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hey yO!
Sunday, February 26, 2006

yup! once again it's long time no blog... haha~ review of the week again i think....

monday: it was annkiat's birthday~! happy birthday to hiM! although i already wished him... but no harm saying it once again.... hahha~!

tuesday: went to school... wanted to teach annkiat math.. but he went home early... so ... oh well~ hope he did learn a little tat day.... then was with kenneth and chi tung... hahaha~ got suan by them.. but it's okay...

wednesday: stayed at home??? hahaha~ totally did not study.....

thursday: went to sch early like 10? hahaha~ met annkiat in the mrt then walked to library together... haha.... studied a little of math AGAIN! wooH~! but the paper was a breeze... it's better than a storm okay? hahhaa... i believe many find tat it's a breeze... so now i hope i can get an A in math??? hhaa~! to reach the higher aim of mine an distinction??? hahhaa~

friday: ehm... woke up at abt 1 plus? or is it 12 plus??? cant remember... anywayx... then bathe.. went to potong pasir... hahaha~! din see any friends in the hwaker... so i tot of drinking bubble tea... haha~ then i saw uncle sam, uncle andy and kenneth there... then tok until forgot to buy bubble tea... dotx!!!! hahhaa~!~!~! had a great day....

saturday: woke up.... becos of PHONE!!! oh no.... endless phone ringing... so i got up and answered the phone... my aunt and 2 cousin came... haha... then mama came home... then i bathe and go out and meet anna... hahaha~! she is such a great friend yah... although i only know her abt 3 weeks??? haha.... i think less than 3 weeks... anywayx... she helped me alot in choosing of the handicraft stuff... cos i totally have no talent in arts or handicrafts.... duno why i even bother to go to spotlight and find the stuff too.... i must be mad..... then went to yoshinoya to eat... dun wnana speak abt it... but any of u go there and eat which is in ps.... dun hesitate to speak up for ur own rights as a customer.... cos some of them are totally not doing their job well as a counter service.... sigH~ i hope they improve...

sunday: i dunno wat i'm gonna do today... most probably slack till tml then start reading epc???? cos i really know nothing abt epc.... sigh~ i can find nothing out of it... help....

in anywayx... i must say this weekend is fruitful... hahah~ oh yah... i'm going back to indonesia this coming friday... if there is anything you guys want... i'll try to get it for u guys yah... really gonna miss so many of u people!

writtern @Sunday, February 26, 2006

exams are coming~!
Monday, February 20, 2006

yo!!!! exams are coming!!! hahaha.... preview of the week(LAST week....)

monday: dun remb....
tuesday: valentine's day if i'm not wrong... 7 ppl turn up for lab lesson... and the teacher was... hahaha~! so funny... anywayx rainy made chocolates... so yummY~!~!~!~! hahahah thanx to those who did not come to sch... i ate their share... HAHAH~!
wednesday: dun remb...
thursday: no schooL~! WOOH!
friday: presentation for C prog.... smooth sailing i must say... thanx to my partner!!! hahahaha!!! thank you so so much! okay... then.... go church... hahaha~! had fun i must say.... getting along with them slowly... one small step by one small step... hahhaa
saturday: went out with Anna.... thanx to her! i bought AK's present... hahaha~! happy birthday to YOU (annkiat)... btw his present is not one saturday... it's today itself... hahaha~!
sunday: aiya..... laziness overcome me again... my plan was to study at night... in the end i was preparing AK's present... -_-"!!!! hahha then i played gb at night.... see?!?!?! oh no!

today: today must really study... do some math qns... if not tml dunno how to teach AK oso.... hai.... hope he understands... not only him... but oso other ppl understand this integration thingy... -_-"~!~!~!~!~ so difficult... i try my best bah..... the stress slowly is going to me... and oso the thoughts of the worse is coming to me ever since 1st day of sem 2... what if i dun do as well as last sem? what if i get less than 3.5 gpa? sigh..... so scared arh~!~!~ lolx... hopefully i dun drop more than 3.5??? hahhaa.... sometimes i feel tat i have no drive to study.... neither do i have the knowledge about certain module..... sigh.... shall stop here... dun wanna say wat i wanted to say already....


writtern @Monday, February 20, 2006

yo yo yO~!
Sunday, February 12, 2006

halo~!~!!~ hahaha~! long time no blog once again~ finally the war has ended... hahaha~! preview abt the week yah...

