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-_-"~! my day today.... argh!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

hey yo~! shall blog be4 i scan through com skills and math... hahaha~!

let's see my day... started of with math lecture... haha~! i din know tat joseph was already inside the lecture room tats why i sit outside and waited for about 5 mins then i went it... let's see.... ehm.... to me joseph seems to be more serious than last semester... hahaha~! most of the ppl in my class did... i suppose??? ehm... then had epc tut.... i realised i REALLY need help in tat.... actually not really.... if only i'm able to pay attention in his class tat is.... his class is incredibly boring.... okay... anywayx...

i have nothing much to blog about.... i'm really bored~! ehm.... let's see.... hopefully i can at least get a 3.5 gpa this sem... of cos it will be better if i still remain as 3.7 hahha~ kk shall stop here... bye bye~

writtern @Wednesday, November 30, 2005

sure? maybe? must be?
Sunday, November 27, 2005

halo~~!~! hahaha~! u know... the most difficult part in blogging i find is actually the title... -_-"~! hahaa~! how pathetic can tat be???? -_-"~!~!! anywayx.... i just wanna blog today... with nothing in my mind to be exact...

let's see... ehm... well next week is already the 4th week ... very fast eh... after next week it will already be 1 month.... many things will be up... assignments to be hand-in, e-assignments to be done, reports to be handed up too... hahhaa~! and i have done NONE of it! argh!!!! i'm really so lazy... i'm slacking all my way in sch... be in walking to sch, in sch or even walking to the mrt... hahaha~! slacker is my middle name~!~!!~ -_-"!!!!

i'm actually suppose to go for training today.. hahaa~! but in the end i wanna skip it... well.. 1stly i wanna save my money for tat one lesson.... and it's rather boring as we are actually doing the same thing over and over again... i know i'm not good... but he shld just try sth new??? and wat else.... sorta lost interest in tennis already.... so tired.... might as well not go.... then somemore i can slp until very late... oh yah~ i'm oso sick wat.... well.. feeling much better already... but then still... very tired... the moment after i take in my medicine i will feel very dizzy... hahaha!~ strong medicine right?! RIGHT!

actually today's title has nothing to do with my entry... hahaha~! if some of u guys have realise tat is... comparing my life and my problems with some of my frds right.... i think i have lesser problems... but the wat they have more than me is that they always have their grp of frds to support them or to go through with... whereas i'm always alone.... ehm.... maybe i'm taking it the hard way.... stubborn as always.... but i guess no matter how hard it is.. i'll still have to go through it... one my classmate once told me if i can find 3 very good friends... i'm a success in life... and in my life... i really have not even met one good frd... wat to do? i'll still search for the 3 frds... lolx!

writtern @Sunday, November 27, 2005

oki doki!
Friday, November 25, 2005

halO~! hahaha~! oki dokI! i've made up my mind..... i shall not give up tennis for the moment! hahaha~!

well... i'm like so sick now... but i guess i shld blog a little.... hahaha~! to update of cos~ let's see... i'm the 1st to reach school today... hahaha~! rather moody in the morning... and was sick... then after sch hui qin accompanied me to queensway to shop... hahaha~! really must thank her yah~! so thanky very muchy! hahaha~! wat else... well... sms-ed quite alot with annkiat today... and chat quite alot with huiqin today oso... and i must really say... in the matter of love there is no right or wrong.... hahhaa~! stay as friends forever okay? see u all liddat i'm oso upset myself... how can u all make aunty upset?!?!??! HOW CAN?! wanna kana kick by me arh?! hhaaha~! oh well... then i went home.... feeling so sick... tats all i guess....

the followings are short little msg for some of my frds~!

1st keira! how ya doing gal? or shld i call u da jie jie? hahah~! gd for ur brother tat he scored high marks~! and... let's see... haven been chatting with u lately... u seriously seem to be very fierce u know?! i'm like sorta avoiding u... well at least i am honest and tell u straight~! well.. not very straight to be exact... hahaha~! i know there are times where i'm bad lar...and i sometimes or maybe always "zhong se qin you" anwayx take care yah!

