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wedding dinner
Sunday, April 30, 2006

yO~! had my cousin's wedding dinner last night... hahaha~!

not i want to say my cousin.... she really... -_-"~! only give 2 tables for us...WHERE GOT ENOUGH?!?!?!?! sigh...anywayx.... other than tat thingy... she wasnt sincere at all... she actually did not invite everyone to her dinner.... if tats the case.... even bother to tell us tat she is getting married.... somemore she only comes onces a yr to get ang bao... more over... she only recognises 2 cousins.... other than the 2... she dun seem to recognise any of us... dang~!~!~!~! hahhaa... the food... SUCKS! the worse wedding dinner i ever had.... okay.... not to brag bah... i really din enjoy it.... but i feel happy for her getting married although she din know who i am... dang~!~!~!~ and she got a cousin from her mom's side... who she claim tat looks like jay chou.... *puke* dun look like... he look like 20... but he is of the same age as me.. hahah~! then i think he kinda wanna make friends with my cousin yeong yeong... but he din know tat she is 21 yrs old this yr.... -_-"~! anyway it's funny lar... then for those who knows my mom... my mom will always tease ppl... so my mom keep teasing tat guy abt being shy and stuff for not shaking hands and making friends my yeong yeong... hahaha... tats really funny lar.... well took quite a no. of pics.... hahahhaa and BTW! my class's jay look nicer tat ytd's jay.... =X hahaha~! oh yeah!!! i wore high heels to muar... so it's like... even if i'm wearing 3/4 pants i'm oso wearing high heels... and look so funny.... but one thing is tat when i walk wearing tat i have to walk like a decent and non-rough lady.... argh! dun feel like myself when i'm wearing tat.... sigh~!

anywayx.... after tat dinner.... we end up eating fried beehoon becos we were still hungry.... hahaha..... sian... okay lar... not waiting for my mom to come pick me up at my cousin's place..... cos i'm here using the internet.... episode 21 of goong is spoiled! tats why i have to d/l it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAD!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~

writtern @Sunday, April 30, 2006

ytd and today
Saturday, April 29, 2006

ytd was a disaster... supposedly i tot it will be nice... and now i hope ak is reading this.... dunno why arh! i feel so damn guilty.... lolx... last friday i knock his head... and i guess he got pretty fed up.... then ytd i brought psp then he din get to play much although he was the one who asked me to bring it.... and he wasnt in good mood.... alamak... and the flying wallet..... i'm so sorry man~! although i wasnt the one who threw the wallet but becos of the psp...... partly i guess it's becos of the psp..... HAI SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay... today.... early in the morning slept at 1am... then wake up at 8 cos i cant slp.... becos my cousin was "singing" song...... so woke up... then wait... then bathe... then eat... then go ah gong hse... cos the bride is over there... the bride is my cousin lar... i dun even know how she look like... -_-"~!~!~!~! but it's okay.... so sian... then later at night got dinner..... hai~~~~ maybe i will take a few pics with my cousins... then show my friends in sch..... hahaha~ okay lar.... stop here....

take care everyone!

writtern @Saturday, April 29, 2006

nv felt so sian be4
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

yo...... nv have i felt so sian be4.... sian as in... no life liddat... hahaha~! the thoughts of the tennis trials runs into my mind.... i even dreamt abt it.... hahaha in the dream of cos win lar... -_-"~! but in real life... i dun think it's that easy... hopefully i dun get those pros.... lolx~! anywayx i will do my best in it this thursday.... hoping that i will still remain in the team..... lolx

yeah.... going back m'sia soon.... lolx... can see my cousins again and have fun with them.... and oso eat the yummy food over there.... hahaha~! hopefully i can persuade one of my cousin to sell me his ps2 at cheap price....... if not i really have to buy a brand new one myself.... hai~ stupid ps2 ... always give problem... last time ps1 give problem... ps 2 give problem... and problem.... and problemSSSSSS..... lolx~! but oh well... cant be blamed... the way we keep it.. and the way we used it.... devices are meant to be frequently used... and not monthly used.... hahaha.... okay... well... as for my ps and ps2... last time we used to only play it during holidays as our parents do not allow us to play on normal sch days... and there u go~! devices kept in the cupboard... suddenly over worked.... and BOOM! problems keep coming in.... hahaha~!

one bad thing is tat.... i was playing kingdom hearts2.... and i'm almost at the disney castle.... 2 more bad guys to beat and it's the castle..... T_T ...... and after the castle i can get into a place name timeless river(or sth liddat)..... over there u can see the young version of donald/goofy/mickey/pete.... argh!!!!!!! and after tat area sora gets his 2nd drive!!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd drive! means! i can level up another level for my 1st drive!!!! ARGH!!!!!!! okay... i'm crazy.... -_-"~!

sch.... is fun~ very fun~ i have lotsa fun with the ppl ard me~ hahaha... and yeah... i got a new nickname called tu tu.... i wonder how it links~ tu tu... or toot toot...???? hahhaa.... anywayx~ this sem is gonna be a little hard... becos... i practically dun understand much as this is all theory.... no hands-on... i'm SO dead..... hahhaa~!

i'm now... d/ling one korean show... it's quite nice... the title is "goong" oso known as princess hours... it's toking abt 2 old man... agreeing to marry their grandchildren... hahaha~ sounds familiar??? lolx... and the guy side appears to be those heir thrones... or sth liddat... in chinese is call tai zi.... lolx... then the gal... yah.... rough.... not so pretty... poor.. and stuff liddat... but of cos kind hearted lar... but the tai zi happen to like another gal who is dancer~ he even proposed to her... but got rejected lar... hahaha~! then blah blah blah... tok liddat not nice... must watch urself...

