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the end of common test!
Friday, June 30, 2006

yO~! today's last paper was automatic control.... it was a disaster!!! hahaha~! there is quite a no. of thing i dunno how to do... ahaaha~! but it's okay~!~!~!~ after test!!!! actually my class wanted to go out to celebrate jos's birthday... in the end nv go~ then i went out with vickie annie... then walk to mrt with them and oso junlong and keira.... at the mrt station we met the other C1 ppl... hahaha~! then our destination is around orchard area.... but then we alight earlier... hahaha~! lolx~!

vickie and annie and i... went to sasa to shop..... vickie bought her stuff... then we went to walk around.... hahaha~! so 2pm we went to the cneter tank to meet vickie's frd.... becos of my absence in vickie's bbq, i dunno her frd... so now i know... hahaha~! a fun loving person... we have same taste in same of the stuff... like ice cream~! belgium with dark chocolate!!!! IT'S SUPERB!!!! hahaha~! so many ppl see already will say "EW!!!" but do u know... behind the bitterness it lies sweetness! hahahaha~! oh well... i bought a earring... so ex..... abit regretted... but nvm... -_-"~! wat else... i bought 3 clips... mickey mouse!!!! rainy bought it once... but i saw it today! hahahah~! so so so love it... it's so so so cute... i guess it's becos of KH... i've been looking out for the crown shape ring and oso the keychain... but all tat i've saw are all complicated so it's obviously not from KH... hahaha~! ehm.... hahaha~! so fun today... took neoprint too... relunctant to do so initially... but in the end i tot..... i dun go out so often with friends... so why not just take it once in a while... hahaha~! oh well... i guess tats all about today....

yesterday~! played tennis~! guess wat?! hahaha~! skilled deproved! plus!!!! my steps are all mixed uP! but it's okay~! at least my forehand is still there.... except for backhand... so so so lazy to move one step forward to hit a nice stroke... so lazy... felt like whacking my leg with the racket... hahah~! lolx~! so funny... if play tennis i always wanted to play nicely... at least not to make stupid mistakes... hahaha~! but it's okay.... at least i had fun... tats the most important point of all when u are doing sports... infact when u are doing anything at alL~! hahaha~! and i took pics and videos~! so it's so very obvious tat steps and everything is wrong... my serve?! hahahah~! surprisely 1st time it went over... after tat... sucks! throw of rac is okay... but! it's always the height of the ball i toss... nvm~! i'll try to work on it the last time.... hahaah~! lolx!!!! i guess tats all for ytd.... hahaha~!

and as for now! hahahaha~! ....... nth much...... dang~! hahahaha~! know how i feel??? i feel so.... happy~! and yet unstable at the same time!!!! hahhaa.... i guess i will really have to find the chance..... it's always a either a positive or negative ans..... i guess.... i'm ready to know the ans .... maybe.... maybe not~~ hahaha~! tc!!!!

writtern @Friday, June 30, 2006

my tiny happiness....
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

my tiny little happiness is brewing i guess... hahaha~!

1stly... i had mis on monday... math and mechanics on tuesday.... when i told my frds "how come i can teach others and yet getting the wrong answers or not knowing how to do during the test?" everyone was like "who are u trying to cheat?" hahaha~! why.... is tat so??? cos they say in the end i will get high marks..... seriously and honestly... who dun wanna get high marks? i oso want~ hahah but the thing is.... once i was over confidence..... and then i slacked too much to the extend tat i really.... dunno wat to say... hahaha~! i know i did not do well... i know it so well becos i'm the one doing my paper.... at least.... dun try to make me feel even said by saying dun lie... becos i dun lie... and why would i wanna lie to my friends??? lolx.... sigh~ dunno wat to say............... hahhaa~ but it's okay! i still love them! hahaha....

haven been feeling very well since last night till now.... and haha.... funny stuffs happened today.... so many phone calls .... thank you i must say.... really loved chatting on the phone with him.... it's like my tiny happiness within me brewing and yet knowing tat nth will happen... DANG! hahahaha~! but it's okay~ at least i was happy for like a few minutes? plus having fun loving frds around me to add more words... hahaha~! vickie and keira was like acting me.... and him.... then annie was like saying "repeat after me.... i.... l.... o..... v.... e..." then blah blah blah~! hahaha~! and i stopped at the v when i tot sth wasnt right... hahaha! anywayx... if the "him" happen to be reading this entry.... they are just teasing and joking... so they dun mean bad ways... ahahah~ so yeah... lolx!!!!! how to say.... there is so many things i wanna say but yet i'm afraid of the negatives.... thus i held back..... sigh~! how i wish i'm able and strong enough to say and face the reality... lolx~! but it's okay! i'll still try my best to work on it! lolx....

