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summary of year 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005

hey yo~! this is gonna be a summary of year 2005 although it is not new year yet... lolx~!

okay... let's see... ehm... i had a foolish holiday from jan to april... know why... i was in indo working... and met this guy name handi.. and many many things happened... but anyway, to cut short, my role tat time with handi is a bitch/slut if some of u guys would like to call it....

alrighty~ moving on to may... poly started... felt like a total stranger..... many many things happened oso... dun wish to bring up the past to make myself not happy....but of cos~ besides the not happy stuff... there are oso happy stuffs! hahaha~! like tennis... making new frds.... quarrelling with frds.... u guys may wonder why do i think quarrelling with frds is good... well... if we dun quarrel... i may nv be able to understand them, and also i will be able to learn lotsa stuff from it.... oh well.. but overall i haven been a gd classmate nor a gd frd.... well.. not to mention i admit tat i am rude at times and may scold some of u guys w/o even thinking... hahah~! but still it's better than some of the ppl in who uses the word "chee bye" "lan jiao" and "fu*k" in daily used sentence..... maybe i shall change this entry... yeah i shld...

let's tok abt ppl who uses those 3 mentioned up there in daily used sentence... i dun understand why ppl can easily say "hey~ how's the fu*k going on?" wat's tat suppose to mean anywayx? does it even beautify ur sentence? heck no! now comes the funny part... this i dun get it too... why would some ppl bump into sth or accidently dropped their stuff and say "eh chee bye!" does tat mean ur chee bye had dropped? translate tat word in english.. and they will be saying "eh vagina!" does tat even mean anything??? -_-"~! seriously i know i have no right in telling them not to say all this... but i still find tat it's very rude... it's even more rude compared to ppl bumping into u and not saying sorry..... seriously, i'm not kidding.... if only one day the words chee bye and lan jiao would just disappear... -_-"! so rude! but i guess the word fu*k could nv been erased off from this world..... many countries uses it... so oh well... -_-"~! oh yeah~ apologies for many vulgarities in this entry... cant be helped.....

overall of my yr 2005... i did not enjoyed it as much as i thought i could, i rather be honest to myself than deceive myself from telling myself tat this yr is wonderful.....

writtern @Saturday, December 24, 2005

am i asking for too much???
Friday, December 16, 2005

hey yO~! am i asking too much???

sigh~! after reading some of my frds' blogs... i've been asking myself if i'm asking too much from all my frds.... sigh~! how?! 1stly... sorry to weixin for the suddeny change of my decision on having the steamboat once again... hahaha~! sorry lar... i dunno whether i really really REALLY wanna have steamboat or not... probably not... wat i want is sth u can give me tat i can keep... if eating can solve the problem... it will be very nice though~ lolx~! let's see....

i actually expected tat i would recieve lotsa presents during my birthday this yr... and yeah.. i'm wrong... really wrong to be the fact.... i've only recieve 3 presents.... 2 pairs of earrings and a fotoframe... as to ppl who know me well.. they know tat i will speak my mind... and yes.... i din expect a fotoframe... hahaha~! but nvm... i'll try to find a nice foto to fit in... then again... huiqin revathi and jos did celebrate with me on my birthday itself... i really appreciated tat although it's not well organised.... and thanx to lynn n my bro who accompanied me in the day... and thanx to ak for wishing me happy birthday personally... and thanx to my classmates.... for the cake of cos....

every year of my birthday i dun seem to enjoy it at all... not even one bit... (btw appreciating and enjoying is 2 different thing)... remembering last yr's birthday... it fell on my chemisty pract day... no one gave me present tat day... no one wished me happy birthday.... but the next day chun mei invited me to her house... well... it was actually to relax awhile.. in the end she decided to bake a cake for me herself... it's really nice of her... although i dun click well with them but tat day i really enjoyed it... sigh~! must i really hold a party in order to recieve more presents? rubbish isnt it??? this world is just too realistic.... most pretty gals and cute guys... maye recieve plenty of presents from guys and gals for no good reason at all... and i dun seem to get anything lar... no doubt... i'm trying hard to mix around well with my classmates... but sometimes things just got worse... and also... at times i still very very lonely although i may be laughing... i try my very best in helping other ppl.... sigh.... and i dun expect much in return.... hai~! kill me bah!~!~!

