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Best view in IE Photobucket

Monday, July 31, 2006

my monday was... boring~! if i knew there is 4 hrs of break..... i will...... STILL attend the math tutorial.. hahaha~! just for the sake of taking notes... heehee.... during break... was with some of my classmates then went to meet annie and the others.... ehm... sometimes i find tat they shouldnt give so much comments... other ppl may not hear it... but i heard it... feel kinda.... wanted to ask them to shut up... but i just act blur... din wanted to spoil our frdship... but of cos if next time i hear sth even more bad... i will surely say out and not keep mute...

ehm... finished helping vickie do the assignment... yeah~!~!~ clap clap clap for her... and she treat me bubble tea~ so nice of her... hahaha~! waited for tat drink for a long time already.... then... went to grassroot.... they play i see... hahaha~! so funny... then ak waited for us outside of grassroot... had a nice chat with rainy today... hahaha~! okay... then ak and i go to the lab 1st... cos i ate dinner already and he got qns to ask... then teacher came... sam din come... so ak joined our group....

here is the fun part i guess..... ak and i were like... "discussing" how to do.... then rainy keep looking at us... hahaha~! her contribution was to see us whether we got do work or not... and ak and my job is to "discuss" hahaha~! then we saw ticks on our name list..... suppose to be ticks... but look like heart shape... hahaha!~ ak got 3.... actually he got NONE... then suddenly pop out 3... ahahahhaa~! teacher no good... hahah just kidding... then today kelvin keep asking us for our paper... then me being my usual self... saying no all the way.... hahahah~! selfish right???? yes? thank yOU~! hahaha... then after lab go home....

eh.... so coincidence... when i just reach sch from grassroot.... my "darling" went to grassroot to play bowling... hahaha~! the reason why i put " " is becos..... my frds... SOME ask me "go stead le har?" then haven.... and usually how the both of us address each other is using tat word... so if i suddenly call him by name i feel rather.... weird.... hahaha~! then... so nice and automatic of him... hahaha~! call me when i walk home from novena mrt... anywayx... his birthday is still far away...but gonna save up to buy nice nice gift for him.. heex... heard him saying he gonna work to earn abit of extra money so to buy present for me.. haha.. felt very touch... hahaha~! okay~ tats all for today... everyone tc....

writtern @Monday, July 31, 2006

advance vickie's birthday celebration~!
Sunday, July 30, 2006

YO~!~!~ ytd i woke up and met annie at bugis.... at 12.. but she was late for 20mins... OIE !!!! ANNIE!!!! 20 mins okay?! and i wear high heels... wanna me to break my own leg??? cooL~! haahaha~! eh... then we walk walk walk... i bought a bottle and some papers for myself... HA HA~!

okay then we went to meet vickie and others... there are peigee.... vickie's 2 cousins... wen zhen, gao xin, hanxue(she was with us)... okay... then sing song.... then after tat we gave vickie her presents... and oso the "cake" hahaha~! it was ruined! but it taste great~! hehehe~ then after tat.... her cousins went back... and vickie's 2 more frds came.... eh.. not close to them either... but it's okay~ ahhaha~! haha.. then we ate yaki yuki... haha i think tats the name... hahaha~! 1st time eating tat.... then 1st time go kbox also... hahaha~! enjoyed alot and i hope the birthday coming to be gal is the happiest and the one who enjoyed the most... hahah~!!~! then went home.... hahaha... see if i can upload some pics...

wanna upload somemore... but keep hanging... shall upload some other days...

writtern @Sunday, July 30, 2006

wah wah wah~!
Friday, July 28, 2006

wah wah wah~!~!~ my day today!!!! i woke up late again... hahaha~! i nv seem to be early ever since common tests are over... hahaha... especially on wed, thur and fri... sure late 30mins or 1 hr.... -_-"~! sometimes even late until i skip lessons... hahahaha~! dun sound like me right?! hahahaha....

had UG test today... trial... and the written paper... i must say... over confidence again... and again... and AGAIN!!!! haha... i read up abit on theory nth went in ... so i start theory today.... i started with the programming last night... did 2.. and did one more to refresh calculation today... -_-"~! hahhaa.... yeah... theory mcq part was okay... but the programming wasnt okay.... 1 program i wrote 2..... ehm... how to say...when i was out of the lecture hall... i was kinda relieve i dun need to knock my head against the table... but when vickie and ak was out.... they were discussing and i went blank.... OMG~!~!!~!~!!~! wat can i say.... i really feel dumb... -_-"! no point knowing how to calculate when i dun even know how to program it..... feet was heavy...... whole body so tired and weak le... walk oso cant walk straight... -_-"~! then rainy ak and vickie was like "oie... dun liddat lar...." hahha... i oso dun wanna liddat... but no mood mah... so liddat lor... sorry if i got u guys worried..... so much so tat u all know i wun be happy either if i get a C or D....hahah but then if i fail this paper i got a nice show to catch with vickie... but if i pass it means i wun repeat module~ DUH~! hahaha...

then went out with annie in search of precious.... =X hahaha~! i still get the feeling... feeling oh feeling of the items... pls come out come out wherever u are~~~~~ hahaha... we went to this area saying it's the bluetooth hot zone... so annie suggested we on our bluetooth... haahha~! the 1st time there i din on... but when on the walk back there again to go tangs... i on it... hahaha~! she din got the voucher i got it!!! hahaha~! but i din went to redeem it... i wanted to drink the starbucks though.... but in the end i din go and redeem it... feel rather.. ehm... -_-"~! weird... hahahah~! saw no nice clothes in orchard... saw a shorts i like... but i din see the price.. and i doubt they got my size either... hahaha~! then annie and i met so many funny stuff... like we saw this file... it's chao ta bao.. but i forgot the name i keep saying cha sao bao... then she still believe but keep saying "no leh.. other name lar!!!!" then she say look very chao ta... then oh ya!!! i remb it's chao ta not cha sao... hahaha~! then we went along lucky plaza... and we heard some guys behind making funny noises... then annie ask "is it human or sth else???" and i replied "see behind lor... obviously human~!" hahaha!so many funny things and i cant remb many of it... hahaha~!