writtern @Tuesday, April 25, 2006

good friday
Friday, April 14, 2006

long time no blog and i guess i wun be blogging much in the future... lolx.... haven been online lately... no interest.... and bored i suppose... and now i'm only online to check mails and stuff.....

school is starting school... and this time table suits me better... although every monday has night classes... but i've got no school on tuesday.... but that doesnt goes to me on the 1st week... cos have club crawl... got to help out... ehm... training every thur 6 to 9... as per usual.... and thats about it i guess... i went to school to help lynn do some stuff... then she acc-ed me to buy my books... u shld see the Q... it's like WOAH! it's so stuffy.... and long Q.... and while i was Q-ing... i saw kelvin from c1... and he wanna buy books oso... so yeah.... bought for him and his friends... hahaha.... so far i haven hear anyone getting into the same complementary as i am.... i got into markerting though... hahaha~! and it's like so dry.... but it's okay... will tahan through it... must aim back for my above 3.5 scores.... hahhaa....

guess tats about it for today.... and it's good friday now... so.... yeah.... happy holidays for ppl... i meant everyone... haha...

writtern @Friday, April 14, 2006

Saturday, April 01, 2006

i'm back to singapore! well... i touched down at 6.15pm? around that time...

talking about yesterday.... had a small farewell party in office... bbq... hahaha~! those ppl in the office sure knows how to eat the expensive stuff... hahaha~! but anywayx it's okay... had fun... but my some wun there... some went home... some din come to office at all...oh well... ehm... dun really feel like coming back singapore actually... over there so relaxing... then still got ppl to play with... in singapore i'm like so alone... even if i have friends... everytime i scan thru my contacts in my fone... i dun seem to find someone who can really tok to me like very openly.... and i dun seem to find someone i can tok very freely with too... unlike in office.... we tok very openly... about anything under the sun... i can be doing or saying some weird stuff.... even though they say "mei mei gila..." but they know tat i'm happy thats why i everyday smile smile laugh laugh... in singapore everyday smile smile ppl may think i'm really gila... sigh~!

oh yah today in the plane... guess wat??? i sat alone... window sit.. but i sad at the asle(how do u spell tat?) yeah... infront of me is an aunty and an uncle... they are initially strangers but became friends.... hahhaa... tok so loud throughout the flight i have no one to tok to... then beside me is 2 old guys... basically uncles... lolx~! so funny... they dun eat but they pack everything back... then when the air stewardess came to offer some sweets... the guy infront said "where are u from?" and she replied "india" continuing with the uncle saying "oh ic... may i take more than one?" she said "yes" then he said "can i take more than 2?" then she say "of cos! as much as u like...." then when she came to the guys beside me.... one of the guys say "my friend have one sweet... my wife have one sweet... my children have sweets... and i'm very sweet..." the moment i hear this i was giggling! hahahaha~! so funny!!!! wat a way to "flirt" with the gal... and she said "oic~!" dang~! lolx... oh yeah... and the air stewardess who serve our food was so... cold or unfriendly i must say... ppl ask for sugar she just throw at the tray..... then when we are about to land... the guy behind me kick my chair... then i turn around... he said sorry... then the aunty infront of me look out of the window and say "apa itu?" then the guy infront said "boat" then she say "kenapa di boat?" then he say "working?" then she keep on saying apa itu... and i was like O_O!!!!! lolx~!~!~!~!~ so funny.... and 2 sides infront of me sat a mom and a son.... the son was crying for milo from the beginning of the flight until he fall aslp.... hahha~!~!~! and out of the plane!!!! there was a name checking... i dunno why also... but the guy who sat beside me was saying in indo... saying like ehm... "kenapa ada begini? buang waktu gue..." meaning why got this? wasting my time... so i told him "pak, kamu mau duluan gak?" then he stand infront of me and say "maaf ya..." and i say"nggak ap2 kok..." then he tick and go away... hahaha.... dang....

oh well took taxi home.... the taxi driver was very slow.... so it was so so expensive... almost $20... sigh~! there goes my money... then went home.. clean my room... wanted to waste the balcony but my kor said he washed it... and all his clothes are WET! argh! so i din wash my clothes... leave it for tml morning... if i wash now oso no place to dry... dang~!~!~ sigh!~ i just dun like the idea of not washing my clothes today.....

anywayx.... i miss indo!!! i miss soto ayam! i only got to eat it one time!!! argh!!!!! lolx... oh yeah... i really had a great time over there although i did not help my dad in the office... i had a great time disturbing the ppl over there! especially my far brother... hahaha~! i keep on destroying his hairstyle... he say it's nice... then i said it's outdated and ugly... hahaha~! seriously he will look so much nicer with a natural hairstyle and he dun believe... so i always tell him "becos of ur hairstyle no gals are asking for ur tel no.!" and he was like "oh yeah?!" and i said "yeah!" then he say "u dumber~!" and i will always reply "better than the dumbest i'm toking to now..." hahaha.... and the dumber and dumbest thing will keep on going on and on and on....

i was really hoping and looking forward to talking to handi.. but guess wat... he changed his hp no. again... in one month he could like change it 3 times.... how rich... lolx! anywayx.... just hope that he is doing fine... lolx~! hope he dun always get into quarrels with his gf.... hahhaa~!

and now i'm alone at home... no food... hahaha... so i shall wait for my kor to come back from his date and ask him to pack some food on the way home~

shall stop here.... take care bye!

writtern @Saturday, April 01, 2006