call me a greedy pig for all u want... i admit i am greedy....

writtern @Friday, December 16, 2005

oh my my~~~
Thursday, December 15, 2005

oh my my~~~ how bored i am... very very very extremely bored~! hahhaa~!

okay~ looks like no one is gonna fulfill any of my wish list from the last entry... sigh~ HOPEFULLY the steamboat will be fulfill this coming sat.... DO U READ THIS???!!??! THAT LINE WAS FOR U FONG WEIXIN!!!! hahahaha~!~!~

review of the week::::::

**okay~! monday... was damn bored.... unlucky morning and lucky afternoon though... my workpiece was wrong, VERY wrong... then afternoon... i'm lucky to be the 1st female student to finish and complete the connection correctly... hahaa~! well tats wat the teacher said... he say so far one has finished it correctly... hahaa~!

** tuesday.... ehm... connecting the circuits can be very easy, but understanding the circuit is very difficult for me... so i'm still dead in epc~ oh dear~~

** lovely wednesday... wednesday should be... or shld i say SUPPOSE to be the only day tat i love~ cos there is training! hahaha~! oh well~~~ some of us skipped the last lec... and i skipped tuition too... reason why i skipped last lec was i will be wasting my time... the reasonS is skipped tuition was, the qns i wanna ask is already resolved... AND ak dun seem to have the heart to go.... sometimes i really wonder... does he really understand wat the teacher/tutor is trying to say??? even though he nod his head and said yes... -_-"! sigh~! so.. namely, chi tung, kelvin, james, ak, and me went to play 1 hr of tennis... hahaha~! then i went to training... now~! more on the training... i'm so tired... sigh~! i've thrown more then 100 times of medicine ball... let me count... yeah... rougly more than 100 times... hahaha~! but of well~! the result did came out... was able to hit to the so called no mans land... if not i will always be hitting till service box~ hahaha~! now must try very hard to hit to the base line.... tat will be so nice man~! hahaha~! okay... then... coach say i'm lazy... how am i lazy?? sigh~! i'm trying very very very hard.... then my serve... ehm... tried the continental grip which is also the correct gripping for serve... hahaha~ i keep reminding myself to use tat grip and the ball did go into the service box... haha~! so happy... but so dead after training....

** today.... i'm not in the mood in doing anything much... sigh~! was so dead during comm skills... even though i slept last night at 11.30pm and work up at 9.30am... tats roughly 10 hrs... and i'm so tired... hahaha~! i cant believe it man! i can help a frd of mine in math and got 100% and i only got 90% SHESSH!!! but nvm... as long as their happy can already.... if wanna help must do it well too... but i only started with my frd's assessment at the end... hahah~ oh well... nvm~ oh yah~! if u happen to be reading this... i was just kidding abt the treating of lunch and drink~.... i dun want anything in return although i help u in it...

**tml... dunno yet... but definitely okay de.... i will MAKE it to be okay!!!!! argh!!!! tml is C prog... gonna have a HARD TIME AGAIN!!!! sigh~~!!!

** sat... hopefully bball or badminton in the morning! (no more tennis this week! dun bomb my wallet man!) and oso hopefully steamboat.... hahaha~!

** sun... maybe do math(maybe on fri)... maybe do comm skills(maybe fri)... hopefully can slp until 1pm again... tats all i want... thank yoU~!~!~!~!~!

writtern @Thursday, December 15, 2005

Saturday, December 10, 2005


finally~ this is my 100th entry...~! and since it's my 100th entry... i wanna name a wishlist~! well... for christmas/new year??? hahaha~! hope got nice ppl out there give me.... lolx~!
here goes~!!~! :::::::
a new set of tennis outfit!!! (M size for both skirt and shirt!)
many many presents!!! (i want many many big big shirts!)
a better hairstyle
a better grade
not to be kicked out of the tennis sch team
PSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and PS3 when it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah~!~!~!~!~!
i want a boyfriend!!!!!! =X

tats alL~! hahaha~! not much of a wishlist though...