i know wat to buy for his present already~! but it cost so much... wonder when i will be able to save it up... and is it even worth it?? opps~! hahaha~!~!~!.... i want to have fun and enjoy my day tml!!!!!! hahahaha~! tC~!

writtern @Friday, July 28, 2006

wanted to blog last night~!

heex.... yO~! wanted to blog last night but end up figuring out how to do the UG...... and after tat was on the fone till 1.30am... hahha~! really tired.... always say "shld have sleep early...." but then it's still cant get to slp so early... more like dun wanna hang up... hahahhaa~!~!~!~!~!~

lately dunno why so tired... then also wasnt in the best mood lately until abt.... 1 and a half day ago? hahaha~! chatted with waileong on the fone ... then feel better... hahaa~! i listen to vickie already.... OPEN my eyes larger and LOOK!!!! hahahaha~! ehm.... compared to wat y given me..... i cant compare.... and i dun wish to compare the 2 of them... hahhaa!~ no doubt both of them have their gd pts and bad... but yy can only be frd... and waileong ehm... duno? hahhaa.... dun wanna say so detail....

ytd had tuition... end up got shoot all the time! hahaha~! but it's okay.. enjoy can le... although the feeling is sweet now.... but i got a not very nice feeling oso... a feeling of being a fool again... pretty soon... hahaha~! sometimes i just dun feel safe at all.... all i wanted is to feel safe tats all...

writtern @Friday, July 28, 2006

i have been tagged....
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i have been tagged by sam... although the 5 names dun have my name but i still do bah... -_-"~! hahaha... wanna copy paste oso cannot... -_-"! so i'm typing it.... once you've have been tagged , u have to write a blog.... with 6 weird facts/things/habit about yourself, saying who tagged you... in the end u need to choose 5 ppl to be tagged and list their names. no tag backs.

1. DO YOU KNOW, some of my friends say my face is rather smooth and keep asking me wat i used... but i said nth... and not many believe.... -_-"~! i think it's genes...

2. DO YOU KNOW, i always do last min revision..... and i say i dunno how to do when i really dunno how to do but no one believed!!! and i got better grades... am i really tat hard to trust?

3. DO YOU KNOW, i dun like to eat meat..... dunno why... sometimes i will vomit cos of the taste... -_-"~! is this counted as on fact?

4. DO YOU KNOW, i carry my mini bolster and mini pillow around at home...... hahahaha~!

5. DO YOU KNOW, i used my milk bottle until pri 3..... -_-"~! hahahahahaha~!

6. DO YOU KNOW, i got a darling in nyp.... real one...

1. Do the following w/o compaints...
2.choose 5 ppl to do these after u have completed urs..
3. leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say tat he/ she is tagged.
4.start the post with "i have been tagged" then do this.

colour: orange... no need say u all know right? and green
food: indonesian food (bakmi ayam.... and soto ayam.... and alot lar!)
song: too many to be named...
movie: no fav... but so long as i watch it's okay...
sport: tennis.....
season: winter
ice-cream: dark chocolate and belgium!!!!!

mood: tired cos of schooling
taste: drinking tea...
clothes: -_-"~! shirt and shorts...
desktop: full metal alchemist..
time: 10.53pm
surroundings: window closed.... curtain down.... aircon on...
annoyance: har? maybe? dunno...
thoughts: hahaha... blank~!

best friend: eh... mama~!~!~
crush: eh... cant remb
movie: i watch movie with family since baby.. how i know?
lie: say hungry when i'm full
music: eh.... mama's old song...

cigarette: i dun smoke...
drink: tea...
ride: from sch to home mrt...
crush: yy
movie: pirates of the carribean
phonecall: my darling....
CD: dunno... dun remb...

dated one of ur best friends: eh... got bah...
been arrested: of cos not...
skinny-dipped: wat's this?
been on tv: yes... my sch kana shot... for... SARS
kissed someone you dunno: hahaha.. funny... no.. ppl kiss me then got...

4 things i did today:
- go school?
-sms darling
-chat with darling
-most importantly... i had 2 meals....

4 sounds u can hear right now:
-darling naggy's voice...
- bon jovi..... songs...
-keyboard sound
-modem... -_-"~!

the chosen 5 to do this:
(rainy and ak got tagged le... do one can le bah... =X)

writtern @Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sunday, July 23, 2006

ehm.... slept from 3am++ till 2pm.... becos mama din wake me up... hahaha~! i wonder when i will have the time to go down to a place near expo to fix my laptop..... haha tests are coming.... and i still know nuts on how to write a program for the cnc.... hahaa... must get it right by this tuesday.... if not i'm sure to suffer on wednesday... heex...

ehm... there is automatic lab tml evening... so this oso meanss tat the teacher is going to give us a mini quiz again.... and i haven read up on it... i guess she is going to give as the exact same qns again... becos tat is wat she did the last lesson... hahhaah~! i hope studying at least one of the qns is going to bring help to me... lolx... hope today i'm able to study my automatic... unlike last night... the qns is placed on the table from 10pm and not even one sentence got into my head.... hahaha....

i highlighted my hair ytd... and rebond my fringe 2 days ago.. hahaha~! hope it looks nice... lolx i personally love it.. hahhaa at least if i let down my hair now it wun look as dumb as it used to be.. hahaha....

