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hong kong trip....
Saturday, October 29, 2005

YO~! hahaha~! long time no blog! i'm gonna blog about my hong kong trip...

let's see... day 1... hahaha~! we arrived in the airport... then we go to the hotel... the hotel tat we stayed in is emperor hotel... eh... the room is rather small but it is very cosy, so yeah.... it's okay for me... hahaha~! then we went to central to meet up with my dad's frds... had dinner... and after tat we went to shop abit at tsim sha tsui which is very very near to the hotel we stayed... hahaha~!

day 2: exhibition!!!! hahaha~! it was VERY dumb.... the guy in the lobby told us to go to the other hotel to wait for the shutter bus... then we reach they and waited quite long so my dad called them up and said it's at our own hotel... so we walked back... -_-"! well... it's very breezy tat morning so it's okay... not bad having a morning walk eh... hahaha~! then the exhibition hall... is quite big... there are 3 big exhibition halls... and yes! we took almost a day to walk the very 1st exhibition hall... anywayx.... i gave up the 2nd and 3rd exhibition hall... yeah... so i went to the lounge to use msn... hahaha~! and then... we went back to the hotel to put the catalogs... hahaha! then went out for dinner and of cos shop around...

day 3: as i said i gave up the last 2 halls... so i decided to shop instead... so mama brought me to ladies' street(nu ren jie).. it is located in the mon kwok... hahaha~! anywayx... over there... there is one building which sells handphones... oh my gosh! i wanna save money man!!!!! save money for sharp's hp... eh... it's orange in colour... whole thing orange... looks very very style and beautiful... but if u convert the price... it cost abt $1000+ singapore dollars... hahaha~! and there are some models of sony ericsson's hp over there which they did not sell it in singapore... hahhaa~! well... most ppl over there uses sony ericsson if not, sharp... hahaha~! then there is oso abt 4 streets which sells sports stuff... and we bought my brother a tennis shoe... hahaha~! same model as my new shoe... but his is black in colour... oh yah! and his shoe cost so much cheaper than mine... -_-"!!! sigh~! but it's okay... and imagine this... in one street... there will be 3 adidas shops... -_-"! cool eh??? well... it IS cool for those sports equipment lover... like... ME! hahahaha~! then anwyayx, we went back to tsim sha tsui to walk ard again... hahaha~! i really walked alot... let's see.... hahhaa~! i can really remember the routes over there.... and did not get lost over there... hahaha~! anywayx.... then had dinner with my dad and his frds when they came back....

day4: woke up... went out to buy my bro's snack... then went back to bathe... and had lunch with my parents and his frd.... had mac... hahhaa!~ anywayx... went to times square that day... not bad though... lolx~! and guess who i saw??? -_-"! olinda.... damn god she is so dao... more of show off!!! she thought she is one big superstar or sth... she wore a sunglasses in air-conditioned mall... and she was looking at vertu... hahaha~! i dun think anyone like her will buy tat... seriously!!!! it's so expensive..... most probably big bosses will use tat useless sort of handphone... it's just hte name of it anywayx~ oh yeah... then went to airport... then i ate popeye's.. hahaha! it was really good... hahaha~! and then went to meet up with my dad's frds to have tim sum... haha~! i add hak kwa only... cos i guess tats the only thing i eat among all the food they ordered... and i oso ordered a dessert.. hahaha~! oh yeah... and be4 i ate tat.. i actually went around the airport to shop myself... hahaha~! eh... let's see... the airport is almost like a shopping mall itself... there are all kinds of shop... watsons... hugo boss... chanel... hermes... polo... kiplings... tumi... samsonite... yu yan sheng... disneyland.... many many more man!!! hahaha~! yeah... wanted to find okashi land to buy this snack... it's a snack that doraemon always eat... hahaha~! but i din find tat shop.... luckily i bought it be4 i even went in to the airport... hahaha~! then... i went to this disneyland.... and found this very cute looking keychain... so i bought 2 of it... hahaha~! as a last minute gift though~... afte tat i went to this place which sells lotsa snacks and tibits... so i tot of buying a last min small gift for some of my frds... so i chose this 2 sweets... eh... one of it is hard candy... the other one is gum... hahaha~! it's cute looking though... so far i haven seen it in sg tats why i bought it.. hahaha~! tats abt it... then we board the plane and fly back to singapore~! HOME SWEET HOME~!~!~! hahaha~!

oh well... overall.... i enjoyed my trip although it is abit boring~ and i spent less than $400 on all of the stuff... eh... i really bought alot.... so yeah... it's rather worth it... hahaha~! guess i'll stop here... bye bye~! take care!!! and i want my presents and steamboat!!! when can i GET IT??!??!?!

writtern @Saturday, October 29, 2005

short entry
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

my day : SUX!