monday: nth much.... ehm.... hahhaa!~

tuesday: argh!!!! the mr harry foo raised his voice at us.... no doubt we did not pay attention in his class.... so sorry... haha~! i'll try my best not to fall aslP!!!! then had french e-quiz.... sicko..... lucky i dropped tat... if not i will be torturing myself... but it's okay.... at least i know a tiny bit of french... hahaha~!~!

wednesday: nth much again.... had c prog's test.... it was a disaster~! hahhaa~! i'm so prepared to faiL!!!!

thursday: ehm... -_-"! wat did i do?? cant remb... oh yah!!!! PRESENTATION!!!! hahaha~! teacher said my presentation was good.... just tat my sleeve was flying ard and ard... sth along tat line... hahaha~! let me tok abt some of my classmates... hope u all dun mind.. mind then ask me delete
gals:: ehm... all look smart! hahaha!~ all look professional!!! especially rainy and amy.... very smart! given rainy's height she wear until so nice... sigh~! i think out of all the gals i wear the most untidy... haha~! but it's okay~~ i'm untidy to begin with~ =X
guys:: one of my very gd frd who came into the class then got ppl say "SHUAI GE!" hahah... obviously he is shuai... so yeah... he looked smart... overall everyone look smart yah~~.... hahaha~! the next person i'm going to say is oso my very good frd who always listen to all of my complains... haha~! when he came into the class everyone was like "wah!!! look like J__" hahahah~!~!~! then he look really good mah... but from far right... becos he nv tuck in shirt look like gangster.... hahaa~~~ but it's okay lar~ only for a day.... relax~~~ hahaa then oso got a few guys wear until very handsome =X then oso got one guy wear until like going to go disco... but it's okay de~~~ u look smart and u present smart!

friday: c prog.... prototype.. church... and had fun!!!! hahaha~! when i say i dun wanna eat then keep on stuffing food to me.... -_-"!!!!

saturday: went out with faith and kenneth!!! had lotsa fun!!! hahaha~!~!~! then go church! and it's again fun fun fun!!!! wanna know wats the fun? join me lor.... -_-"!!!! hahahaha~! okok i think tats all for today's blog... sunday i dunno wat i'm doing yet! most probably report....

writtern @Sunday, February 12, 2006

as i said i'm enjoying it
Friday, February 03, 2006

as i said i'm enjoying it so i'm still going to continue blogging...

hey daniel.... u say dun act slut??? if u think i am a slut u can just say it out dun have to put the word act just to make urself sound u are very forgiving... and about growing up? as ur girl to grow up 1st then.... oh no~ u shld be the one growing up 1st... u know why??? as a understanding boyfriend u shldn't encourage ur girl to say bad stuff abt others... and wats more??? u are even doing it urself.. dun u think tat u make u childish too??? i nv say tat i'm very matured oso wat.... btw i'm younger than u guys ya..... u guys shld teach me how to be mature... or do u want me to teach u instead???? oh and abt the noisy lecture.... hahaha.... u know why tat time the gals were noisy??? cos the whole lecture was in complete silence and only them making so much noise and i'm actually trying to ocncentrate.... hahaha~~~ and i was irritated tats why... and abt the guys being noisey.... ehm... the WHOLE lect was noisy including ur gals... do u expect me to shout across the room??? u must be mad~~~ and oh yah abt telling them to lower their volume.... dun u think they might have other thoughts such as "who do u think she is to shut us up???" seriously daniel u need to think in different perspectives.... plus i did not say RIGHT AT THEIR FACES if because once ur girl said tat i'm too straightforward tats why she dun tok to me for a very long time.... somemore nv meet oso nv say, made me wait for her for so long thinking she might get into some accident... dun u think she is irresponsible??? i know protecting ur love ones is important... but justice is oso important too... wats next? ehm... u said tat ppl reading it will get hurt right?? have u ever tot of why i'm writing it??? as i had mentioned in my previous entry use a tiny bit of ur brain.... oh btw... u were toking abt chunmei-elle too right?? hahaha~~~ are u just jealous tat there are ppl who supports me??? i think those who cant stand me is just u guys... tat one small group of ppl only.... hahaha~! oh yayay!!! why do u have to tag the same thing for like 2 or 3 times??? nth else to shoot at me about tats why u are repeating it??? hahaha~!~!~! oh and eh... u said i over did it??? OVERALL it's still my blog... ahaha~! watcha gonna do??? and i think u said watch out or sth liddat in some previous tags... watch out as in???? u gonna come find me??? or watch out i might fall ??? and why do u even have to pull the name of christian in??? this has nth to do with it alright... and the despo thingy.... dun u think u got sth wrong??? wat nobody child??? hahaha~ are u tat blind tat u cant even read properly??? oh then the one who keep scolding "ji bye" ehm... mind ur language ya.... if u are a gal... it's not polite and not presentable... and if u are a guy... be careful ya... ppl might just give u one tight slap across ur face... hahaha~! plus u asked me to stop my nonsense.... who started it 1st??? use a little of ur brain to think abt it...