feeling kinda light weighted today... maybe becos of last night's chat... hahaha... a new decision made by myself last night... i hope it isnt a decision tat leads to another mistake... even if it does... hhaaa~! maybe i will be giving this face all the way -_-"!!!!!! hahaha... last time when tok to him i tot my chances were quite high.. but after tml's chat some how i feel tat the chances had slimmed down alot... ehm... more to i lost confidence.... hahhaa.... cos i wun wannaa put on high hopes on him as he tends to disappoint me than surprise me all the time... -_-"! hahaha.... not knowing his past and his life.... but slowly i'm understanding him bit by bit.... but somehow he still dun understand me although i asked him to tell me wat he knows.... -_-"~! all the pts he said is rather to certain extent.... like... easily influence... if so..... my appearance wun be called an aunty ya..... hahha... but wat ppl say do influence me for a day or 2 but after tat it's over.... easily getting attention from...... ehm.... -_-"~! i dunno abt tat.... actions are obvious.... hahaha... tat i agree... my mind can easily be read... -_-"~! but he missed out one big point.... maybe others dun think of this pt oso... but my mom says tat i'm a very cheerful person... and i personally agree on tat.... everytime there is a problem i try my best to laugh it off.... -_-"~! how funny.... haha.... things are going to be very very extremely slow paced..... hahaha.... i'm so busy getting clothes and trying to "update" myself.. hahaa~! dun ask me why i wanna do tat... i just feel like doing so... -_-"~!

hahhaa... so hungry.... mama faster mop finish the floor then i can go out eat le... (today i nv mop cos when i wake up she is already mopping...) oh yeah..... lately i got read up my classmates blog... except for zheng yi's... cos... load very long.... -_-"~! then i got impatient and close it.. hahaha... ak... ehm.. he seems like he is doing well... and seldom tok to him.... for sam... -_-"! read le... tag le... and he nv seem to appear in my blog either.. so nvm bah... just continue and see wats going on in his life... for rainy..... ehm... she isnt feeling okay for the past few days... maybe it has already been weeks... sometimes see her sian sian i oso will sian sian... hahaha~! thanx for being there to listen to my complaints all the time ya... hahaha! hope u will be happy soon too.. be urself! then for my other lecture mates... annie and vickie... both of them seldom blog... -_-"~! so yeah...... ahahhaah~!

think tats all for today bah.,.... so long then no one wanna read oso.....

writtern @Sunday, July 23, 2006

my eyes are getting blur.....
Saturday, July 22, 2006

my eyes are getting more and more blur each day..... why? i think my vision getting weak ... or was it all becos of the cries every night?

i wanted to tok to u so much.... i was looking at my hp waiting for hope..... wat hope? i dunno.... -_-"! and when u msg me in msn..... chat a little.... and u go yapping away..... i told u she is fine!... why bring up the past when it's already over?! if things haven been settled i will say sorry... but no pt saying sorry when everything is fine! digging up pasts! so much so i wanted to say f**k off already... i got no choice but to block u..... falling for someone who i shldnt have... is ALL MY FAULT.... thanx for all ur misleading words ya.... it is so hurting u know? i guess u dun.... do u really know how NOT TO HURT someone??? i cant even have proper chat with u.... how to be ur frd?! i really dunno wat i want... i really dunno where i'm going... i hate myself....

life suck so much tat i am so numb right now.......

writtern @Saturday, July 22, 2006

the past... and now...

ytd i went back to hougang... hahaa~! i walked pass my old block.... the shop downstairs was the same.... the void deck was the same.... the environment was the same.... i felt as though i went back to the past... remembering that i do not dare to take the lift alone i climb up the stairs... all the way up to the 10th storey.... looking at the road i remb i fell down on the middle of the 2 lanes.... haha.... into my mama's friend's house... i remb that one time i cut my long hair off to real short becos my dad wanted it.... walking to the markets.... i remb tat i got lost once and got my mom and brother worried.... lolx... and the french fries i always buy after school.... life was so..... quiet over there... so peaceful....

and now.... i live in a condo... a place where i still think there is no neigbourly friendship and love ..... a place w/o merries........ a place so cold and scary tat i seldom feel like going home... cos i only get to face the com or books at home... sigh~! after moving over here so many things happened.... having a dad like mine is wat everyone doesnt want... who will want right? he is capable of only making money tats all..... other than tat... he is nth... not even the slightest thin air..... sigh.... till now... if the same thing happens again... i simply just turn around and walk away.... i really cant be bothered anymore... the more this kind of things happen.. the more i feel like running away from home.... and wanting and finding for comfort outside.... i laack of sth.... lack of sth tat i'm trying to find... but no one can give me... or rather... no one is willing to give me cos they cant... i seriously am tired searching for it.. cos everytime i search for it... i tot i found it... and yeah... it is still not mine... i guess i have to re-plan my life.... haha... still i wanna get into uni... and oso i want a make my name big just like my dad's... being able to be the top lighting designer and consultant.... haha i really love his job... another blow for me i can really go crazy... ppl always ask me why am i sth sth or why are u still like this... i oso dunno how to ans them... it's not tat i dun want... it's tat i cant get it even if i want... i hate being the me now.... i simply just cant smile and laugh like how i usually do.... it's just so heavy inside... so long as everyone out there is happy... i think i can just play my part and try to be the obedient gal... i'm too tired and afraid to express... cos i always get myself into unwanted and unnecessary troubles and pains.... all i have to say is... i fell to deep to climb and i'm the one to be blamed.....

writtern @Saturday, July 22, 2006

wat happened?!
Friday, July 21, 2006

argh!!! seriously.... honestly.... tell me wat happened man?! 1st my hair is superb mess...... it is still in a little of a mess even though i rebond the fringe.... -_-"~! ytd... my laptop was functioning well.... but today when i get home i tried to on it... *beep beep* "fan error" shut down itself... oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all my shows inside!!!! i did not put them into the external harddisk....................................... i really wana go bang the wall now... so many shows... and shows tat i helped my brother to d/l... there are ALL gone!!!! aH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously honestly........... KILL ME FOR NOT UPDATING THE HARDISK EVERY NIGHT!!!!! and now i'm going crazy... with no music or songs in this desktop... no shows in this desktop... no NTH at all in this laptop... msn oso not 7.5... -_-"!!!! this is really a torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and know wat?! the usb port for this desk top are all spoiled!!!!!!!!! wanna add new songs cant... wanna add show inside cant.... wanna do anything cant..... freak!!!!!!

