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wat a week....
Saturday, May 27, 2006

it was a crazy week i must say... tiring.... but i know i'm not as tired as other ppl are... as they usually slp very late.. ehm... let's see... accounting ppl had project to submit this wk.... so they are stressing.... then our class had 2 days tat needs to be till 9.30... so it's tiring... monday and friday had quiz... i must say monday's quiz was quite okay... as for friday's quiz.. i must apologize to ak.... i nv help u at all... in the end hai ni only.... rainy oso... so paiseh oh.... nv help at all.... then yah.... flunked it.... i must say.... mistakes are already made... and it's all within myself... alone.... hai... after tat ak got moody.... dunno why... but can guess... wild guess... haha~ then i oso got moody myself... reason? dun wanna know.... dun think it's necessary to say either....

ehm.... after tat during math lecture... kelvin and zheng yi keep looking at the back direction which is ak rainy and me lar... i think they are saying abt why we so moody... then afraid rainy took in the green smoke( poisonous moody virus) and kelvin ask her to sit over at his side... hahaha.... then they talked abt lunch... chocolate... but end up going to south.... and know wat? -_-"~! i din finish my food.... actually din wanna eat... but if dun eat i scared later stomach pain or gastirc pain... cos sometimes if i dun eat it... it kinda hurts... so i had to stuff food into my mouth and swallow it.... kenneth was sitting infront of me.. eating faster than me!!! oh no~!~!~

okay.. then was automatic control lesson... the teacher is so.. "hardworking" and gives a very "reasonable" reason to put us in elp to have self study.... hardworking cos if he put us in elp he nv come.... reasonable cos... he said we were too noisy so put us in lect.... sigh~~~ if we have self study... wats the use of having a lecturer to conduct lecture?? but then again... we werent paying attention... but why were we not paying attention? becos the teacher was boring... and was he boring???? maybe becos we nv give him face =X hahaha~! okok... tat was all crap..... okay followed by another lesson... dunno the teacher's name... ehm... dunno how to do the work she gave us.. so i just copied peifen's and the "god"'s ... lolx~! eh... hai... guess i din even catch up in studies at all.... still lagging behind.... sigh~

ehm.... i guess tats all for today.... dunno wat to say anymore... tired.... bye bye.... tc....

writtern @Saturday, May 27, 2006

catching up
Monday, May 22, 2006

yO~!~!~ today i had a great day...

1stly my sora is lvl99... now left with valor and final form to lvl up... then i beat sephiroth... i must so so much more difficult than kh2... hahah~

okay~ started my day in sch with a math quiz... haha~! luckily teacher got put the steps on the board or i'm sure to fail... hopefully i can get a full marks.... if yes... then i'm going to treat rainy and ak drinks... dunno why... but their names just pop out in my mind at tat very moment lar~ hahaha~! if i in gd mood and got enuff money then i treat the "gang" okay? hahaha~! then we went to pizza hut for lunch... now i realised every monday must bring extra money... hahaah~ if not i may not have enough money to pay~ then had class.... and i went to s474 to "promote" tutoring... i realised how noisy and how funny yr 1 ppl are..... noisy is understable... but the funny part is... there purposely ask qns that they already know the ans....

oh well~ had automatic control... guess wat... i fall aslp in class and the teacher was saying "i know some of u are falling aslp but pls bare with me for another 10 mins" then i'm fully awake~! hahaha! and we had 15 mins break after that... we went to mac's to get a bite... it was suppose to be a bite but some of us bought meals... yeah i bought a filet o fish meal... gave the fries to rainy and the drink to ak... and i had the burger... hahaha~ it's nice to share... seriously... once in awhile treating others isnt bad u know... dunno why... oh well... slowly i'm catching up in the class i guess...

today sam ak and rainy helped me alot in computer aided.... then math of cos is anyhow whack.... automatic oso anyhow whack... as for the eg2125 com lab... seriously... wat i'm doing for this 6 wks... i have no idea... sigh~! but no worries! i'll still be at my very best to catch up in the studies!

overall.... i love my classmates alot... regardless close or not they still treat me very good... lolx~! then wat else... haha may not be very close to them on yr 1 sem 1... but at least i really tried to blend in in yr 1 sem2... lolx~! nv regretted knowing u all!

writtern @Monday, May 22, 2006

my one selfish day....
Thursday, May 18, 2006

today was a very funny day.... to me it's an extremely tiring day....