life is seriously unbearable sometimes... but i'm glad to see you.... still missing u... and thinking of u..... why?! ask urself??????? hahhaah~!

lastly! good luck to everyone having tests!!!!!!

writtern @Wednesday, June 28, 2006

my friday~!~!~!~!
Friday, June 23, 2006

yO~! my friday is fruitful i must say although study is still a zero... hahaha~! reached so super late becos of the "flood" at novena... it's crazy alright?! whle feet is scaked in water... but so many thank to ak for waiting for me and also helping to configure the net thingy... hahaha~! know wat... both of us did not study much today.... he was like playing game for abt 1hr+ and i was trying to get the MIS formula into my head.. hahaha... after tat i play a little game... and i dunno wat he was doing... hahaha~! then we watched show!~ hahaha~! all the way till rickson and vickie and aniie came~ when vickie came.... vickie joined us watching the series.... and i realised sth.... u must really watch funny shows with ur frds or at least dun watch it urself... becos i realised sharing shows and laughter is a very great thing... cos laugh together... then can oso discuss together... hahaha~! after ak left.... vickie came to sit beside me.... we watch for like 1 hr then go eat lunch after tat jasmine came and vickie and i begin to watch the show again for abt 30mins then i so called force her to study... if not we really will watch until 20+ esp... hahaha~! then study study study.... until 7+++

during the "studying period" i tried to teach rickson and jasmine as much as i can and oso as much as they want help.... hahhaa... i hope the both of them understands my explanation.... then jasmine asked me a qns "aunty have u tot of giving tuition and earn money?" then i say "got... but dun want.... i teach ppl i feel like my life is shorten by half" hahaha... no doubt... tat wasnt a lie... but tat depends on who i teach... if the "tutee" is quick in learning and fun loving i will not feel tat way... and in fact i do enjoy teaching very very much... but the most important thing is.... i can only teach the math and mechanics tat i have learnt so far... if tok abt sec sch stuff... i have already forget almost all of it... hahah~! pss pss... btw... i just clean my laptop... feel so "clean and comfy" to type on it... haahha!~!

then today at 7+ kana bluff by my frd!!! say dunno how to play do math...... argh!!!!! but nvm... at least i get a nice chat with him.... hahaha~! haven chat with him in person for quite some time already... and i have return him is pen already... hahaa~! i must admit... i still prefer using medium pen and not fine... hahhaa~! cos it's faster... although it may look ugly... hahahah! anywayx.... i'm gonna stop playing games for now... at least till monday... hahaha~! must rush abit for MIS... lolx... and math... somehow i'm still not comfortable with math.... as for mechanics... i believe i've revised enough already... but no harm trying more sums! hahahah~! to improve!!!!wooH~! hahah~!

i realised sth very very impt today.... although i may feel down or abit moody... the moment you crap along with me or cracks a joke... be it lame or not... it really do brighten up my day.... thanx.... and continue doing so! =X

writtern @Friday, June 23, 2006

so tired....
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

so tired.... -_-"~! study all day.... wanna die le hahaha.... today i tot will be fun day cos actually going out with frd... but in the end nv go.... hai... so sad... wanna cry le... wait so long... but nvm lar.... sigh~! if other ppl put me plane.... i wun feel so sad oso... i wonder why..... sigh.................................................................... i realised i really enjoy teaching others... provided they dun ask me funny qns... hahaha~! like i teach ak.... some ppl from c1... my tutee.... hahaha.... fun loving ppl.... although i think ah bing from c1 until i wanna puke.... but we really wanna him to do well and my 100% of attention to it... but i know he is trying very hard... hahaha~!~!~!

argh............................................ type wat oso no use... really no mood............ do u know how much i hate to be left alone????? do u even know how i feel????? to be on a look out on others too much made ppl say i'm a nuisance.... but not to be on a look out ppl say i dun care.... wat am i suppose to do????? i need you to help me and understand me.... but yet i saw things tat made my imagination run wild.....