writtern @Friday, July 21, 2006

Thursday, July 20, 2006

halo........... wat a long day i had today... hahaha~! practically walking slowly today.... hahaha maybe cos of the new high platform shoe... but it's okay... i love it in some angles... and i'm gonna make full use of it.... haaha~! remembering myself in the past shopping with my mama for lots of hifh heel shoes too... and after buying tat i din wear them cos i sort of hate wearing it... BUT! i start to love it ever since my cousin's wedding dinner... i realised walking in high heel isnt bad... and somehow will feel abit confidence and abit of lady-like kind of taste... hahaha~! tats how i personally thinks... =X hahaha...

my results... got A for 4 modules... B for UG..... and marketing i dunno yet... hahaha~! hopefully it's another A... or B.... C dun sound very encouraging to me...dunno why.... instead it just make me feel like slamming the book at the wall and rip the papers apart.... hahahah~! violent eh??? i somehow come to awake tat i've been using rude and violent words nowadays... hahaha... things like.. "slap u arh!" or... "go and die lar...." or... "go eat shit...." hahahhaa.... nowadays eat shit seldom appear.... cos if they eat shit... i oso must be able to do so.... if go die.... i dunno.... it just simply comes out from my mouth!..... slap u arh.... is pretty frequent.. u can hear me saying this when i'm with vickie and gang.... within 10 lines... they may be one... hahahaa~! i'm trying to control my language already..... cos i know it's a no no... hahaha!.... then anywayx... i gave tuition today... hahaha... wanted to start with average and rms... but he was so... relunctant and say "if u teach me already... in lecture i wun feel like listening..." and since i wanna be quiet...... so i shut my move and use pencil and paper to tell him wat to do and where he went wrong.... dunno why..... i feel like shutting myself up lately.... these days... dun wish to waste my energy... cos i'm really drained.... hahaha....

thought of it for so long and losing my sleep for 2 nights already... really tiring.... and i ask so many frds already... all say no.... no.... no.... but how come i tell myself no..... and in 2 or so hrs time i will keep thinking of u??? i really din wanna tok to u... see u... or hear from u since 2 nights ago.... but i realise..... the sms-es... phone calls.... and msn messages.... had already gotten into my life..... is it a kind of a habit? or sth i cant live w/o??? or both??? honestly and seriously.... after last night's chat.... i feel so much relieved.... and lighten and oso happier.... sorry may be the hardest word to say... but it may not be effective as always... hahhaa.... especially saying sorry to me... make me feel even more hurt..... or rather ytd's chat... told me tat at least i wasnt wrong.... even though u always say no no no.... i tot at least there was sth.... and there really was.... i appreciate it.... wun it be nice to be honest??? if u haven notice... i can tell u.... u sometimes contradict urself with wat u say and wat u do..... the only way i can get to know u is see from afar and chat with u.... wat abt u??? hahhaa.... i'm glad i get to know u... no regrets.... at least u are not icy cold anymore... heex.....

i still want to tok to u.... i still think of u.... i tot i would hate u.... but i couldnt.... there is still feelings in it... i dunno why.... part of me wants this feeling to be gone... but part of me wants this feeling to stay forever......

writtern @Thursday, July 20, 2006

my day....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

halo..... my day.... school day... still the same... then go far east eat.... then go walk very long din see the skirt i want... then went to wisma buy my shoe.... $33++... then go find mama at tpy... wanna cut hair... but the hairstylist say i cannot cut... if cut very very ugly... so is best to reborn hair then change hairstyle..... hahaha.... so i must tolerate this ugly hairstyle.... hahaha..... then bought fake nails.... bought a nail polish...... when reach home mama say the shoes very ugly.... -_-"~! i'm trying to change image.... many ppl say aunty... trying not to be aunty forever.. ahha...... sigh..... hahaha.... i guess tats all for today.... i am still not in the mood in doing anything.... wanna go crazy... wanna shop till i broke.... wanna slap myself..... wanna cry to slp..... wanna eat till i vomit..... my brain aint functioning well... pls forgive me if i offended anyone these days....... sorry.....

writtern @Wednesday, July 19, 2006

i dun feel good....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i dun feel good in any ways.....

c&s... sigh~! maybe this is the only decision i regretted the most in my life so far..... initially a tot of curiousity and fun... lead me in being the vp..... and now being selected to be the commitee of seg club... it wasnt wat i wanted... neither do i look upon to it..... neglecting my friends feelings...... i am really selfish.... to think tat the p oso have his own problems and i only bring more problems to him.... so sorry....

big and old enough to make my own decisions eh??? yeah.... maybe that sentence is correct... but somehow.... it hit me so hard tat i couldnt breathe..... maybe becos i always tot i'm always up for anything and matured enough to face any problems... i realised how inmatured i am... and how indecisive i am... i really got to say.... i made plans every week... and i only got to know there is a meeting(for tml) today.... i cant kick off my plans when it has already been planned..... and plus..... rejecting an event for this friday... becos i have classes fom 8 to 5.... lectures are so impt.... nvm.... maybe i shall help out this friday... but i really cant kick off my plans for tml....