2nd vickie! halo halo halO~! weekee weekee weekee~! drink more water and dun fall sick cos i'm the one who is sick now hahaha~! sick is no FUN okay?! anywayx... thanx for being with me when i needed some sense to be knocked into my bloody brain~!

3rd soon kwee! hahahaa~! halo~! not really close to u.. but just wanna say eh... hahaha~! bare with my lame-ness alright? hahaha~! i know i am very lame like most of the time... and oh yah... have u adapt our class??? hahaha~! different class have their diferent fun times~ sO!!!!! gambate-ne~!

4th annkiat! U DUMBO!!!! u sent me the virus and my system is down now! hahaha~! just joking~!~!! hahaha~! well... so far... so good??? hahaha~! work hard in studies okay? dun always slack... slacking feels good but it's not very good afterall... wat else.... eh... even though i dunno who she is... but wish u all the best with her okay? hahaha~!

5th weixin! hey bestie! how have u been with ur xiao ke ai? everything okay okay? must be lar! hahhaa~! so long nv eat with u le... i know times have been keeping us apart and i have been unreasonable at most of the times.... do bare with me.... and i really appreciate it.. hahaa~! let's see abt MY steamboat... maybe we can just forget about it alright? might as well u save up for ur psp and lend it to me sometimes... hahaha~! okay? set? ON ARH!!!!

6th huiqin! hey yO~! thanx for today arh... oh yah... wish u all the best with ur bf... and ur brother really look like u... hahaha~! no joke! esp the smile u 2 have... exactly the same... hahaha~! wat else... i see u and both revathi and haslin all bucking up sia.... so hardworking all of the sudden... PLS DUN PRESSURISE ME!!!! hahahaa~! j/k j/k... enjoy everyday in ur life okay? take care ~~~

7th gabriel and gang! hey guys~! let's see... got quite some time nv play tennis with u all... sorry for being moody at times... and being so... ehm... dumb or quiet? hahaha... just not my days lately... and oso special thanks to kor kor yong, weiwen and zhan yen... constantly reminding me not to give up on tennis... hahaha~! well.. and oso for tolerating with my lousy shots and stupid acts... hahaha~! i will improve slowly and keep up with u all! hahhaa~! well at least tats wat i hope... hahaha~!

8th sauwei & guozun! halo halo halO~! hahhaa~! oso not very close to u two... esp guozun... seldom tok... but rallied once only... hahaha~! well just wanna say... u 2 last yr liao... must remb me arh... and oso gd luck to u all in the future days... and oso thanky to sauwei for helping me in my studies every now and then although i dunno whether the ans is correct or not... -_-"~! hahaha~! take care ya~!

9th my classmates! hahaha~! dun think many will read my blog.... but thanx for being with me when i'm lonely and oso thanx for offering help when i needed help although i'm always stubborn tat i rejected u guys... and i will try my very best to mix well and have good frdships with u all... hahaha~!

Last everyone! hahaha~! well... weather is like crazy lately... so do take care... hoping for world peace... ahahaha~! and enjoy life like it's gonna end the next very second! (not cursing if u really get wat i mean...)

[btw.... the 1st to last is not in order... so there is absolutely NO BIAS AT ALL!!!!]

writtern @Friday, November 25, 2005

is there a need?
Thursday, November 24, 2005


i'm fine... alive... wat else... feeling rather down recently... especially when i'm alone... haha~ i'll start thinking alot... let's see my day~ went to sch rather early today.... rest a little be4 class starts... sat with rainy (right) and soon kwee( left) today... and left of soonkwee is annkiat.... hahaha~! for dunno wat reason annkiat called me aunty today... dAnG~~!~!~!~!~ hahaha~! i was thinking "eh... calling me.. issit?" who else is an aunty in my class? hahaha~! no one but me ! wahahhaa~! okay okay.... enough of craps... okay... and had math lec... then break... wah~ i drank a cup of tasteless milk tea today... and a superb milo... hahaha~! the milo is really nice... hahaha~! then wat else... had com skills... rather bored today as most of the ppl seem to be very tired... and i still dun present well.. maybe i just suck in presenting~ hahaha~! okay wat else... i'm going to queensway tml... well... hopefully no one says got sth on last min~ then okay... hahaha~!

