ppl who know me well... knows my moM! ARGH~! then we went to newton to have supper... stingray and kangkong! it has always been the best combinatioN! hahaha~! after eating... darling say "very full.... if now got cigarette is the best.." so i told him want to smoke then go ahead... hahaha~! but he got no cigarette!!! hahaha~! then i'm so stupid to even buy one pack for him.... -_-"! but it's okay... once in a while... so long as he dun pick it up again...slowly quit is okay with me... at least i try to not push him too much...

then ytd we went to the airport viewing hall... haaha~! i love the spacious at T1... but i love the close-up at T2... hahaha~! ehm... we had popeye's... so nice~! btw... there is a marrybrown at T2... it's nice too... aahhaa~! but i haven eat in ages.... then i remb vickie told me tat the laksa was good... so yeah i tried tat too... it was not bad~ the gravy was good i think.... hahaha~! anywayx... at night darling came to wait for me outside my workplace.... if it's not becos of we going to drink... i bet he wun even come to acc me home... sigh~! anywayx... it was actually his treat to uncle long... but in the end uncle long paid 1st... so it's like we owe him a martel.... hahaha~! they drank it... i did not... i know tat my skill isnt good enough... so i only drank beer..... only a few glasses and i'm already abit blur.... ehm... anywayx... darling was holding on till the end... but i must say he haven been drinking liquor for so many months and now drink again... sure drunk... -_-"~! then we went off 1st.... he practically cant walk... yeah... had to drag him to the main road.... then he vomitted... kinda expected... so flagged a cab... wanted to acc him home then i go home but cant do tat... my mom will kill me for being home so late... hahaha~! so anywayx i called up li chuan to help me.... bring him up.... hahhaa... hope he next time can control how much he drinks.... not small kid already....

sigh... i tot i would be like a little gal when i'm with him... but i was wrong... i end up being the big sister looking after him.... when can i be my turn being looked after??? no matter when i'll wait for him to grow up... mentally of cos~ hahhaa~!

writtern @Tuesday, September 26, 2006

night life?
Saturday, September 16, 2006

hahahaha.... watched little man ytd... the story isnt very fantastic... -_-"~! hahhaa~! and ate cereal prawn!!!! dunno the dish's name in english... it's just literally translated.... =X hahaha~! darling's mother cooked it... hahaa~! then darling say "u come always got cook nice stuff... and it's stuff tat i dun eat..." so funny.... then after tat went to work.... during work aunty was so angry with penny... scolded her alot of times... i was late... so i oso kana scolding abit... hahha~! but nvm... will be punctual next time... =X hopefully though~

after work went to eat ice cream with marilyn.... ehm.... dun remb the name of the place... i only remb we ordered ice cream with liquor inside.... taste abit choky.... and bitter... hahaa!~ or maybe i nv drink for a long time tats why i find it choky and bitter... ???? hhahaa~! it's really nice to eat ice cream at tat place... cos got music... although the singer wasnt very good either... -_-"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaahaha~! when i'm 18.... definitely will go and havoc for once.... maybe twice.... maybe frequently... who knows? hahaha~! ehm... feel like eating junk food..... i think my sore throat is about to be okay already..... junk food is calling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh..... i've been rather funny lately... graving for so many food yet got almost none of them.... hahaah~! i just feel like wakeing up around 10am... then go shopping... then go high tea buffet.... followed by another round of shopping... till dinner time.... have nice dinner... and continue to shop until 10+ go have supper.... then go home.... wun tat be cooL?! HAHAHAH~! tats all for today... dunno wat to blog about too...

writtern @Saturday, September 16, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

my monday was not bad! hahaha enjoyable! heex... last night had a feast of sushi.... heex so coOL~! anywayx...

today i woke up around 9+am... then get ready... went to darling's hse.. to wake him up... actually reach around 12pm but nth to do at home and i'm already wide awake... so just get out of hse better...hahha~! then watch 2 movies at his house.... snake on the plane and monster house.... snake on the plane is pure rubbish... so dun watch...... monster house was so much better.... at least the story is better than snake on the plane! hahhhaa~! after tat... got ready... went to tpy to meet darling's buddy and his gf... who is shun rong and lay hoon... hahah~! they went to claim taxi fare... then after tat we went to shop around city hall area becos the guys wanted to eat sakae sushi.... =X 1st went to peninsular to walk.... seriously nth nice over there... or maybe becos i walked too much orchard road... -_-"~! no discriminations over here okay?! then 6.30 went to funan to eat... eat till about 7+ or 8pm then we left.... i must say the food at sakae lost to genki at united sq.... when everyone told me sakae is better... i must say they are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miso soup sucked.... handroll sucked.... tepanyaki sucked.. nth was nice... maybe only the cold sake and green tea was better... -_-"!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahhaa~!