writtern @Wednesday, June 21, 2006

study... not enough time...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

yo~! hahaha.... study study study... speed so slow.... hahaa so i guess there may not be enough time since i have 5 papers to take... argh~! hahah~! stayed at home ytd so i tried studying MIS... 1st 3 chpts and i'm down.... hahah~! last night play kh... for so long and i forgot to save.... had to replay it... tats so... dumb of me~!~!~! lolx

well today... had a heavy breakfast again.... then teach ak 3 more methods... now he left with 2 methods~~ hurray~!~! hahaha... i asked him to go home do qns... so eventually i oso have to do so i can double check with him.. ahah~! met up with rainy around 1pm at yck mrt... when i was walking there i saw soon kwee... wanted to wave but he wasnt looking at my direction so forget it... hahha~! anywayx.... went to bugis.... we ate at food court.... she had sliced bee hoon soup... wanted to have it but was still quite full so i had ice cheng teng instead to cool down... since i have been eating heaty food lately... after tat we go walk walk walk walk walk.... oh~ found her ear stick.... then we ate ice cream.... hahah~! after eating ice cream we went to OG.... i bought seaweed~! YEAH!!!! hahhaa~! korean seaweed is the best!!!!!! hahaha~! and we took a stroll around the toy section.... hahah~! i video down funny and cute characters.... show my frds in sch if i have the chance... lolx~! then.... we went back to bugis to walk... argh~! i saw a shirt i like but no money buy... so tahan.... then i saw a pink panther's cap... although i dun look gd on it... dunno why i like it... hahaha no discount so i nv buy.... plus i wanted a mickey mouse's one instead.... hahha~!~!~!~!~! following on... i went to cold storage??? hahhaa..... aunty shopping time... buy things to cook for dinner..... den go home... we sit till raffles place and change to marina bay... then all the way up to novena .... walk home half dead already... hahah~!~!

tats all i think for today.. hope tml i will study even more... i must be motivated by now.... by why no feeling of it? die..... i'm so gonna fail.......................... T_T

writtern @Wednesday, June 14, 2006

1st day of the break~!
Monday, June 12, 2006

yo~~!~!~ really must try using the tiny font... or everything will look gigantic!!! hahaha~!

today is monday... woke up at 6.30 to meet ak in sch.... FJ is closed!~!~! argh!!! so sad.... so went to mac's ... hahah had a considerably heavy breakfast... actually tot of skipping lunch.... hahah but i did eat abt 4+... hahah~! just feeling biting sth... hahah~! anywayx started with integration by parts... the normal way.... tabular form.... and the dunno wat special one... hahaha~! so yeah.... lolx.... after tat ak went off..... then i waited for 1 hr plus for my tutee to come... teach him from like 12.45 till 4pm.. hahaha~! considered long... argh~! dunno why so tired.... if he can do his ownself for 30mins and let me slp... i will feel so happY~! hahahha! so tired... dunno why.... almost over slept in the mrt... so funny... then when i open my eyes... "novena!" then i quickly rush out... hahaha~! to think tat i ate gecko's... going home i saw spagetti... i felt like pucking... hahah~! luckily when i open the other pot... i saw porridge... hahah~! so nice.... lolx... later play kingdom hearts....

i rendu/kangen sama soto ayam..... mie ayam..... pempek..... martabak manis..... ayam bakar..... wah..... bagaimana nich.... mampus dich gue.... T_T

writtern @Monday, June 12, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

trying to use a small font... see if there is any difference... plus trying not to put any title... hahaha~! wanna see wats the outcome... =X hahaha~!

ytd... which is a saturday was okay... back to my till 1pm slp... hahaha~! woke up take a shower... and helped mama mop floor... then played game till like 5+ then mama called me... ask me wanna go bugis find her or not... then we so shopping... argh~!~! my mom lost weight till 53kg.... argh!!!!!! and her pants are all so lose now... tats why she need to buy new pants and shirts..... -_-"~! and i only bought one.... diao~! saw a short pants tat i like very much... but... DUN HAVE MY SIZE!!! looks like... i need to cut down on my weight... ahhaha~! thinking of ytd's outing... makes me feel kinda sour.... hahhaa....

today... went to little india to eat... lolx~! then go home... -_-"! how short... and it's raining so heavily... hahaha~! and i did not bring my hp out cos i was thinking no one will sms/call me anywayx... hahhaa... argh~!~!~ i feeling so..... crazy... -_-"~! hahahah~! shall stop here... nth much to say oso....