for the pass few days... i have been hanging around with my classmates... hahaha~ really wanna try hard to mix around with them... afterall they ARE my classmates and good friends... hahhaa~ ehm... after the chat i had with rainy today... hahaha~ i was thinking "is there really a need for me to have a boyfriend at this age?" hahhaa... the answer is "definitely NO!" hahaha... why no, some may ask? let's see...

firstly, i dun have enough time for him... secondly, it's rather difficult to have someone to like me if i like him... hahha~! i think... tats the only reasons i can come up with... lolx~! why no time.... well... my time is eaten up by schooling and tennis.... and oso... i find tat when i like someone... tat someone will happen not to like me but someone else... hahah~! so i sort of gave up on having a bf... maybe i shld consider in becoming a les instead... hahhaa~! just kidding~! no way will i do tat... i'm straight!!!! lolx~! but then again... if my fate were to come at this period... i wun mind? hahaha~! i dun mind giving it a try provided tat the guy dun mind too... hahaha~! but no fate~ !!! hahah~!

nvm it's okay~! i'll do my best in my studies and tennis in the meantime... and oh yah! i thought of giving up tennis... really tired.... i see no improvements.. sigh~! but then again... i find no reason for me not to give up in tennis.... name a few if u guys can find.....

writtern @Thursday, November 24, 2005

alrighty~! i'm blogging now~!
Sunday, November 20, 2005

hey yO~! boredom had conquered the physical me and the mental me..... hahah~! anywayx... i'm like blogging now for the sake of doing it.... how dumb can dat be? VERY! okay... let's see.... recently i have been feeling very very stressed up and f*cked up as well... why?! i guess i dun wanna say it here... rather long... rather naggy... and to some ppl it's always rubbish~! okay....

wat have i done today? 50 situps... and went for training... and did 30 push up for punishment... -_-"! hahaha~! i went home early today to watch tv.... oh well... another reason for me to go home early is becos... i dun think the guys wanna play with me oso... my timings are all in a mess.... either too fast or too slow... mostly too slow... haahha~! so i tot i should play with them today when i'm so lousy.... besides i oso wanna watch tv... sigh~! i suck in tennis man.... maybe i shld just call it a quit.....

writtern @Sunday, November 20, 2005

sth tat i've realised....
Sunday, November 13, 2005

hey yO! today's entry is about sth tat i've realised... well... not really realised... but the feeling of it... hahaha~!

recalling the time i took up tennis... all the topics i have in my brain is only about tennis... and thus toking abt tennis all the time with my frds bore them out... hahaha~! and also... the urge of become a pro in tennis is wat i felt tat time... this also cause me to throw out so much money in training... i still remb i almost train like non-stop.... which is rather crazy... hahaha~! and now... i sort of see the me i once was... hahaha~!

i have this frd... who is very funny... as in... humorous... hahaha~! shant name him out... but it's rather easy to guess who it is... let's see... his playing style is definitely weird... and not to mention weird.... wat else... he dun really tok much abt tennis as i do, but he wants to play tennis all the time... hahaha~! when it's so obvious tat ppl dun feel like playing with him he will be like "come! rally with me eh..." the main reason i dun really like to rally with him is becos... (i dunno whether he is serious or not) his shots are always either out or to the net... eventually picking up more balls than hitting the balls.... hahaha~! and also! he is very stubborn... pls!!! if u are reading this right now.... PLS CHANGE UR STYLE!!!!! it will definitely help u... pls dun end up like me... everything go haywire becos of my stubborness...wat else.... oh yah! there is also a limitation in playing tennis... when it is time for u to rest! u REST!!!! dun keep on asking ppl to play with u... cos even if they do... they would most probably not be serious with u.... get it???