wahahahah~! let's see... my day was okay yesterday, not forgetting someone wasnt feeling well thats why we ended up going home instead of doing our matlab.... hahhaa~! then... went home... did a little of math then watched monster-in-law... oh gosh~! the mama was funnY!!!! hahaha~! so so funnY!!!!! i dunno how to say... must watch it yourself... hahaha~! okay... wat else... then my brother and my another cousin and i went to tpy to have mos burger... and met one of my brother's frd name felix... he is a very nice guy i must say... hahaha~! okay.. then... do my math until 11+pm... then do a little of french... slept at ard 1am... hahaa~! then today wake up finish up french and comm skills... and i'm left with report and revision of analogue.... i'm so dead~!

writtern @Saturday, December 10, 2005

Thursday, December 08, 2005

sigh~! ytd i had my sch team training.... we are to run 4 rounds around the track be4 training.... sigh~! then ytd after i ran, dona and i rallied awhile with jq... then shi jing joined in.... after tat coach fed dona and i some balls then hit... after tat coach ask me to rally with shijing.... tat lasted quite long... and it's rather bored to me.... cos my ball keep on going to the net.... sigh~! then after tat... serve.... then play game.... then drill... i was with clara in the game... won the game by tie break... -_-"~! sad.... we lost one of it becos of my serve..... lotsa double fault.... i wasnt pressurized at all... just tat my timing of my serve is really off.... haaha~! then wat else... the drill... not very tiring... well... last time when i had drills it's almost killing me... but now it's better... hahah~! and oso... liddat...

today my class had a early com skills lesson... some of them did ask me abt the venue and timing.... some din.... and some forgot... maybe... i dunno.... okay.... this case.... i'm really sorry... i have not done my part in being a gd class rep... -_-"~! although it's only for this module.... anywayx.... i tot if i told one of the small grping of them they would pass the msg around... and so... i was wrong.... although they may seem to be good friends to me... but it looks like they dun pass the message well... and if next time we were to change class.... i'll may sure i go up one by one and tell them instead of expecting them to pass the msg around... and this tells me tat i shldn't have assume they would pass the msg.... sigh~! i feel so damn sian lar today.... in the class.... dun feel like toking... no strength to tok.... but i did tok more when i changed place... -_-"! lame.... wat else.... nothing i guess??

oh yah.... ytd's training.... i felt rather.... how to say.... not very close to them... although i've seen them be4... chatted with them be4... but now it seems as though we dun even tok..... last time when i visited them during their training we do have some laughters... now is like no more... hahha! but nvm... i'll work on it too.... sigh~! tml got c prog.... sux... -_-"! how i wish i can just slp at home and not wake up....

writtern @Thursday, December 08, 2005

tennis after 2 weeks of NO tennis!
Sunday, December 04, 2005

hahaha~! halo~! i had my morning training today... it's actually playing tennis after 2 weeks of NO playing tennis... hahaha~! and... it's bad.... well to daryl it's still the same cos he said "u 2weeks nv play already but u are still there..." how can i be still there when i keep on hitting the frame?! freak! but then... some of my backhand shots got better.... a little tat is... hahaha~! i'm still trying hard to find the OLD backhand where i can really kill..!!! hahhaa~! ehm... -_-"! i hate today's volley..... it's like a torture! haahhaa~!... especially when guozun is the baseliner.... -_-"! my reaction so slow today.... just din tok much today... why? becos i got nth tat i wanna say... so i'm the so-called mute mood today....

oh yah~ i accidently cut my finger ytd... it's still bleeding abit today... then my bracelet's sharp pointy part poked my palm when i was doing push up today.... so ... oso bleed... hahaha~! luckily i din get hit by tennis balls many times today... just once~ at my left knee... my left knee still hurts though.... the bone abit... pain... but nvm~ ehm.... i'm still slow and lazy in running after the ball.... sigh~ i will keep on going.... hope i can improve..... lolx~

and! my mom cut my hair yesterday... hahaha~! it's rather awful.....-_-"! but ehm.... cut already.... i cant do anything abt it... i can only wait for it to grow... hahaha~! sigh~

writtern @Sunday, December 04, 2005

halo!!! -_-"~!
Saturday, December 03, 2005

hahaha my day today is not very bad....

when i was still in bed, i heard my bro n mom calling a worker in indo to congrates him as he is getting married and we are not able to attend....hahah~! my bro actually speak to him in english while he dun understand english... -_-" unbelievable on how silly my bro can be.. hahha~! then my cousin came to my hse in the morning and woke me up.... later on went swimming with my cousin... well... she foreced me to! argh!!! and we end up playing catching instead.... how dumb~! hahaha~!