writtern @Sunday, June 11, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

today is friday... was a normal day i guess? lolx... lectures are mostly revisions.... and i din know today's automatic control's lecture was cancelled... so i brought the bk... and thus my bag was super duper heavy... and i had to drag it to sim lim sq... hahaha~! ate alot today as usual... oh yeah had UG test today.... hahaha wat to say??? at the last 30mins i realised how to do it... "bomb" the lines.... tats wat i know... hahahah~! if the test was 2hrs... maybe i would have finish doing it... hahaha~! but it's okay i know i've tried my best(hopefully).... lolx~!

went to bugis area.... bought a male's shirt... looks cooL~ if no one wants it... it's MINE!!! hahahha~! -_-"~! actually i saw a shirt earlier tat i like... but my frd wanted it so... let him buy~ i find other pattern..... hahaha~ wanted to buy a wallet.... found one i like... the price was $99... got a shocked~! no brand and it's so ex... but the quality of the wallet was very very good... hahaha~! oh yeah.... i saw this ice cream imported from japan... hahah and the ice-cream man turn tat machine... so cute... hahah~! not tat guy tat is cute but the machine! hahhaha~! got green brown and white colour spirals.... u will feel so dizzy when u stare at it for long... hahaha~!

so... went home.... and i walked around in united sq for 5 mins then i call back home to see if anyone wants to buy anything... guess wat... i lost my key few days ago... and no one was at home~! hahahha! i called mama... and mama ask me to walk ard in united sq 1st...then i walked to fj to order cheng teng and then sit down eat and flip my math txt bk at the same time... after 30 mins mama call me say stay there abit longer... reach home already will call me... so i went up toe toy r us... lolx~! after a while mama called already... so i went home... hahah~! so tired.... so so so so tired....haahha~!

things happened lately... dunno wat to say.... even though my frds told me not to say sorry or bring it up again... but i feel like saying it abit... more... 1st i would like to thank ak for hearing me out almost all of the time.... sorry to rainy for tagging things tat are unpleasant.... sorry to sam for not incosiderate enough tat i used stupid nicks.... and thanx to peifen and banny and yuan yik for giving me advises and listening to me.... especially to peifen who told me many things and knocked lotsa sense into my brain.... hahaa~! so far i dun think my mood has taken controlled over me... it's more like... i chose to avoid.... avoidance is always the worse choice in everything.... i chose to do wat i want and not considering about how others will think.... selfish and conceited i am.... making frds has nv been easy for me since young.... and thus closing up myself ppl dun understand me and i dun understand others..... oh yah... wanna say sorry to ak for today.... kinda.... smsed u sth tat dun sound very pleasant.... to me i think it's bad... some ppl make think/say happy and be happy... and some ppl cant... same concept goes to others... some ppl make act nth happened... some ppl make not act out.... but no matter wat... acting up is just a cover up... being ur ownself is always the most important fact cos i believe... even though u be urself and conflicts occur... but the aftermath of the conflict is always very good... why good??? becos u learn.... u gain experience... thus knowing ur wrong... bondings between frds/classmates/enemies will always get stronger each day..... ppl may not agree with wat i think... ppl may not understand how i feel... but tat's okay....

once again~! it's the study week again~! 2 wks this time round... more time for revision!! hahaa... hopefully everything gets into my head.... lolx...

writtern @Friday, June 09, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

YOOOOO!!!! wow... 2 entries.... i din know tat.... sorry about that... okay~! wats so nice about today....

woke up at 9.30 get ready and go to somerset mrt station to meet ak and rainy..... rainy sms-ed me saying she will be late... and about 5 mins later ak arrived..... i wasnt looking out for them cos i know i was so so so early.... hahaha~! but he walked pass me and i was thinking"where is he going?!" hahahaha~! then he back tracked.... -_-"~! oh well... we waited and waited while ak exploring my hp.... hahahh~! it's almost like his hp and not mine.... dotx~! so when raining came... we decided to video her cos she came late... hahaha~! anywayx... we went to heeren after tat... bought some presents... and we are stuck there becos of the heavy rain.... ak decided to use TODAY... rainy and i used umbrella~ hahahah~!