i guess... tats all for now... bye bye~

writtern @Sunday, November 13, 2005

tennis today??? not really good....
Friday, November 11, 2005

halo... let's see.... tennis today for me wasnt really good... 1st of all... it rained~ and then we went back and play again.......... and stroke was a mess.... my backhand is seriously bad... bad ... bad... and my forehand... oso bad bad bad... sigh~! and then we played singles.... gab with me again... -_-"~! yeap~! lost to him again... but i wasnt really happy neither did i enjoyed the game very much too... i must admit tat i really wanted the game to end earlier... and i almost say "i give up" know why? i dunno why but gab seem to be going too easy on me.... yeah.... it's either the heat.... his sian-ness... or my slow pace tat make him so sian... i know i am lousier than him lar... but also dun play until liddat.... right???? he was delibrately giving me points... and i when he asked if i was angry, yes! i was a little angry and disappointed.... sigh~! anywayx i dun blame u too... cos i myself also look sian.... and ppl have their sian days too... anywayx! i wanna apologise for sth... remb u said u were serious when i said u were not and i dun see how u are serious at all... i think tat sounded rather harsh.... sorry ya.... (dun think u will read it oso....)

next is for zhi yong... eh... frd~ remb u said u were kan jiong tats why u din play really well??? let me tell u sth although i guess u already knew it~ hahaha~! ehm... dun be kan jiong lar... it's just a match... so dun give urself too much pressure okay???? always have a clear mind and focus on the game.... hahhaa~! if u want ur serve to go in... it WILL go in... depending on ur mind most of the time... if u tell urself "oh shit!" of cos it will turn out tat way... unless u are tat lucky~ hahhaa~! anywayx..... it's good tat u even bother to think abt wat mistakes u have done... hahah~!

next next next! for wei wen~ hey yo~! hahaha~! ehm... dun ever give up on tennis ya... i can see u love it and u wanna excel in it... and of cos it takes time... so pls dun have the thought of giving up again... cos if u have... more than half of ur confidence would be gone.... u told me be4 tat ur confidence is zero... if believe if one has no confident in sth.... they wun even have tat courage to do tat sth again.... thus i still think more or less u still have some of it in u... hahhaa~! ehm... wat else.... ehm... although u wun doing as good as last time.... u are slowly taking up ur pace.... slowly improve at ur own pace ya... and nv have negative thoughts... hahaha! ehm... i know u can console ppl using such words like nv have negative thoughts.... and when ppl say tat to u, it just dun get into ur head... tat sort of feeling i know... hahaha~! so yeah... bear of it... hold tight to ur racket... and look forward u shld have no problem in the future... okay? hahaha~!

alrighty~! i got another msg for zhen yan oso... CHANGE UR PLAYING STYLE!!!! tats the only way i can only think of to help u... but i doubt u will do so... -_-"~! i'm so disappointed!!!!! anywayx~! have fun guys~!

writtern @Friday, November 11, 2005

my dAy~!
Thursday, November 10, 2005

hahaha~! halo~!!!!

argh! i'm so bored!!!!!! hahaha~! actually i wanted to do my math tutorial qns... but i'm just so lazy to get the pen and paper.... so yeah... so i ended up being so sian~! anywayx.... my day started out rather late today, let's see... class started at abt 11am... hahaha~! 11.10am to be exact! yeap! and it was math tutorial... followed by math lecture, break and communication skills... hahaha~! yeah... and during our break today... my class celebrates ppl whose birthday is in the month of october... well tat of cos including myself! hahaha~! the chocolate cake was yummy~!... wat else.... i really love the card they gave me.. hahaha~! esp the stuff they wrote in... let's see... wait before i begin... here's to soon kwee(dun think he will get to see oso -_-"!)

to soon kwee: hey yo! wats up? lolx~! eh.. i just wanna welcome u to our class.... wanna say tat to u but abit paiseh to say this kind of thing from the likes of me... so yeah.... hope u enjoy being with us... i try not to be very lame to u, later u cannot bear of it run off... -_-"~! so tats all i guess...