i have my pressure to... i really dun think i'm the organiser kind of person.... i dun feel happy..... i dun feel okay.... all the "okay lors" i've said today are all fakes.... know why??? i dunno how to face... not anymore.... not to u anymore.... when i always wanted consoles from u... i got from others.... when i wanna hear ur opinions... i get sth else.... i really wanna be a kid.... i cant make decisions anymore...... i always hope u are the one to understand me... understand my problems i face at home.... but why is it someone else and not u??? just the slightest tot of u not understanding wat kind of person am i make me feel like crying.... it hurt so much.... i admit... i dun understand u too... i have tried.... but u nv seem to open urself.... how am i to understand u??? i'm always making moves.... and u seem as though u are waiting for me to do sth.... i'm tired... tired of toking... tired of thinking of topics to chat about... when i wanna know how u feel abt it.... u always change subject.... do u know ppl at the side looking at us... ask me to back off yet i keep wanting to believe in u??? did i do it the wrong way??? do u know... i'm suffocating??? do i always have to say for u to know? why cant u realise things urself??? maybe u shld know sth... i'm no good gal... neither am i the obedient kind of gal.... i wanna be myself... do i always have to be a guai guai kind of person in front of u? a slightest of vulgarity said.... do u know why i said it? cos i cant express my feeling of being stressed up by work anymore and u just gag all the way as though everything is so easy to be done......

forget it.... i'm really tired...... i'm so trying hard to enjoy myself and make myself happy... but things just pull me down.....

writtern @Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006

the followings are pictures of my "gang" in my class:::::::::

this is annkiat!!!!!! hahhaa he is trying so hard to escape from the camera lens!

ak dun get the wrong idea... i'm so trying hard to focus on kelvin......

chitung on the left and kenneth on the right... hahaha~! they actually din know i was playing with my hp... so sorry!!!!

hahaha~! anyone seen ppl fishing in the pond located near blk s??? i've seen... hahaha~! it's really nice...

left is lester... right is joseph... i dunno wat they are doing......

this is taken sometime ago... since i promised rainy to put a very very nice pic of her... i only got this... other than this are all side views.... hahaha~! and no view of cos... =X hope i chose the correct pic??

does he remind u of a character from the mavels comics????

zheng yI!!!! eating noodle!!! hahahaa~! enjoying!!!!!

The following are friends from other classes:::::::::

just making a fool of ourselves???

wah!!!! annie feeding me with such a BIG piece of pizza.... it did not go into my mouth eventually....

from left to right is : peggie, vickie, me... peggie is a frd of vickie... a nice lady... hahaha not from our sch though.....

from left to right: me, vickie, annie.... hahaha~! so far i like this neoprint.....

tennis!!! top row left to right : dunno name (sorry), JQ, me
2nd row left to right: clinton, catherine

me and keira!!! hahaha~! so long nv take pic with her already! this is the most recent pic of us together!

eh.... i must say... this is a super old pic! not tat superb either... it was took last yr... my 1st outing trip with them and oso to causeway point...

look at the jurong east library! nice?! hahhaa rickson and jasmine~ hahah... i got pics of ur buddy okay??? but nv put... cos i dun look nice in tat pic =X paiseh paiseh....

there are so many more pics... but i cant possibly put all... so yeah.... hahahaha~! i tried to choose nice pics okay?! ahhaha~! tc~! hope everyone enjoy looking at it...

writtern @Monday, July 17, 2006

stupid ppl in the past!
Sunday, July 16, 2006

ah!!!!! i'm so flared up this afternoon....

remb last few days i said electric down at my hse and got prob with aircon.... the person finally came to check today... it's not the aircon tat is spoiled... but the cable... u know... i must say the aircon person who pulled and connect the cable for this building is SO INPROFESSIONAL?! and one day the person will end up killing ppl in one whole building?!

and from the pictures above... do u understand how they do their job??? due to insufficient of cables they actually used another cable to lengthen it.... and u know wat?! they DID NOT USE A PROPER CONNECTOR!!!! in fact hey just twist and turn the cables and use a tape to taped around it... and of cos it burnt off.... the lucky fact was there was no fire... and if it had reached the aircon engine itself... it will explode causing the aircon below and above to explode too.... DO U GUYS KNOW HOW SERIOUS THIS IS?! argh!!!!! to think they are liscensed to do wiring.... i must say they shld go to jaiL! for almost killing ppl.... and causing a building to collapse.... argh!!!!!! come on man! use ur brain! if u wanna save money! u dun do it this way and causing ppl's lives! u know wat?! even though u saved money... and IF sth where to happen.... ALL UR MONEY U HAVE EARNED IS NOT EVEN ABLE TO GIVE LIVES BACK TO PPL! argh! btw the u referring to the wiring ppl... of cos i know they wun read.... !!!!! and it's was not only one wire tat do this.... it was 3 wires!!!! and tats only from the outside.... to think there are so many cables and pipes running in the house... all sealed either in the wall or up at the ceiling... how am i suppose to break all and check?! and i must say the management of this building is not even fit to be the manager..... if u are fit to do so... u shld do sth abt this! to think his or her man charge $50 for a check of the electricity and end up saying there is nth wrong.... if i were to pay money for the cables i am willing to! but money when there is nth wrong! and we PAY MAINTENANCE okay?!?!???! do the management eat up the money?!?!?!?! somemore use bbq pit oso must pay money! HEY!!!! is the maintence only for swimming pool?! even if so! it wun cost so much!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!! the wiring thing is still very sickening!!!!

f**k those workers who did the wiring upside down..... d a m n IT!!!!!!

writtern @Sunday, July 16, 2006

ha ha?
Saturday, July 15, 2006

yOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! hahha...

i skipped mech and ug today.... i must say i'm becoming more and more slack..... reason being? i'm lazy... hahhaha! argh~! i just knew tat the movie trip is postponed.... rather sad.... but it's okay~ hahha! ehm.... i had fun during lectures today.... finally i tried the western food in south canteen.... hahha i only like the corn rice... hahaha~!

today in lecture... i sit lower part of the hall... then ak at the very high end corner shouted "AUNTY!!!!!" and i turned around... it's really very funny... hahah! i'm really so used to be called aunty.... till now i go outside i will still react to it....