then after tat we went out for awhile.... come back home... tv until just now... tats all~ hahhaa~! okay... shall stop here for now.... bye bye

writtern @Saturday, December 03, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

ARGH!!!! hahaha~! my day... not bad..~~~ becos i ate sth spicy just now for lunch... my sore throat is back!!! i wanna cry already.... hahaha~!

well today i had c programming.... hahaa~! rather sian~ cos i wasnt even doing anything as i have already finished doing tat lab 4 last week... wat else.... oh yah~ then kenneth accompanied me to south canteen to buy some food and drinks... so sorta wasted some time.... hahhaa~ know why? cos we were SO BORED!!! hahaha~! wat else....

i find annkiat a real dumbo today!!! my soul and body almost got detached all becos of hiM! he gave me a webby and said it's a game... and after playing tat a freako face plus a high-pitchy scream of a woman sounded... -_-"! gosh!!!!!! destroyed the 30mins of my time just now all becos of tat... and i'm so sian now... so restless.... hahaha~!

now... i cant decide on which training to go... sat or sun?? hahah~! i wanna go for both... but then no money!!! i can only afford to go for one... how?! oh well... i guess i'll go for the one... on... ehm... WHICH ONE??!!?!?!?! hahaha~!~!

i shall take some notice on my classmates.... hahaha~! sorta feel like blogging about them... more like advertising for them???? hahaha~! hope u guys dun mind! so STAY TUNE!!!!

writtern @Friday, December 02, 2005

is it going fast? or slow?
Thursday, December 01, 2005

YO~! hahaha~! nth much happen today.... the math test was a so-called.... becos it isnt really a test, isnt it??? hahhaa~! oh well.... then had math lecture.... then break... then com skills.... well... the com skills ICA isnt tat difficult afterall.... ehm.... except for one of the qns is rather brain cracking... hahhaa~!

ehm... going back to the break time.... hahaha~! break.... oh well... i fell down~ -_-"! i have no idea why... it's either i i knock into rainy and i fell or i tripped over her leg.... cos she stopped suddenly... and i wasnt looking infront... i was walking infront but looking elsewhere... oh well~ so it's my fault eventually... -_-"! need not speak of embarrassment.... ppl who know me well enough knows tat i'm not the sort of person who is afraid of that.... hahaha~! to me... nth is very paiseh... oh well.. wat else.... both knees are pain though... it's like sudden shock went into it... much more painful compared to the time when i play tennis.... sigh~! then james keep saying "dun cry arh..." the more he say dun cry the more i feel like crying... yeah tears did roll down a little but i quickly wiped it off... must be strong! hahhaa~!

next uP~! reading my title... is it going fast? or slow? referring to time... hahah~! is time really flying fast or slow.... well when some of us were in the train james and chi tung were saying about how time passes... one say fast.. one say moderate... hahaha~! so which is it??? well... time is neither fast or slow... it is flying at the same spend as it usually passes.... -_-"~! it really depends on how one sees it... and to me... it is sometimes fast and sometimes slow... for like classes where we are having fun i find it pretty fast... for classes which is like very boring... i find the time flowing very slowly... namely epc... hahaa~! it's really killing me slowly.. hahah~! wat else... but thinking back to ur past u will find tat time flies really pretty fast.... so fast semester2.... so fast week4.... hahaha~! almost a month ever since school started.. ahah~! oh well... -_-"~!

oh and during com skills... last week i read the word resume as the... u pause and u resume sth... but it's actually the other pronunciation of resume...and annkiat and james keep on teasing me with tat... hahaha~! well i'm not angry about tat... i find it rather funny myself... hahaha~! how dumb... -_-"!!!

guess i'll just stop here... oso nth to blog abt....

animes recommended:
-black cat
-magical lyrical nanoha
-magical lyrical nanoha A's
-hana yori dango
-prince of tennis
-card captor sakura
-tsubasa chronicles
-fushigi yuugi
[actually these are the animes i've watched so far or still watching.. still got a few more animes but i dunno the titles... hahaha~!~!~!~~]

writtern @Thursday, December 01, 2005