okay! back to my card.... lolx~! i wanna thank soon kwee or writing in the card although he is just a new-comer.... then now i wanna name some of the stuff my classmates wrote to me which i love it very much.... as in... it's funny lar~ hahaha~! let's see.... "stay charcoal black" and "Aunty! you shold know who i am ba" eh... all these aint anything special... but they really mean alot to me lar... hahaha~! i know they might not be very attentive to me... but at least they realised i have gone black~! hahaha~! and of cos tat aunty phrase... if i'm not wrong.... shld be annkiat bah... -_-"! who else would call me tat??? hahaha~! sigh~! i expected a present though... -_-"~! so sad~~~ but nvm lar.... got card better than i dun have anything... lolx~! ok i dunno wat else to type oso... hahaha~! orh yah!!!

let me be rather proud for today... hahaha~! during com skills today... we were told to do some grp discussion... hahaha~! and yeah~ i gave a answer to the teacher tat i'm pretty satisfied with.... and then my classmates were like "woO!!!!!!!!" hahaha~! felt rather happy inside... but hten arh.... got a grp talked abt omission... hahaha~! which i really tot it was good... hahaha~! i think and i hope i will be able to ace this too... hahaha~! somehow... i really wanna maintain my 3.771 gpa... it's either a stay or a increase... if not... i oso wun be sad... cos it will always mean tat i have room for improvement... hahaha~!

lastly... just a short message for ppl out there reading my blog... and oso spread it around... hahah~! this may be some common life stuffs... but then again... to enjoy something always depends on oneself... especially ur mindset.... hahhaa~! u can nv enjoy sth when u are thinking "i'm so lousy in it and thus i wun do well today! and i am not happy abt it..." once ur mindset is negative how can it be positive? agree? hahaa~! and also... nv ever give up on sth u are really into it... cos i believe if u stop u will lose everything... no matter how tough some things may seem to be... hang on to it tight... nv give up hope on it and u are bound to see the results of ur effort/hard work... hahah~! tats all~

writtern @Thursday, November 10, 2005

my 1st day of school~!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

hey yo yo yo~! lolx~! yesterday was my 1st day of sch.... as in... 1st day of the 2nd semester~! hahaha~! i wun say it's very bad.... but i still enjoy it nevertheless... hahaha~! well... all of the lectures are not the same... some are funny... some are the pessimistic type... and some are those boring type as per usual... hahaha~! and fj is finally open again! haaha~! can eat those junky food again~! so nice... -_-"~!

anywayx... i had my french class today... hahaha~! his name is didier lame... and the lame is pronounced as lum... hahaha~! anywayx~! he is a veyr funny teacher... he asked us to choose our own french name from the list of names.... and guess wat? one of my classmate chose the teacher's name!!! hahaha~! so funny... anyways... i chose noëlle.. ahaha!~ well there is a name very close to my name too... but i think sense it's for the fun so why not choose sth different... lolx~! nice name right?~! hahaha~! anywayx... i'm rather tired to blog anywayx... sorry~! so shall stop here.. bye bye

writtern @Tuesday, November 08, 2005

school blue... or not???
Sunday, November 06, 2005

konnichiwa!!!! hahaha~!~!~

school is starting once again! hahaha~! well... tomorrow will be the 1st day of 2nd semester for me... a brand new semester!!! hahaha~! and the same problem will come to my mind every night once again... and that is... -_-"! wat to wear the next day.... hahahhaa~! funny isnt it...??? there are so many ppl in school... not so nice to wear weirdly... hahaha~! so i'm really trying my best to find some normal clothes.... -_-"! hahahhaa~!

so! is it really a school blue for me? or not??? of cos not!!!! hahahaa~! i was even hoping for the holiday to be shorter remember?! hahaha~! but then... sigh~! i cant slp until 1pm anymore.... and my class starts at 8am every morning except thursday.... the sch is so cruel........ ppl work oso start at 9am... -_-"! hahahaha~! cant wait for tml... and i haven pack my bag yet~ hahahaha~!~~!~!~! anywayx.... nth much to blog abt oso... so i shall stop here bye bye!~!~!~

writtern @Sunday, November 06, 2005

gosh! forgot to add sth!!!!
Saturday, November 05, 2005

hahaha~! once again i was HIT by the tennis ball!!! hahah~! this is how it goes... daryl wanted to destroy the pyramid tat weixin pilled up... and yeah... he destroyed it... but the ball rebounces back~ and i was sitting resting under the shade... and din bother much... and the ball bounce right at me! hahaha~! hit right... at the specs... eh... lets see... it's like at the the support at the nose tat part... so pain.... it still hurts a little now... but oh well... who cares!