then went to watch movie with yy... -_-"~! so tired.... yawn all the way.. then cinema so cold.... -_-"! surround system worse than my hse's.... and got a tall guy sit infront of me.... cant see fully... but luckily he got slide down a little... ahhahah! so nice of the person.... hahha.... then.... in the cinema we were like playing arm fighting.... fight for the arm rest.... ppl who know me knows tat i NEED to use the arm rest... be it in the lect.... or watching show in cinema... hahha.... got the habit already..... hahaha.... the show was the pirates... i must say.... not bad only... not my type of show... but i like the sea... aahaha! pretty? and wat attracts me the most other than the fighting was their english..... hahhaa! so much so tat i wished i can speak in such slang.... ahaha! then towards the end papa called... so i rushed outside.... reach outside already hang my phone... so i tot since i'm already out might as well visit the loo.... -_-"~! hahaa! the blue sensor at the tap.... so beautiful.... hahhaa! then i go back... captain sparrow got eaten by the huge ugly looking creature..... the enormous octo.... hhahah! then watch abit further the part 1 bad guy turn up.. and it ends over there... how..... "nice".... agree? hahahah! looking forward to the 3rd show... and their english once again... guess tats all for today....

lately.. i tot i would feel better... but tat was only for less than half a day... after talks and talks again and again with buddies.... my stand is shaken.... and i feel so down.... tok oso very no mood... then like no voice... no energy.... the moment i'm in silence.... i feel like crying for nuts? sigh~!... tats why i keep listening to radio..... hoping tat it draws my attention..... pls... speak of ur mind... cos u make me feel so dumb.... a fool waiting for winter to arrive in singapore.... tats how i feel.....

writtern @Saturday, July 15, 2006

my day.... bad...
Thursday, July 13, 2006

argh!!! sth so so very bad happen to my house ytd..... -_-"~! wanna cry but dunnno who to turn to.... then i spend so many hours at night trying to fix the net and oso in the morning today.... so so pain in my heart.... plus i got so much to blog about ytd and now i forgot about it completely..

ytd was chatting with vickie and oso she accompanied me for tuition today... she really helped me alot in all ways.... and at the same time she gave me choices tat i nv tot of ...... but it also shakes my feeling.... making me feel so low and sad... wanna cry.... luckily got waileong to quarrel with me and play along inorder for me to feel much much better!!!!!! hahahaha...... thank you guys....

so many tat i wanna say but i'm so tired at the same time.... so... i guess i will just stop over here.... haha mean while i will try my best in everything.

writtern @Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

YEAH!!! my pencil case is saved by vickie!!! all thanx to her! hahhaa! i played tennis today.....

initially i was raining.... but it stopped! thank you sky!!! lame~ hahhaa! my skills really dropped.... fed up? very... but when i think of wat vickie and annie tell me.... i could at least be happy for now... cos i tot "nvm... i start from the scratch again..." hahaha! while we played singles.... i won!!! BY PURE LUCK i tell u... -_-"! keep on sudden death... i will be dead by the sudden death man! hahaa~! overall i enjoyed.....

now i'm eating instant noodle.... hahaha! haven finish my report... and thursday is drawing near... guess i have to finish it by tml no matter wat... hahah! i guess tats al for today....

thanks for everything ...... thank who? dunno.... i really wanna run away from home... teach me how?

writtern @Tuesday, July 11, 2006

argh! my pencil case!!!!

my poor pencil case is trapped in the cold and dark labortary!!!!!! who's fault is this?!??!! it's the owner... who is the owner?! it IS NOT OTHER THAN MMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!!!!! hahaha! i miss my pencil case........... come back to me.............. pls!!!!!!! cleaner aunty or uncle!!! pls dun throw my pencil case away!!!!! pls allow the c1 friends of mine to take it for me!!!!! argh!!!! my so much money invested in my pencil case!!!!!!! my investment will all be gone! my sources of energy!!!!! the tools tat helped me score As!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Bottom line is : i'm crazy...

writtern @Tuesday, July 11, 2006

clearing my room~!
Saturday, July 08, 2006


haaha~! was clearing my room today.... haven clear finish.... i cleared out almost half of my clothings.... seee!!!! so many clothes clear off... clear off all those considered aunty clothings... hahaha! so tiring.... and was sweaty like crazy.... then took quick shower... came out from bathroom... not more than 15 mins sweat again............. hahaha~! wat a hot weather!

then dinner went to FJ to eat in united square.... hahaha.... bought the food from the soup stall... i ate sliced fish rice... mama ate bittergourd pork rib rice..... then we order a water cress soup(dunno how to spell).... since she cant eat chicken as she is sick.... reminder to all ppl.... dun ever eat chicken when u are sick.... cos it will just ate on to ur sickness... it is the truth! not becos of bird flu okay?! hahaha.... ehm... since there is only 2 ppl at home... so decided not to cook... cos it will just be a waste of time and food.... so we go out eat better.. hahaha.... dunno why i have headache for 2 days in a row already... haha it's killing me... hahaha... plus.... i have a pimple on my face!!!!!!!!!!! argh!!! i so wanna get rid of it!!!!!! ugly le.... go out very .... weird feeling... hahaha! now i know how the others find it irritating... hahhaa! but no worries... 1 week later hopefully it will go off... hahaa.... was rather bored the whole day.... wanna play ps2... but do report from 7 till just now... was like... mind blank... dunno wat to type.... still got one portion haven fill up... -_-"~! hopefully it will be done by tuesday... hahaha!

i guess tats all for tonight........... seriously.............. duno why i kinda happy tonight... is it becos of wat u said????? please.... dun mislead me again..... and dun give me high hopes cos i dun wanna fall hard again.....

writtern @Saturday, July 08, 2006

watever for????
Friday, July 07, 2006

halo..... so tired.... hahaha.....