then we met james kelvin and sam at cineleisure... hahaha~! kelvin wore so smartly... and joseph came late cos of his 1hr bus waiting... hahaha so we went to eat at food court then played pool... hahaa~! no idea why... i just cannot make it in pool... those who teamed with me all got pulled down by me~! ho ho ho~~~ but they got guide me along... hahaha! so it was quite fun.... then we watched the omen... wanna know the story??? go watch it urself... hahaha~!

after tat rainy left... so we went up to lvl9 but we realised the bowling was gone~! so we walked to ps then go home le.... hahaha~! then i went to united square to buy subway.... wah lao! was a female serving me... then become a guy.. the guy give so little lar... then dirty the paper with the sauce... -_-"~! felt so angry becos of tat.... then i must use the paper to hold the bread liao.... hahahha~! then i went home.... so tired... tmml got sch.... feel so.... TIRED! but i guess tml will be a good day too!!!

writtern @Tuesday, June 06, 2006


halO~! hahha~!.... i have no idea why the font is getting bigger and smaller by itself... -_-"~! my blog is as crazy as it's owner.... tat i admit... hahahaha~!

today is monday... and yes~ started off with me walking to school from mrt... and i was looking at the floor while walking and when i raised my head... POP! rainy is infront of me again~ hahaha~! the 1st was last friday... hahah~! and once again i tried to catch up with her... wOoH~! lolx... then it's math tutorial.... let's just say i'm totally lost..... and eg2125 oso known as MIS.... i have no idea wat it's talking abt either... hahahah~! then break... then mooi yan's lesson... hahaha~! the most relaxing one.... then MIS again... so cold over there... and it's make up lesson.... blah blah blah~!

during make up lesson i was saying "yo whats up?!" then dunno why ak and sam say whats up oso... -_-"! after tat we had automatic control's test... and the teacher said "choose ur partner carefully" hahhaa and rainy turned ard and say "diana thank you" hahhaha~! so funny... lolx... i tried my best to do.. hope teacher nv penalised us.... hahahah~! then we went home at around 10pm.... today ak kenneth and i went off 1st cos kinda late... hahaha.... and was in the train with ak... argh~! we caught up with the train though... 1min.... and we took less than tat to board the train plus ak topping up his card... wooH~! he almost got "gi-up" by the door... hahahah~! so funny...

then i got home.... same prob again... i getting sick and tired of the same problem... sigh... i dun seem to be catching enough breath when i'm at home.... and i shld have had an arguement with someone over the net about studying... look! if u are not interested... then dun come!!!! no point wasting my time on ppl who is not interested, not even one bit! sigh...

really wish i can lean on someone's back or shoulder... i feel so pressured.... suppressed by unseen forces.... hahhaa~! but i'm still gonna try my best! not giving up!

writtern @Tuesday, June 06, 2006


halO~! hahha~!.... i have no idea why the font is getting bigger and smaller by itself... -_-"~! my blog is as crazy as it's owner.... tat i admit... hahahaha~!

today is monday... and yes~ started off with me walking to school from mrt... and i was looking at the floor while walking and when i raised my head... POP! rainy is infront of me again~ hahaha~! the 1st was last friday... hahah~! and once again i tried to catch up with her... wOoH~! lolx... then it's math tutorial.... let's just say i'm totally lost..... and eg2125 oso known as MIS.... i have no idea wat it's talking abt either... hahahah~! then break... then mooi yan's lesson... hahaha~! the most relaxing one.... then MIS again... so cold over there... and it's make up lesson.... blah blah blah~!

during make up lesson i was saying "yo whats up?!" then dunno why ak and sam say whats up oso... -_-"! after tat we had automatic control's test... and the teacher said "choose ur partner carefully" hahhaa and rainy turned ard and say "diana thank you" hahhaha~! so funny... lolx... i tried my best to do.. hope teacher nv penalised us.... hahahah~! then we went home at around 10pm.... today ak kenneth and i went off 1st cos kinda late... hahaha.... and was in the train with ak... argh~! we caught up with the train though... 1min.... and we took less than tat to board the train plus ak topping up his card... wooH~! he almost got "gi-up" by the door... hahahah~! so funny...

then i got home.... same prob again... i getting sick and tired of the same problem... sigh... i dun seem to be catching enough breath when i'm at home.... and i shld have had an arguement with someone over the net about studying... look! if u are not interested... then dun come!!!! no point wasting my time on ppl who is not interested, not even one bit! sigh...