well start of with... i almost overslept the 1st class was eg2125 lect... hahhaa....as usual teacher gave us worksheet to do... then ak saw the kino plastic bag... so i guess this is how he knew i had my kh guide bk with me... then he opened it for me... then yeah liddat... sam say "wah~ how old already still play this kind of game.." sth along tat line.... correct me if i said wrongly... then when i said this game was a co-operation of squaresoft and disney... james was saying sth like circle or sth... sth about the company's name lar... btw... it is known as square-enix now.... i dunno wat to say but.... i played squaresoft's game ever since i was 10 yrs old... till now... i grow up with it for almost 8 yrs... and i loved squaresofts' games... then suddenly ppl say all this... make me feel so..... how to say... it's like i'm a small kid never growing up.... okay... maybe the game i play now is rather weird becos it has all those disney characters like mickey donald... ariel... alice in the wonderland... but... it's not only the characters that are nice looking man.... it's also the storyline in the game tat is meaningful.... i believe u guys enjoyed disney characters when u all are young too.... 18 doesnt mean i cant live in tat disney world.... if so.... wat about those who created them.... although i know u guys were just joking but.... sigh.. but it's okay... if u all think i'm childish and all so be it... i'm still going to enjoy the games...

2ndly... i wasnt even confidence in my simple calculations lately... i had to double check with my classmates for a few times... and yeah! there were many many careless mistakes.... what's up with me man~! better buck up... hopefully... -_-"~!

lastly... to my very gd frd ak... i wasnt angry with u... no need say sorry... more like... i was being selfish.... just that... haha nvm... i'm really sorry for today... dun get the wrong idea anywayx....

writtern @Thursday, May 18, 2006

past few days...
Sunday, May 14, 2006

the past few days... let's see.... monday was fun... tues was game day... wed wasnt a so gd day becos i had a very bad stomach pain... it's pain not ache.... yeah... not becos of going to the toilet nor is it monthly thingy.... so i dunno wat it was.... and yeah... it continue until thur.... friday morning still got... but din go see the doc.... hahaha~ so wat about my night time.... game all the way till 11+.... then on thur until sat night was game till 1pm.... from 7 start to 1pm... i not only chiong game... i oso train my characters... hahaha~! now lvl 73 hahaha~! maybe train until 80 then i go to the world that never was... go there fight one black coat guy name... i dunno who~ hahaha~! then proceed deeper into the castle then fight many many nobody's so that i can get the synthesis items in order to create save the queen for donald, save the king for goofy and ultima weapon for sora.... sigh~!~!~!~ i nv tot i would be finishing this game so soon.... of cos there are many many ppl who completed so so so much earlier than me... hahaha~! but i'm trying to hit lvl99 and then oso beat sephiroth! hahaha~! then i will get all the keyblades, all the abilities, and oso try to complete the journal...

oh well... looking at my frds' blog... can see they enjoy their days no matter it is up or down... thats really really good! hahaha... i bet no one wants to be like me who got a no life... only a gamer life... hahaha~ i really prefer myself to have a gamer life... haha~ if there is a choice... i would like to work in a game shop and switch myself off from studying... i nv seem to study well... nv seem to be interested... esp this semester... everything is so theoretically bombarded..... -_-"~! hahaha....

oh well... i guess i'm used to home stay... and i wanna stay at home for the rest of my life! hahaha~ if there is a possibility that i can survive just by staying at home... tat will definitely be my 1st choice... hahaha! okay~! shall stop here and enjoy my home life!

writtern @Sunday, May 14, 2006

Saturday, May 06, 2006

friday... let's see.... tiring... but had fun~! hahaha.... with my classmates i always have fun! and i really had a nice chat with peifen... always helping me out... and i'm oso happy tat she is open with me... at least i can only help her in return.... as a frd lar.. lolx~! although i still cant blend into the topics my classmates usually tok abt... at least i listen abit abit... then today my bag so heavy.... danG~! it's as though it contains stones.. hahaha~!

next week got math quiz...and i'm 100% not prepared... got to do some revision this weekend.... i hope the study motivation is ON by sunday... hahaha~! then have to read up abit of mechanics or i wun be able to catch up... then tuesday do some reading up.... or not i'll really be so so dead.... HOW?! next week have to tell the sem proj teacher 3 ideas... and not even one came to my mind.... and my report is incomplete... but i really thank rainy for doing so much..... really really a great frd... listen to my lame conversation and still helping me so much.... lolx~! today she wore specs... look not bad lar... but nicer w/o specs though.... jiayou bah! she look tired... so i oso bu hao yi shi bother her abt report.... so i ask peifen.... then peifen's results different from ours oso.... so i try asking ard.... hope to get more info....

haha okay~ today on the way to church... i slept in the bus then suddenly vibration.... my soul and body almost parted... and it's my classmate crystal! haha... really happy recieving her sms although we are not very gd frds anymore but i still treat her as my frd... cos i asked her to join as for lunch and she rejected my offer T_T but it's okay~ cos she said thanx... just hope tat bygones can be bygones... lolx~!

okay then... service wasnt bad.. good i must say... i'm so touched today.. although no tears came down lar~ at least i did say reflecting.... lolx... then ate dinner with them.. and say jay choU! hahaha... just kiding.... saw ak walking like a bullet outside mac... so waved to him and ask him come in... then had a very very very brief introduction and he went home le~ hahaha...... and tats abt today lor... lolx... tc

writtern @Saturday, May 06, 2006

i wanna go kbox too~!~!~!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

haha.... let's tok about monday... which is like a couple of hrs ago... hahah~!