starting with ytd.... wat did i do??? i dun quite remb in details.... roughly... ehm.. ytd rained heavily in the morning so i was late for school... and i wear a not so short short pants and a tshirt.... rainy told ak and ak told me tat she said i look weird... hahaha~! aunty looking??? i tot it look quite normal and okay..... but nvm it's okay... i dun and wun take it into heart... let's just say it's sth i have heard almost everyday of my life..... till now even if i go out ppl shout "aunty!" it just automatically comes to me tat i'm the one and i had to turn around..... maybe it's a global recognition... hahaaa~! the whole world thinks tat i'm aunty... by name~ hahhaa!!!!! then had a long day..... and went to library to find jie ying and her tutee.... hahhaa.... really enjoy tuitioning and stuff liddat.... why? who knows? hahaha~! after tat i actually wanted to go out with yy to buy stuff but end up din go cos i was already half dead.... brain not able to function... plus my tutee he himself isnt feeling well... hahhaa~! tats all about ytd? oh ya! i watched flightplan!!!! again is the word!!! hahhaa! tell me!!! why am i so into this show??? maybe i just love the plane so so much? hahaha!!!

well for today.....peifen said i wear until very weird!!!! in wat sense??!?!??!! i tot i look quite okay today... -_-"~! just tat the shoes were kinda off.... hahhaa~!

got back mechanics and automatic control's result already... it's both A hahaha! when i was joking with my class today i said "pass can already" then ask say "no lor! if u were to get C ur face will definitely be long!" and i replied "YEAH! it makes sense!" hahaha... no denial.... in academic... A still seems to be so so extremely important to me.... if i were to get B+ i want and A if i get C i would want a B.... it's always tat concept... and all those "if only...(s)" will all pop up.... hahaha~! natural words i guess??? joked alot today... well my tutee got D for his math.... wat can i say? i din teach much???? hahha.... i really din teach much..... tats the truth and the qns he asked me i almost couldnt answer most of them.... so.... i'm really quite affected by the D he gets.... -_-"!!!! hahhaa.... ehm... went to fan fan's MINI concert.... hahaha~! i saw many of my frds... and i was an attention seeker for this short period.... i wanted them to see me so i could wave to them and say halo... hahhaa! well i saw banny and weixin... it has been ages ever since i catch up with wei xin! how the hell have u been ?!?!?!?! so long nv fight naruto with u already... i'm sure to lack back... hahhaa! wat to say...... well weixin said shi fu(des) was there too... hahah and when they tok on the fone... i was like snatching the fone from weixin and say "hey! desmond!!! how have u been man?! missed u so much!" and he replied "really?!" hahaa... of cos i do miss hiM!!!!! jokes and funs... to think i nv tok to him during secondary school days... -_-"~!~!!~

oh well.. the concert??? fan fan was... eh... she sat on the wheel chair... some ppl at the back was like "hey~ she look like xu chun mei!!" yeah!!!! if she goes any skinnier she will look like her for some reasons... no offence! hahhaa.... her voice is clear... it was nice... plus the mic was nice... if not it wun sound good either... hahaha! the so called DJ was rather.... dunno wat to say???? hahahah.... but he was alright... hahaha... funny things happened in the auditorium... but it was meant to be jokes.... hhhaa so yeah i had fun.....

followed by a sad parting with keira.... and leaving with annie, vickie and me going to dinner at bishan... hahhaa~! fickle minded gals we are trying to decide where to eat... hahaha! i wanted to buy thick thick hair bands!!! but dun have... why am i so obsessed with it? thanx to annie and vickie... hahhaa~! but the obsession will soon be gone... trust in me in this... i'm very sure... hahhaa~! so tired today... wanted to slp in J8....hahha~! becos of all the beds over there... =X then when i go home today..... i pressed the green man button.. then i press so many times and tot "eh? spoiled???" then i look up... the green man was flashing already... so so blur!!!!! argh!!!! so i walked ..... looking at the sky at the same time.... it's so beautiful...... so pretty... and so breezing.... how nice it would be if u have ur friends with u to look at it.... hahhaa calms me down sometimes i guess.....

today overall was a fun day with my frds... i wanna thank vickie to be so frank with me all the time.... it's like a dunno how to say? cos it's like... i nv tot i could really be a gd frd listening to ppl toking and not always others listening to me speak..... hahhaaha! at least i know i'm not alone now... and today.... we din contact much..... he shld of cut off..... and my hp was dying..... sigh~! so tired already.... hope i can just lean against someone and sigh~ hahahaa... i'm still caught in somewhere off.... -_-"~! lead me?

writtern @Friday, July 07, 2006

past few days and today
Thursday, July 06, 2006

have been thinking quite alot lately....

1stly... ytd went out with mama and kor to watch superman... then took neoprint... then at night dinner with papa and his frd and kor kor... my family life dun look as "perfect" as other sees u know...wanna tell others... wana share.... wanna lighten my pressure.... but i cant do it infront of my mama... and even when i try to tell my buddies... they will just shut my mouth by saying "hahaha funny har? dun bluff" was it tat i lied too many times? or ppl just simply see me as how i am from the appearance????

putting tat aside.... today rainy din come to sch!!! why?! i figured she must have overslept..... hahaa... so i smsed... then she ask me abt her results... and sam ak james and i sorta gang up to trick her abt her results..... well... sorry for the trick thingy.... hahaha! but she din reply me after tat maybe was over-shocked??? so so so sorry!!!!! ahhaa..... kinda miss her le! one day no see her smiling face....