writtern @Saturday, November 05, 2005

a long saturday i had!

oh my my~! lolx~! halo~!~!~!

today... is a very long... well, at least it seems long to me??? hahaha~! it's like the longest saturday i ever had in my life so far... hahaha~! here's wat i did... ehm... i woke up early in the morning n went to sch for tennis at 7am.... gosh! it's SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!!! hahaha~! anywayx i wasnt late when i tot i was... and finally daryl wasnt late too? hahaha~! and then since the others wun here yet... we warmed up a little... let's just say... i'm warming up and he is not! hahaha~! wat else.... i wlaked to the sports complex court for kamari's lesson at abt 7.45am... cos i din wanna be late later he suspect anything.... then then then... i was the 1st to reach the court.... and i was ALMOST late... this shows how slow i walked over there... hahaha~! and then i simply dislike kamari's training lar.... it's so freaking hot.... my face was in pain at tat time... shant tok much abt his training since it sucked.... so i oso took quite a while to wlak back to the IT court.... hahaha~! crazy isnt it??? to and fore.... -_-"! making me feel like an total idiot.... and eh... the guys were still slacking over there when i tot they would be gone or sth....

this is a paragraph.... which is gonna be toking abt this particular idiotic game we played today.... daryl wanted us to play this kiwi getting out of the jail game... -_-"~! he will feed us either fore or back hand at service line and we are suppose to hit back to him... if the ball goes out or nv go in right we will go to the jail... eh.. the jail is simply the side of the court (the doubles side, dunno wat it's called either~) and when everyone is already in there.... we are to stand in one like over there and he will hit many many balls at us and we are suppose to run like a kiwi to the other side of the court and dodging the balls at the same time w/o using our racket tat is... hahah~! this is like the lamest game i ever played and the most embrassing one.... lucky it's already over... -_-"~! phew~!~!~!~!

okay then... after tat another 1 hr of my training, i went to have lunch with weixin at mac and came back to the court for my individual training... 2hrs only... hahaha~! so it's rather relaxing not counting the fact tat the weather was killing me softly.... hahaha~! and eh... i realise i do make tiny efforts to go get some balls when i eat.... hahaha~!~!~!~! i actually bother to step back to get those deep shots... -_-"~! unbelievable... usually i would just stand down there and let the shots bounce back~ hahaha~! anywayx... my backhand movements are getting slower~ although my forehand movement is getting a little faster(but it is still slow according to our dear coach daryl....) wat else.... ehm.... i still dun control the ball well... especially backhand... i have NO IDEA why but my backhand is in disaster now... stuck in an earthquake... shaky... -_-"~! (lousy example i know...) and then... the guys went off saying they are hungry and the weather is hot.... yeah... lolx~! tats abt it... lolx~!~!~! yeah... and my shots are still short... the most i can hit is zone 2.... which is just over the service line?? and most of my shots are in the service box... how pathetic!!!!!!!!!!! and when i try to hit it deep... the shots seem like it's floating.... SUCKS! hahaha.... really got to work hard on it...

and then i went out with weixin and qianbei~! hahah~! tats all...

oh yah yah!!!! i remb sth funny... hahaha~! i wasnt really in the mood to joke just now during kamari's training... so i was abit... yaya papaya... hahaha~! when kamari said today was the last lesson, i went over and asked loudly " coach, so after ivp which training do i go? with them or sch team training?" and he replied "u dunno which training to go?!?! sch team training of cos, but the sch team will still be selected again from there..." and i replied "oh okay... thanx" and some other guys were like "oHHHHHH!!!!!" and my tots were "wat the heck~! dun oh me when u cant even get in~" hahahah~! gosh.... i was really yaya tat time lar...

