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a blurry day~!
Friday, January 27, 2006

hahhaa~! i'm gonna tok abt wat happened today...hahaha~! when to sch today... went to south canteen to buy teh~! then after tat went straight to class..... ehm.... then math quiz... argh! 2 tries and both got 6/10... so i'm rather pissed abt it... then do analogue... finally correct.... after tat did c prog project with kenneth... hahaha~! it's more like a trial and error thingy for us.. hahaha~! then went to have lunch with ak james jos sam rainy kenneth chitung.... did i left out anyone? i hope not... and here goes... hahaha~! some of us went to buy food... and i was the last one... so i sorta ehm....
cos i had to carry a bowl of noodles and a bowl of soup... hahaha~! yeah.... and it's as though stuck blocked my mind..... couldn't focus.... then i wanna find them... alamak! i cant find them..... i cant see them at all..... then when i found them aiyaya... i dunno how to say.... i can only say i got lost in south canteen today... haha funny??? yeah i know it's funny... laugh all u want it's okay with me.... then went out with kenneth to buy my bible... then went out with mama... then come home....

saw a pair of shoes tat i like very much.... part of it is orange somemore... hai... $21... hahah... bargain until so long give $21... then i decided not to buy..... then mama bought a skirt for me... how to say??? sometimes when i dun need things... they will pop out... and when i need it... or want it... i dun buy it..... hahhaa~! at least i have some new clothes... mama bought it for me when she was in indo... almost all same pattern only different colours... wear out ppl will think "buy 3 get 1 free" or sth liddat... hahaha~! oh well... looks like i wun have a new pair of shoes to bite in the new year....hahaa.... complain for all i want!! at least i dun spend money in an unwisely way.... since my pair of shoes haven wore off yet.... sigh...

happy chinese new year... enjoy....

writtern @Friday, January 27, 2006

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

adOH! long time no blog as always.. 1 week is it??? or almost 1 week? hahha~! obviously i did not keep track of it...anywayz... i converted to a christian last friday... ehm... kenneth's church... hahaha~! oh well... i really dunno wat or how to say... i only can say.... there are still my own believes within me... and i am still not used to the way some of them speak.... hahaha~ wat else.... ehm.... i must really make it clear.... but then i must oso say 1st tat i'm not to insult or offend anything... hope u all understand....

to me... i dun think we ppl do anything or everything on earth just to worship God.... yes... we may be indirectly worshipping God.... but then we oso do things tat we are doing for ourselves.... true??? for example... we eat in order not to starve..... we study in order to gain knowledge for ourselves which may come in handy in the future.... we work to earn money and support our families....... to me.... God is magnificent.... He is someone who is very good and forgiving.... but then again... i believe and thinks tat God and Jesus are those who so-called created christianity... no doubt it can just be a title.... but then some may say God created the humans... i dunno..... i'm not the creator... who knows human might be evolved from monkey? orang utan?? i really have no idea at all... not knowing anything at all tat proves all these... just dun give me the will in believing it... u hope u guys understand.... and also.... i oso believes that holy spirits exist.... if u all say they guide us through our lives every now and then giving as msg from God... i do believe..... but! God is just like a guide to me.... He is no doubt to be magnificent... but he is a guide to me.... and a person who watches over me every minute every second.... He is not the one who give us power... or knowledge.... we ourselves must have the hunger for knowledge to learn.... and to do things..... sigh~! i dunno how to make myself very clear... but i hope u guys understand... and this i really believe He who is looking at me understands it very very well.....

and from the above.... i believe not many will say Amen(i agree,for christians...).... but it's okay..... but pls take note i dun mean harm and i dun meet to offend.... i only need ppl to understand me....

writtern @Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006

hey yo~! haven been blogging very regularly... no one reads anywayz.... this blog is more like a place for me to vent my anger... complain all i want.... hahhaa~! alright ! here goes..... the topic today is sometimes....

so.... sometimes i feel very very fustrated and yet not being able to tok it out.... sometimes i feel as though i cant trust anyone in this world therefore i chose to bottle it up.....