then today... was suppose to go "dancing" with yy..... but guess wat?! i din wanna go... and vickie and annie wanted to eat pizza.... from the surface it may seem as though they pulled me... but the real fact was.... they pulled me!!! and i din wanna go! so it was 2 way thing,... hahaha... sorry yy for abandoning u... hahaha~! then he called me just to tell me how tasty the german cuisine was.... trying to tempt me??? tell u wat... it did not work!!! hahaha~!~!~!` but thanx for the offer... i promise i will go the next time round... hahaha! i finally saw someone i wanted to see... hahaha i guess only banny and yy know wat i'm saying... hahaha! she look cute i must say.... hahhaa... feeling abit demoralising... but it's okay! no idea why.... but i chose to be with my frds and have fun with them instead of dancing... but i gain sth i really wanted tonight... hahaha! i must say... thank you to everyone! hahaa.... anywayx... i wanna cut my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! desperately!!!!!! hahaha.... i wanna have a better hairstyle..... and oso have nicer clothes!!!! no idea why... but i'm like struggling so hard not to lack back at the trends and oso not to be an aunty forever.... this may sound crazy as... ppl call me aunty for fun... but i'm like thinking tat i'm more and more aunty like... so i wanna get out of this life... and i'm going to! hahaha... but of cos i wun wanna apply any funny things on my face... spoil my skin only... =X

seriously and honestly.... i hate to leave u behind cos i know the feeling today.... wanna say sorry... and thanx for giving me a feeling tat u really need me as a frd... u may not speak to me all the time... but i want u to know i'm willing to listen.... hahha.... is it okay if i ask u to stay by my side from this moment on too??? pretty difficult huh? cos everyone seems to need u.... thanx for ur care and concern everytime.... and pls continue doing so... cos it encourages me a ton... heex.... and i tot u wun know wat i was looking just now... but u could actually say it out... really surprising... and also thanx for "revenging" wat i do everytime..... cos it let me feels tat i can stay close to u.... no matter as relationship or not... i just wanna treasure the frdship i have with u from now on.... becos i know from now... i really cant let go.....

writtern @Thursday, July 06, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

yO~! my monday!!!! once again back to the school life! hahahaha~! wasnt late for school today!!!! tats a good start u know? hahhaa~!.... had lotsa fun chats with my frds today.... but i din joined my classmates for lunch... reason being i was lazy to walk out and i had somethings i wanted to tell vickie and annie... hahhaa~! sorry k?! hahhaa...

anywayx.... today.... i dun feel very happy.... when i think of my problems.... but when i throw it aside and enjoy... i do feel happY~! hahhaa~! school is fun!!!! hahaha... especially i have great friends around me! heehee.... how i wish this will go on and on forever.... and with no exams coming! but NO!!!!!! exams are just like 1 month later and i haven do my marketing report which is due next week! ARGH~!~!~ i will do it this weekend! i WILL! hahaha....

i realised.... he dun like me... he really dun~!~!~!~!~~ argh!!!!! duno... -_-"! i'm going crazy lately becos of him... hahaa... nvm.... i'm willing to wait... i will do so..... until one day he say "i dun.............. in tat sense......" hahhahaa~! okok... tats all... oh yah~!

funny things happened today..... rainy played a game... cute game.... then i played daytona using manual... and i only use the gear for 2 times... then dunno who... kenneth or kelvin helped me once... then after tat they suggested i use brake... and i got 12th! hahhaa... miracles do happen! then.... tats all for today... hahaha!!!!! bye bye....

i'm having hard times sometimes.. and i wished u were there... but u were nv there.... know why? cos u treat everyone very nice... and u think ur responsibility is to bring happiness to everyone.... try changing... will u? not for me... but for urself... cos i can see others take u for granted.....

writtern @Monday, July 03, 2006

my sunday~!
Sunday, July 02, 2006

my sunday~! hahaha... i woke up around 12.40pm.... bathe.... and helped mama mop the floor.... followed by playing 1 hr of kh..... then went out to bugis with mama.... hahhaa~!

we went to the temple then went to go shopping~ i bought 3 short pants... a earring... and a belt... ahahaha~! the belt dun look nice but it's just to match one of the short pants... hahha~! 2 of it the sizes are okay... 1 is abit too tight.... looks like i have go on a diet le... hahhaa~! this morning when i weigh myself... go down 1 kg le... i try to control wat i eat and how many times i eat now... like eat 2 times a day.... then after 11pm dun touch any food... then if eat snacks... oso eat seaweed only... -_-"~! why am i torturing myself? dunnno~~!~!!~ maybe becos i have nth better to do... hahahha~! oh yeah~! and the earring i bought today was mickey again! but it's blue in colour... to think a blue and a green on my ears... looks like yuna's eyes.... blue and green... hahahhahaa~! cool? nah~ maybe on her it is cool... but on me maybe not! but it's okay!

somehow.... my eyes had lied to me... i tot the movie pirates of the carribean: the curse of the black pearl was today... but i was wrong... it's next sunday!!!! argh!!!!! really going mad soon.... hahahaa~! think later i go polish my nail.... since my nail is long already... i dun always keep long nails... just so happened tat the past 2 weeks i was "busy" studying.... tats why i din bother to cut it....

once again night class tml.... hahaha~! sort of looking forward to it.. why? cos i get to spend long hrs of break with my classmates.... speaking of which..... -_-"~! i haven pack my bag for tml... shall do it later...... haaahaha~! i wanna watch movie.... or rather i wanna have a movie marathon... movie after movie .... ahhah~! tat must be cool... but of cos tiring it will be! heehee~~~ tc!

writtern @Sunday, July 02, 2006

my day!
Saturday, July 01, 2006

today.. i went out with mama and kor kor... ate indonesian food.... then watch silent hill.... not a very nice shoe but a nice story... hahaah~! the aunty wanted me to show her my ic! hehehe.... hahha~! eh.... dunno wat to write le.... stop here..

i still feel so.... pushed down by u... tell me why? dun say it if u dun like it.... cos it hurts me more... i wanna find things to occupy myself.... drown me bah~! hahhaa~! argh!!!!!!!! i dun want anything anymore!!!!! just give me back a life!!!!!!!kaqfhoeqihrZ)(~*#)(~&#)(*~HDIDNHOI~HE)*~Y)~@*Hpnxpiiye0HOIHDYE)*nxiHOIYD

writtern @Saturday, July 01, 2006