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my results!!!!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

my results..... is as follows...

math A
french C
epc C+
c prog B
analogue A
com skills B
sem proj P

AH!!!! FREAK!!!! this results isnt as wat i expected!!!!!!!! my gpa is 3.458 btw... i cant even hit the 3.5 target... argh!!!!!!!! i did not hit my goal.... as for punishment i shall go bang my head against the wall later.... sigh... i'm so sad.... so disappointed in myself... but luck thing is no fail... ahaha... SUCKS!!!!!

writtern @Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i thought..
Saturday, March 18, 2006

i thought i saw him drive pass my car today.... i thought... i dunno if it was just my imagination... oh gosh...

oh well! guess wat? i outa money.... haven claim it from the accounts ppl... so lazy to do so... more like if i do so i will get scolding for spending money... haha~! heres was happened ytd... so funny but mean too...

i was eating chocolate... then i give my "brother" glenn 1 small piece of it... then the small kid naming reza saw it.. and guess wat? he wanted it... so i say "ini obat, makan mati" hahaha~! meaning this is medicine, eat die... haha~! of cos he dun believe and keep on crying... and i wun be fooled by him anymore... whenever he put his hands over his eyes or started to scream... those cries are just for show... attention seeker... no doubt all kids are attention seeker.... hahaha~! neither do i admit tat i'm an attention seeker ever since young.. who isnt??? hahaha...

i watched this movie at home 2 days the title is , The Perfect Man.. starring hillary duff... hahaha~! i must say.... i always enjoy watching her shows and oso lindsay lohan's show... but this is one show tat is really touching... i dun wanna say wat the show is about... why not try finding this show and go watch it urself???? it's not much of a comedy... but it show is touching... hillary being holly in the show... tried to make her mom happy but at the some time she lied becos she wanted her mom to be happy and oso to get her own way.... blah blah blah... hahaha~??? shall stop here... and go play my game....

someone... pull me out and face the reality..... thanx...

writtern @Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

hhah! haven been blogging for awhile... let's see... finally have a maid at home already... she is old... but it's okay... so long she can work.... hahahha!!! i'm getting fatter instead of slimmer... eat and eat... cannot help it.. the chef in the office is so li hai... i mean... she is good at cooking! haha! name it and she will cook it! hahaha!

i went for tennis this morning.... guess wat... got tired out in abt 15mins... of rally... somemore it's a slow pace of rally... sigh!!! hahaha tml shld be a relaxing day? hopefully? hahah! quite sian over here... when i was at home.. then i go slip the dvd folder.... wah!!! go so many new movies and i dunno! then i watched war of the worlds just now... watch 17 mins... then i was blur... dunno wat it's trying to say and oso..... the sound not good... graphic not clear... no wonder it's pirated... must be my brother who bought it no one else!!!! but it's okay... can watch can le... hahaha

sometimes i think it's a mistake of coming back jkt.... cos memories tat i wish to erase keep coming back.... filling up my brain... sometimes i may tell my frds "oh! i think i like this guy" and it's always infatuation... or just simply finding the person nice looking... cos u know why.... i realised i haven completely forget abt him.... his memories his words.. keep coming back to me these days.... even when i dun wanna think abt it... ppl in office will talk abt him... sian.... haha... nvm it's okay... i just pretend i nv hear.... cant remb how he looked like... cos i deleted his pic... cant sms or call him cos i deleted his number... hahaha! oh well... i hope i can go shopping this coming week!

guess wat?! i'm still in office on a sunday! how blue can tat be? VERY!!!

writtern @Sunday, March 12, 2006

Life in Jakarta now is abit different...
Monday, March 06, 2006

WHY?! haha.... i'm feel rather different now... hahaha~! new office... in pondok indah... it's really near the mall though... haha~ so it's rather good and oso bad... bad as in there is always jam in this area because of the mall... haha~! it's HUGE OKAY?! bigger than any shopping malls in singapore i must say after the renovation few yrs back....