after tat we went to city link to walk.... walk to marina sq... becos lay hoon wanted to buy clothes for her frds' wedding dinner... hahah~! saw a shirt i liked though... almost $30... the guys said the price was accepted considering tat the brand is quite branded... DANG~ since when i become a branded shopper for clothes??? i always go for design and quality... nv the brand for clothing.... unless it's bag or shoes... i'll go for brands.. becos they last long... rather for clothes... becos clothes' fashion may die fast... =X hahahaha~! still... there are many things i wanna buy and shop for... especially top clothes... i got so many bottoms yet i got no much for top... maybe i wanna get another pair of jeans too... heex............. hahhaha~! one month salary oso not enough for me to spend!!!!

after tat lay hoon and i saw this cute shorts for gals... wear at home kind of shorts..... but no price tags... and i was lazy to ask... layhoon oso dun wanna ask... so in the end nv buy... hahha~! wait till i get my pay... i shop big big! =X hahha~! earrings... clothes... shorts... jeans... accesories... contact lens (maybe... must overcome my fear again...) ... hahaha~! wat else... oh yah! fujifilm f30 digi cam! and also k800i... but maybe i'll get a better version of sharp... hahaha~! =X mostly clothes i think... go for those barget kinds... in bugis of cos~! my mom say city plaza got lots of very in clothes... dunno if it's true.... must go and find it out myself one day... hahaha~! best is if i got money.... i go rebond my hair!!!! cannot take it anymore! my house SUCKS! and this time i'm so sure i'm not going to cut it! hhahaa...

tml is yet another tiring day... becos so many reservation in my workplace... hahaha~! miss those days with my classmates... my clicks... and also my darling.... wanna go out oso must take leave... my $28 today is gone... but it's worthwhile! heex~! tats all for today... i guess... hahaha~! tc bye!

writtern @Monday, September 11, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006

ytd was a enjoyable day... hahaha~! after work met up with gary... actually wanted to go home already becos i waited for so long till i went to buy belgian chocolate to eat... from haagen daz... hahhaa~! ehm... anywayx... he taught me the 3 basics for photography and i remember none... all i know it's abt the shutting of "doors" infront of the lens... then how big the hole is... and how fast and sensitive the lenses are... -_-"~! ahahhahaa!~ the proper names for those i dunno..... hahaha~!

show u guys some pics bah...

this 3 pics i took it using gary's cam... ahahhaa~! i know i've got no talent.... but it wat just for fun... =X

writtern @Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

ehm... tiny font was okay on the blog... hahhahaa~!~!~! okay lets see.. wanted to blog every night but always on my laptop check mail then off laptop already... so tired..... hahhaa~! then chat on the fone till i fall aslp.... hahaha~! so tired... 4 hrs of work only and i'm so tired.... how to survive!!!!???? lolx~!

well i'm slowly getting use to the job.... if it's busy time flies fast.. if not busy.... of cos the time seems to be moving slowly... hahaha~! ehm... broke a glass ytd... finally i broke sth! i tot i would break sth on my 1st day of work.... but yeah... it breaking of stuff only happen ytd.... my 5th day of work... hahaha~! the glass is very fragile... then my boss oso din give me a scolding... so nice of her~! hahhaa... my colleagues are nice too... always helping me out... i always enjoy the 9.30pm point... why? cos it's time to stack up the chairs and bring in the tables!!!!! plus get to either wash the cups or the soya pots... hahaha~! overall it's very fun.... somemore sometimes get to eat after work... i always see sashimi...... but i dun eat... so yeah... -_-"!

btw... when is our results coming out?! i'm so curious! hopefully i pass everytime...

oh yeah... ytd on my way to work. i saw AK!!!! hahaha~! like so long nv see classmates liddat... saw him with his gf.... then i was with darling but i think he din see... cos i walked left and my darling walked right.... always go separate ways... haaha~! ytd went to darling's hse... his mama cook dinner for me... heex~ so nice.... ehm.... dunno wat to blog about oso.... go slp 1st be4 i go work... bye bye!

writtern @Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

i'm trying the tiny font... hahaha~! see wat happens in the blog... hahah~! ytd was my 1st day of work... and it's the 1st job tat i work outside of my dad's office... ehm... stood for more than 4hrs... tired it is... but it's okay... to earn money! hahaha~! enjoy? not bad... at least there are ppl looking after me and helping me alot... teaching me many things... there are still many things to learn... and i'm still gonna work hard on it.... hahaha~!

be it good or bad news.... i'm removed from care and share... hahaha~! then i shldnt have went to sch today for the SEG commissioning... hahaha~! cos i could have slp for a very long time... but it's okay... at least i get to work with them for one very last time... hahaha~! ehm....

oh well~! lately i'm not in good mood right? now i think it's all over.... all thanx to tat one and only sms... although tat sms is nice and touching.... and also it is sth tat i was waiting for.... but again... i tot otherwise.. but it's okay... i must be optimistic... tats why i keep telling myself to think abt the positive side.... haha.. ok i very tired... later still need to work... hahaha~! ehM~! at least i hope i can slp for 10 mins? hahhaa!

writtern @Friday, September 01, 2006