actually my mom said we are going back today... and end up she say she wanna go genting... -_-"~! then nv go... go to seremban... in chinese is fu yong... haha which is where my big aunty lives... haha.... and we go her hse... on the way there.... JAM!!!!! LONG LONG JAM! then after tat... got lost over there... then we call her to come find us... then when she found us and we are abt to move on... bomB~! so nice got bird shit land on the car screen... hahaha... then those sitting infront say is lucky... behind say unlucky.... when we reached her hse... chat awhile and we decided to go shopping at terminal to find psp stuff...then guess wat?! on the way there.... btw.. yeongyeong was sitting in the same car as us(it's more like... young adults one car and yong kids and adults one car) then... got this motor!!!! was driving on lane3.... we driving on lane2... wanna cut to lane 3 mah... then we tot the motor is staying at lane 3...then motor nv give signal and take a sharp cut to lane 2... when our car is already moving in~!!!! somemore my cousin infront only hit the guy's leg... which is very veyr minor... no pain... no sweat... then they fell down... i must say both got faults... then the malay motor-ers... so rude... and dun admit wrong oso... so yeong yeong went down to tok with them... must listen to her malay sia... it's wooH~! but then... we just admitted wrong... pay them some money.. and go off already.... luckily our parents from both sides din scold us... hahhaa... in the mall we got nth lar...... i saw some wallet... wanna buy... but it's not wat i like... then forget it... we went to have dinner... i had prawn mee.... it looks SO RED! the soup i meant... but it's not tat spicy lar... hahaha~! lolx... wat else... after tat... we went to jasco... tat shopping mall is BIG.... REAL BIG!!! and i bought a new specs over there... it cos RM168... hahaha... ORANGE colour~~!!!~ hahhaa... then others went to play bowling while i was busy with my specs... then the guy who check my eye sight keep asking funny things... then arh... at 1st i put my cousin's hp no. mah... then when come to ic... i ask mama wat to put... then the guy say "ur own ic u oso dunno???" then i say i put sg ic lar... then mama say okay... then i put lor... then guy gave me the "huh???" look... then the guy say "holiday?" and i replied "sort of...." then my cousin came~!!~! hahhaa~ cos she made her specs there too... so the kind of know each other.... haha... and she say "we same family dun charge expensive arh..." (translate tat in chinese....) then the guy ask me "are u married?" and i said "no..." then he say "see! we are not one family...." i was like -_-"~! lame...... hahaha~! then he ask me how old i was... i was like anything to do why my specs?????? then go in and check my eye sight... then he ask me alot of things like... where i study... come m'sia do wat.... then ask if i speak cantonese.... ppl over there really speak cantonese... i hear liao... BLUR! ppl who know me.... knows tat i even mixed up hokkien and teochew... how is it possible tat i speak cantonese then??? hahaha... then i say no lor... so he speak to me in chinese... then we are leaving he keep saying "bye bye!!!" say SO loud somemore...wave somemore... abit paiseh.... but i must say m'sians sometimes are very very.... friendly... over friendly to strangers at time... but it's not a bad thing... hahaha~! after tat.... then okay... skip a few hrs... then tok abt when going back from seremban to muar.... wanted to slp in the car... but then scared later my reckless driver for the day who is my cousin fall aslp oso... so i tahan... but until i cannot tahan... i close my eyes.. then the car jerked(dunno how to spell... haha) then... i woke up... and try to tok to him so he wun fall aslp... then when i saw the "muar" sign.... i tell my mama... turn here..... then he drive straight! at 150km/hr... i was like O_O!!! "muar leh!! where u going?!" then he say "oh NO! wrong har?!" then we see the sign... next exit is pagoh.... actually from pagoh and yong peng can go muar oso... but it's like we are taking such big rounds.... hahaha~! then we took from pagoh lor... no choice... and guess wat... the traffic lights are down.... then road has no lights.... and there was so many sharp turns... then my korkor say "ah siang! this is not need for speed leh..." then he giggle.... lolx... very funny de lar... so after we reach home... i take my clothes then come here and net liao... cos i slp better over here.... haha... the bed here is harder... used to using harder mattress already... haha.... then be4 coming to net... we went to eat roti prata... hahaha... then we ordering mah... in malay... so i tell wat i want in chinese to them and they tell the waiter... then my kor kor say "satu dua dunno how to say arh?" then i say "long time nv speak suddenly speak very funny mah..." btw... all these dialouges are in chinese de... hahaha~!~!~
okay okay lar... stop here.... tired liao.... tc... and I REALLY WANNA GO KBOX WITH MY CLASSMATES!!!!

writtern @Tuesday, May 02, 2006