oh well... new office... and some new workers.... i dun remb their names very clearly... and wat else? this office is BIG! really... no joke.... haha~! so long as u speak slightly louder... everyone is gonna hear u... hahaha~! but one good thing is this office is SO MUCH cleaner than the old one... i must say... 100 times more???? hahah~! cos down here got 2 maid cleaner the office.. haha~! today... one of the maid's son wanna play my ff7... sigh... ppl who knows me knows tat i dun get along with kids..... he is 3 yrs old this yr.... eyes big big.... hair short short... look quite cute... but very aggressive... dunno why everytime he see me will smile smile... -_-"! then i have to smile back oso... then i let him play my ff7 today lor... of cos he dunno how to read lar... at his age... so yeah... i told him wat to press... but he like... no response... so.. forget it... then i take the controller play myself... then he ran to the back and cry to his mom... than both of them came out... sit beside me... so i started chatting with the mom??? haha.... then her son wanna play she dun allow... then i oso... dun really care le... then his mom was called to do sth at the back... then the little guy was still beside me... and i was totally -_-"! .... haha~! anywayx luckily he walked off.. and later awhile came back again... then he sit on my lap... then after tat he walked off.... then sit beside me... then haiyo! bite my pants... then i pull his head away... then walk away come back bite my shirt... i was like -_-"! EWW!!!!! gosh.... no wonder i nv liked kids even though they looked cute... hai yo~.... then i off-ed my game and walk away.... hahah~! then after dinner... he was sitting on my chair.... -_-"! then i ask one of the colleague to carry him away... then he was crying!!!! AH!!! so scary!!! no wonder i nv liked kids.... -_-"! NO FATE! hahhaa... ok.... tats all about today.....

wats more now??? -_-"! i got no money here...... no indo hp tat i can use.... dang! so i cannot sms..... cannot buy nice nice food i wanna eat.... then wat else... -_-"~!? eh.... slp late... wake up early.... haiyo!!!! seriously.... i used all my journey from one place to another to slp... hahaha~! then now right... wanna use msn oso have to use the web-based... cos~! the net wire... is tied to other wires... cant be removed... so i cant used my own laptop... hahhaa~! but nvm.... it's okay!!!... hahaha~! i still haven got to eat my cheese corn cuP! and my soto ayam! hahaha~! nvm!!!! there will be a chance.... soon... maybe... i dunno... hahhaa~! ok... eh... i must say sorry to those who sms-ed me and i did not reply.... cos i dun wanna reply.... haha~! it will cost me a bomb alright... wait till i get those top up sim cards then i sms u guys.. and u guys can sms to my sg hp... liddat u save money i oso save money... hahah~! ok! tired le... hahha stop here... i'm still in office now!!! at this hour! i guess my father will only end their tokings at 12 plus? haha.. it's okay.... i go slp................ tata~

writtern @Monday, March 06, 2006

It's holiday again!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

YO! it's holiday again!!! guess wat??? my last paper was analogue! AC Ong's module... hahah~! today after the paper some of us went out to PS to eat pizza hut.... namely jayson, james rainy, kenneth, chitung, kelvin, joseph, zheng yi, amy and selena... (tell me if i got the names wrong) okay! then wat happened to ak? no idea... heard his sister was sick need to take care..... soon kwee? i nv seem to know him well.... and i oso nv ask why he dun wana go... so... it's okay... yeah~ happily going to PS in a SLOW PACE movement....

well... i drank the soup 1st... mushroom soup~! yeah~! mushrOoOOOOOoooooOOoM! my favourite~! hahaha... i actually went to scoop very deeply into the pot... cos i tot the mushroom are sank inside the pot and... VoiLA~! it IS sank inside... hahha~! pizza came! i ate the bbq chicken with cheese crust 1st... then was seafood with cheese crust and followed by pan hawaiian lover... hahaha~! so full... then zhengyi and kelvin dunno which one went to buy wax? style hair so nice... then when they still choosing which wax amy and selena went off.... then after the hair styling session zheng yi, kelvin and joseph went off... left we 6 of us... haha~! went to watch final destination 3... hahhaa~! kenneth din wanted to watch the show... but we made him watch it... and he left during the show cos i personally think he couldnt take it... anywayx.... gruesome shows dun seem to be his type of show... so... sorry to kenneth! that u are sorta force to watch it... oh well.... i practically cover my lower part of the eyes went ever the ppl are going to die~ hahhaa~! i only find the roller coaster and the train part nice.... this 2 parts are the most exciting parts.... haha~! anywayx after tat went to bras basar(dunno how to spell) james wanted to buy guitar strings, and i dunno if he bought it but i bought many stuff... hahaha~! mainly for collection and oso for me to express my dull design mind... haha~! trying to make nice looking keychains... if i save enough money i will and i definitely will buy the tools and ingredients used to make earrings... hahaha~! liddat got own design and oso can sell to friends in like very very cheap price wat... haha!~ ok.... then kenneth ate hokkien mie i think... james and i had cold cheng teng... rainy... i dunno wat she drank... haha~ juice? i dunno? wild guess.... then arh.. she went off to pick up her niece... then the rest of us went home oso....

oh yeah it's holiday now...going back to indo! not friday anymore! i dunno when! have to ask my papa.... lolx~!okok i shall stop here.. too long no one wants to read oso... hahhaa~!

writtern @Wednesday, March 01, 2006