sometimes after bottling it up.... it get's full... when it is fulled.. the cap burst..... and the water overflows......

recently... i realised there are ppl getting much more inconsiderate.... for example..... someone is talking... and they can actually tok so loudly like the world belongs to them.... in the end distracting the others.... but i dun deny sometimes i'm those kinda ppl... hahaha~! but this certain ppl tends to shut us up when they needed silence.... so shld i shut them up whenever i need silence??? well i made up my mind... i would do so... hahaha~! so watch out man ppl... u guys have not see the real diana yet.... and of cos... becos of their noise..... i wasnt able to listen to wat the lecture wanted to say.... more like he said it but i cant hear a thing... this shows how loud their voices arh.... somemore the teacher uses a microphone~! HOW WELL DONE RIGHT??!?!!? sigh~!~!~!.... if this certain ppl happen to be reading this.... come on and bring it out on me~ it's not like i'm afraid of u.... dudes~! look ~! u guys are not the world alright?! u got to know the meaning of compromise and acommodate with one another.... i kindly invited u guys to come over.... why not push ur craving to other times... and ur craving will definitely taste better... and i'm not lying abt it... and for one of u all.... breaking up is the not the end of everything... u got to forgive and forget and be frds... like u have said tat u wanna be frds with one another again then BE FRIENDS!!!! do u know sometimes u guys' actions are making me go crazy?!?!!! be a man of ur own words man!!!! GROW UP AND DUN ACT INFRONT OF OTHER PPL! BE URSELF!!! and the reason why i choose to use blog to say all this is becos... once there is a very gd frd of mine said i'm too straightforward and all of a sudden dun tok to me.... tats why i choose to use a blog... a least straightforward way... and be thankful tat i did not mention u guys name!!!! FREAKS!!!!!!!!

writtern @Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday, January 05, 2006

okay... i haven been blogging for the pass few weeks... hahhaa~! i simply dunno wat to write.... yeah... well~! i bought a phone just now... like not more than 2hrs ago~ hahhaa~! well... i cost me a bomB~! luckily i've got the prettist woman in this world to help me out.... yeah... but i'm gonna pay her back once i got my next month's pocket money... hahaha~! thanx~!

okay... then back to school.... ehm.... lately i feel very lost... it's as though something drained off alot of knowledge off my brain..... reeally... i'm not kidding... i feel more and more stupid as days goes by.... sigh~! okay then... i had my epc test ytd... it was a partial hell.... it was terrible... sigh~! if i can even get 25 marks out of this 100 marks... i will be jumping up and down and laughing till i drop dead ! i'm serious.... i can nv score as badly as this time round... hahaha~!

okay... then i had my com skills quiz today.... wooH~! my grp won~! hahaha~! just by one point.... if we din present properly this time round we would have lost to YMAC... haha~! luckily i went up to answer the qns the 1st time round... then went up to present... 2 times going infront of the class makes me feel more comfortable... if i were to tok the 1st time going up... i will be worse than just stumbling over my own words.... okay~! i went up relunctantly.... but i must oso thank my grp mates... w/o them we wun have won~!

oh dear~ i'm going to have c prog test tml... and i'm not prepared... i guess the only 2 modules tat i wun do well this semester is c prog and epc... hahaha~! looks like my at least 3.5 gpa is not going to happen... sigh~! but i'll still try my very very very very ut most best! haaha~! okay... i hope i use the word ut most correctly... yah... and tml going to revise math... and mama say maybe she going to indo tml... haha~! so i hope i can have like 1 or 2 frds coming over my hse to help me clean the hse and revise be4 the tests with me... hahaha~! dun think anyone will come over, since i've said wanting them to help me clean the hse... sigh~! oh dear~!~~!

i guess saturday... would be dunno? sunday.... do math i guess? since monday got test.... haaha~! okay~! i shall stop here... hahaha~!~!~!

writtern @Thursday, January 05, 2006