conclusion is... Daniel if u dun understand my english, maybe u would like to purchase the latest version of the dictionary or u would like to hire translator... do u need me to introduce??? somehow i believed it's the girl who is tagging my board but not Daniel himself... if this is true.. u might wanna be brave and state ur true name... unless u shy or sth? i dunno~ in addition, Daniel u ought to know the truth and not the words u get from ur girl okay? cos she has a talent in acting.... a very well one... it's such a pity tat she has not been discovered by any of the mediacorps ppl... i'll stop here for now... for more interesting yet childish quarrels... we shall wait for their reply~~~ so tat i can shoot them back!

writtern @Friday, February 03, 2006

i'm so enjoying it~ bring it on MORE!!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006

hey yo~!~! long time no blog~~~~ hahaha~! as u all can see.... my tag board is flooded with... not many ppl actually... it's abt 3 to 5 ppl maybe~ maybe 2 of the 5 is their boyfriends... hahaha~~~~ and they keep changing the names... who knows?? maybe it's just one gal who is doing it??? maybe 2??? 3? 4? 5??? hahaha~!

let's elaborate more... hahah~! i'm really enjoying it.... hahaha~~~ typical gal net wars???? that that THAT GUY(Daniel) who tagged and say me right... say wat bring it out or sth liddat??? hahaha~~~ bring it on or bring it out??? dun mind me~ but my english may be lousier than urs~~ haha MAYBE!!!! hahaha~!~!~!~ btw... pardon me for say that that THAT guy cos ur beloved gal called my friend that that that guy too~~ and if u were trying to say bring it out till the extend it reaches to ur ears personally.... why not u come find me instead and give me one tight slap across my face??? i'm sure u guys must be thinking wat a bitch/slut i am.... i dun mind~~~ it's not like i cant read u guy's thoughts.... easy peasy~ ok... and the one who tried to type vulgarities.... ehm.... sadly~ blog dun allow u type vulgarities! haha! try saying wat u wanna say right in my face... see wat reply u will get from me ya? hahaha~ then wat else... if u guys can tag in my blog... trying to make it bigger when it's just a minor blog thingy... why not make it as big as u want??? wanna me to tell the whole class of how ill-mannered u guys are??? hahaha~ i guess there is not needed~ so long as they read this entry they will know....

i dun deny tat i am rude too... hahaha~ the one who tag saying fcukmyfather... have u been taught any manners??? if u wanna insult u can jolly well shoot me but not my parents... they are the ones who brought me to the world... do u want me to say ur parents too??? no right???? and guys~ PLEASE!!! use a little of ur brain~~~ to think be4 u scold ppl alright??? u are certainly making a full of urself!!! oh yayay~~~ wat else... the one who asked me for reasons why i say u all in blog right... i DID NOT reply u i DUNNO.... i just asked u to chill... do u know the meaning of chill btw??? need a dictionary??? if i were the diana last time i wun mind checking the meaning for u, u know??? but i guess u can do it urself... since u may think u are so smart eh~ i say u guys in my blog doesnt mean it doesnt have a purpose... use a little bit of ur brain well ya??? u are blessed with a brain which is more powerful than the computers.... hahaha~! not say a little bit... just a TINY WINSY BIT WILL DO....

btw.... thanx for giving me so much fun for blogging abt u guys even more~~ and oso... thanx for THAT THAT THAT guy of urs to tag in my blog okay??? i must say i am "honoured" haha~~ i'm sure u get wat i mean dun u??? oh wait~ on the second thought maybe u dun get it cos u dun even know why i blog abt u guys... oh and the one who said i was despo in my tag???? usually the one who goes ard telling other ppl tat, is the one who is really despo... or do u want even more bfs at a time???

oh... u guys said i could include ur names right??? let's see.... i dun have to do it cos it's WAY TOO OBVIOUS~

writtern @Thursday, February 02, 2006