writtern @Wednesday, October 19, 2005

hey yo~! holidays~!
Saturday, October 15, 2005

halo halo~!~! hahaa~! yeap yeap i'm having my long and boring holidays now... compared to previous holidays i find the current holiday i'm having now meaningless... hahaha!~ i just dun feel like working... and i dun feel like flying back to indonesia... find it rather boring... and if i go back my tennis skills sure drop back to zero once again... haaha~! well... my tennis skills now is already almost zero..... din improve at all and rather it has gone worse... oh gosh... wat am i to do ??? anywayz... i got back my results... hahaha~! rather happy with it... the only thing that i'm not satisfied is the C+ i got... hahaha~! spoils the whole result.... haahahaa~! but it's okay.... i feel tat i din even try hard this time round... btw... i'm still a freshie... lolx~! so getting high scores now is not surprising i think... many many yr 3 ppl told me tat "it's only yr 1... u will slowly drop"... idiot!!!! cant they be more encouraging?! haahaa~! but anywayx.... it's better than they din tell me anything.... well got to try my very best to maintain this kind of results.... yeah... i checked wat complimentary module am i taking next sem... and it's french... OH NO!!!! and french was my LAST choice... of all choices they give my last choice... idiot!!!!!! haahhaa~! but there are also lotsa ppl who tells me tat french is a very nice language... well... i find tat french is high class.... ehm... i wonder if i can match up with tat high class ..... hHAAHHA~! lame~

oh yeah... lately... i find tat there are many girls improving in tennis.... lolx~! heehee~! good to hear tat isnt it???? then at least got more ppl get into sch team training... the more the merrier.... sigh~! uncertainty fills in me man.... how shld i put it??? my coach told me tat one of my good frds can go into sch team training too... but.... i have this very.... very... extremely strong feeling tat i'm gonna lack behind.... i'm gonna lack behind and drop low.... tats the feeling i get when i heard coach saying tat... and i oso feel tat i'm not good enuff to go for sch team training... and also i dun think it's easy to get in... although coach already told me to go to the sch team training after ivp.... sigh~! somehow i think he is going to go back on his words.... why?! why this uncertainty feeling???? sigh~! and becos of this... i oso find tat even if they are all still my frds i wun wanna lose to them... just cos i treat them as frds tats why i dun wanna lose to them.... it's more like i dun wanna lose to myself too... my will power must be strong... in fact... the will inside one must be strong in watever u do in life... isnt it? hahahahaa~!

oh right.... my day today... is okay... tired.... i got back home, bathe and slp... till abt 6pm... haahaa~! oh well... played a little tennis today... not very tired becos of tennis... more of slp... din have enuff slp... hahaha~! but it's still okay... i can still hang in there... but the problem now is my eyes..... hahahaa~! very pain.... the moment i woke up this morning... i cant see very clearly... and after i bathe it got pain... hahaha~! and i realised sth on wednesday during my training.... hahahaa~! whenever the ball comes right.... the vision is blur..... it's really blur... i'm not trying to blame my lousy skill on my eye sight... but it's really blur... i guess the degree has shot up again.... is it time for me to change? haven even been a yr~ sigh~! waste money again.... sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha~!~!~!

and oh yeah.... lolx~! nvm.... dun think i shld blog abt it either.... yeah~! next friday is my birthday~!~! hahahaha~! let's see..... wat shall i do on tat day? maybe i shld just stay at home on tat day.... lolx~! hope to eat chicken rice on tat day for dinner... and then go and buy my adidas tennis shoe after tat.. my current tennis shoe is still okay... i will still use it... but the thing is... if in rainy days right.... water will go in... and my socks will be soaked with water... which is very very very very disgusting... and the feeling is not right... hahahaha~! so maybe i wear tat on a sunny day, and the adidas shoe on rainy days???? hahahaha~! dun think i will go anywhere next week bah.... lolx~! oh well... i'm getting fatter and my legs are just so lazy to run.... stupid legs.... hahahaha~! guess i shall stop here for today... hahaha!~ bye bye~! take care everyone!

writtern @Saturday, October 15, 2005

boring holidays~!
Saturday, October 01, 2005

YO~!~! argh! i'm seriously bored at home.... lolx partly becos of the holidays... and oso becos of ehm... i dunno... hahaha~! i think it's the holidays.... it's really boring..... how i wish sch holidays would be like 2 weeks... and not 1 month... hahaha!~ at least i can go sch and learn and joke with frds... at home... i stone... hahaha~ maybe later take out ps2 and play bah... if not i really can die already! SO BORED!!!! hahahaha~! ehm... if my memory dun fail me later... i wanna go running... i've been eating nonstop.... and sitting down infront of my laptop all day long... if i dun go for some exercise... be sure to see a fatty diana when sch reopens.. hahaha~! i'll try to eat lesser.... and eat more fruits.... and then do more exercise... as in if i dun go sch then i go exercise.. AHAHHA~! still as lazy as ever... sigh~! can be blamed.... this is my nature... but it's gotta go out of my life.. SOON! lolx~!~!~ stupid boring holidays....

writtern @Saturday, October 01, 2005