really wish i can lean on someone's back or shoulder... i feel so pressured.... suppressed by unseen forces.... hahhaa~! but i'm still gonna try my best! not giving up!

writtern @Tuesday, June 06, 2006

my sunday~
Sunday, June 04, 2006

my sunday isnt really good... neither is it very bad.... lolx~!

waking up at 11am+ and i din wanna get out of bed... so i tried to get back to slp but couldnt as my kor kor came into the room and watch dvd..... cantonese... i dun understand.... so it was like blah blah blah.... and i learn one sentence today.. eh... the sentence was "do u remember?" hahaha~! then.... bathe at 1+ when out..... watch x-men3.... wat to say.... i din watch one and two and i watch 3... so it's super blur~ but forget it...for all i know they wants to destroy magneto... hahaha~! and jean look so OLD!!!! isnt she suppose to be young looking...???? lolx... okay... then liddat lor..... this trip wasnt a very happy one.... i only enjoyed during watching movie time... other than tat it was like... mind torturing.... but anywayx... i pulled it over.... the good bye wasnt a pleasant one... no matter how much i hate.... i cant deny the facts..... sigh~! hahaha~!

tml have automatic control's lab test... hope everything will be smooth sailing~ hope i will pass with flying colours..... having a just pass just doesnt seem to be enough for me....... hahaha~! i'm so greedy i know~~~~ hahaha.... oh yeah~ today when i went to far east to have lunch with kor kor... i saw kenneth and others~ so many ppl.... so lazy to list all of them... but they din really see me i think.... when suddenly they turn ard.. then stared at them for awhile then wave to them... dunno why they seem SO relunctant to wave back to me.... -_-"~! am i a ghost to u all?! sigh~! make my day even worse only.... hahah just kidding~ anywayx... guess tats about it.... bye bye~!

writtern @Sunday, June 04, 2006

argh... i'm so tired~!
Saturday, June 03, 2006

had been a very tiring week.... hahaha~! dunno why... lack of sleep i think... and i stayed in school for 3 days... stayed as in... go home after 9pm.... monday wednesday and thursday.... opps~! it's all 4 days!!!! plus friday!!!! argh~! it was so tiring... started the tuition ytd.... the tutee is quite enthu abt tuition..... but very bad... always bully me... and when my friend came over to help me... both of them bully me together... argh!!!!! why liddat?!??!!? ahahha but it's okay... overall i really enjoyed this week... i get to see him everyday except monday and tuesday... hahaha~! and i see him today oso~! in schooL! hahahaha~! he acc me to mrt on wed thur and today... today is becos he need to go out with his frd.... so he taking mrt... hahaha~! i realised... i really feel very happy and not stress when he is around... even if we are not toking.... hahah~ dunno how to say....

anywayx! i'm having 2 lab test next week... automatic and unigraphics.... i guess i'm dead in both~! so i really have to buck up on the papers itself... hahaha..... i will try my best to understand math and oso every other module so tat i can help my classmates during study week... lolx! so i must gambate!!! lolx~! oh yah... our gang are having outing this coming tuesday.... i heard it's sushi buffet??? issit??? hahaha~! I'M SO GONNA GO!!! hahaha~! even if it's going to sentosa i will oso go... hahaha~! to think tat i missed the kbox trip.... i musn't miss this one! i really enjoy myself more and more when i'm with them... be it they laugh at me or not.... i will laugh along~ lolx....

argh~ so tired... i slept at 2am and woke up at 7.30am today..... talked too long over the fone last night.... hahaha~! having headache....... but still need to complete the report 1st... hope to do well this time... i will jia you de rainY~!!~!~!~~!~! must get better and reasonable mark... =X hahaha~! i dunno wat to blog leh........... ehm............ -_-"~!

later my dinner is chicken rice... add rice and add egg... hahaha~! to think tat i din finish my ban mian in school today... i din even reach half of the bowl and i stopped.... all thanx to my "cute" tutee.... he keep nagging at how slow i eat... until i have no appitite to eat... but i still like my tutee... seeing my other tutors' tutee... they look so... not so hyper..... and not so chatty and frdly... hahaha~! frdly easier to teach oso~! hahaha~! oh well.... i guess tat abt it for today... will add more hahaha~!

writtern @Saturday, June 03, 2006