i have been troubled these few days over relationship stuff... i'm trying so hard to get it off my mind becos i'm having my exams... and i was quite confidence i could get A for them... but not anymore.... things have been getting into me very much lately... after a chat with darling last night... i finally knows wat he thinks and how he feels.... for weeks he did not tell me anything... even though wat he is having for me is not 100% i still appreciate it... no doubt hearing tat it's not 100% it was very very hurting... no doubt breaking up came across my mind be4... but remembering promises tat i made.... and the feeling tat i'm having for u has always been 100%... i really cant bring the breaking up issue.... heex.... if the feeling is 90% i will work hard on the 10%.... if it's 10%... i will work hard on the 90%... i'll really work hard.... so long as u dun give up on me it means there is a chance.... when there is a chance i dun wanna it to slip it away through my hands.... not able to understand u was my fault... but i will try.... i can understand why u dun open up urself... but no worries.... i respect ur decision on who to tok to... but if one day u wanna me to listen i'll be there for u.... i wun force u to say.... but for appearance wise.... now i really dun mind wat others say abt u... but if u still cut down myself... heex~! just wanna let u know tat appearance are just primary.... wats important is our feelings.... not the outer part... tml is automatic... and i'm not done with my theory... |
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