shall stop here... no more world peace..~~~

writtern @Saturday, November 05, 2005

argh!!!! better buck up!!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005

hey yo~! lolx!~ eh.... i dunno wat to say.... EAZY wanna me to update... so here i am sitting down infront of my laptop trying my very best to blog... hahhaa~! let's see...

my day yesterday: i played tennis in the morning with sauwei and vickie.... it was a boring game!!!!!!! nv have i played such a boring game before.... hahaha~! but it's okay with me cos i'm a boring person to begin with... hahaha~! then after tat we went to bathe... and had lunch together at south canteen... SERIOUSLY! i nv seem to finish my food when i eat at south canteen..... argh!!!!! how should i put it?! the environment and the cleanliness are the problems there!!!! after tat sauwei went home, and gao xin came.... hahaha~! we went to buy books... aiyaya... so funny... i buy books so early gabriel and gang say why buy so early... -_-"~! cos keira they all wanna buy on tat day wat... somemore i oso got go sch so just buy it lor~~~ lolx~! kia su abit... hahaha~! wat else.... then went to met up with weiwen and zhi yong 1st.... eh... anywayz.. we were resting at 1st... hahaha~! then when gab and his frds came, we had rally 1st.... (why do u guys call it stroke??? sounds like... chou jin) hahaha~! anywayz.... eh... had game after tat... my 1st game was with gab... totally thrashed by him lar... hahhaa~! score : 3-0 then played with weiwen... eh... dunno wat to say, score:3-1... followed by zhi yong... ehm... -_-"~! i fell down!!!! hahaha~! anywayx when i fell down the ball went in so it's his score.... just wanna him to know tat nv ever tell ur opponent to play 2 when he/she fell down.... when it's so obvious tat u won the point say it's ur point... no one will blame u (unless he/she got no sportsmanship) score: 3-1.. lastly played with zhan yen... argh! the longest match! was so hungry tat i have to shout out sudden death in the end! hahaha~! was really hungry and not becos i got no more strength... score: 3-1... hahaha~! in thing those tat i won one score right... are all just luck... come on guys... although i lost to u all... dun always go easy on me lar!!!!! haahhaa~! winning or losing isnt the main thing abt the games.... is abt gaining experience, learning from own mistakes and most imptly enjoy the game... haha~! and obviously i did! hahaha~! anywayz thanx... then had dinner with them.... and i forgot tat i'm still sick... argh! and we had mac....

my day today : BORED BORED BORED... haha~! tats all... shall stop here... bye bye~!~! take care~!~! world peace!!!!

writtern @Thursday, November 03, 2005

Damn It!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Damn It!!!! hahaha~!

anywayx.... today is a public holiday... and i was suppose to play tennis with 2 frds... and guess wat~ the sch is not open... hahaha~! then we used the inter-com... and the security actually said "it's all program by the sch, if ur access is denied means u can come in sorry, click" tats all!!! FREAK!!!! then wats the facilities for during public holidays???? catching of dust???? or was it built to beautify the sch campus??? dumb.... and also.... we pay sch fees alright?! hahahaha~! i'm getting more and more unreasonable... but i cant help it, cos i'm just so pissed off with nyp.... why close the freaking sch?!?!?!? come on man!!! it's holiday!!! ppl have more time to exercise during holidays!!!! argh! cant be bothered to say any further.... -_-"!

anywayx~!~!~! it's okay... i'm gonna play tml oso.. play until i go weak! hahaha~! well... i'm actually training with 5 guys now... eh... namely gabriel, joe, wei wen, zhen yan and zhi yong (hope there is nth wrong with ur names...) eh... din really tok much to them... but they are really quite good, well at least better than me -_-" dAnG~! hahaha~! eh... they are pretty frdly i guess.... but some really dun tok much or maybe they seldom tok to gals???? hahaha~! anywayx... just wanna say nv give up~ and good luck... tats all...

i guess i'm TAT bored tats why i blog like THIS! hahaha~! anywayx~! shall stop here for today... bye bye~! world peace~~~

writtern @Tuesday, November 01, 2005