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Sunday, September 25, 2005

yo~!~!~!!~!~ lolx~! long time no blog~! since last sat? cant remember when was it very well... hahahaha~!~!~ let's see..... 1stly, i changed my mind abt buying ntour or babolat rac... maybe i'll just save up money until next yr then i buy another n5.... so i got 2 identical rackets... lolx~! incase one went wrong i got a back up~!~!~! HAHAHA~! but i'm wondering if i shld try n5's midplus.... or shld i just stick with oversize.... lolx~!

my day yesterday was funny... HAHAHAH~! as per usual i went to the 8 to 10 beginners class to disturb... guess wat.... they were learning serve ytd..... and.... there is this guy who din really know how to serve properly hit my ankle... and the same guy hit my butt... not really say butt... more to hip, the boney part... but it's okay.... so long as i'm still alive and can play tennis i wun blame him... hahaha~! then another guy was returning this shot.... and it almost hit my directly at my face.... luckily the ball flew pass my face and it hit the fence and the sound produced was really loud.... -_-"! damn lucky for tat.... then during my 1 to 3 training, another guy was trying to slice.... lolx and it hit my head when i was trying to put the tennis balls into the ball port... then another guy... was purposely aiming at me.... and the ball hit my stomach which was very pain.... i BET tat was ON PURPOSE!!!! then forget it... i went to stand behind my coach then he is also ver yfunny say "dun worry i will react very fast..." then this purposely guy hit a shot right at him and he wasnt able to react and i wasnt able to react fast too... so i can only squad down and luckily it hit my rac's handle and not my wrist..... now can u see how PURPOSELY this guy is?! then nvm.... when i was playing doubles with some guys after my training.... my partner lobbed a ball over... and i was at net... and my opponent had this very nice chance of smashing the ball.... this i know is not on delibrate.... but it just somehow hit my knee... and there is a blue black... hahahaa~! but it's okay... i dun blame any of u guys... but except tat PURPOSELY guy.... i dun understand wats his freaking problem... why does he always aim me for nth?! it's not as if i've offended him or sth.... one more time he gets on my nerve i'm not gonna show any face... i'll rather walk out of the court and waste my training fees.... and during my training ytd... i'm so unluckY!!! i got him as my partner.... -_-"! and he was doing all the commands.... when the ball is so near me.... and my racket and the ball is so close in contact he shouted "LET!" (meaning let go cos he wanna hit) HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO LET TAT SHOT GO WHEN IT'S ALREADY SO CLOSE?!?!?!?! and during match point, i happen to be the one serving... guess wat... he said "ground serve" tats all... like "hey! i'm the one serving.. and i got 2 serves and this is just a frdly game... well just let me practice my 1st serve too, will ya?!" and i practically heck him... i said "watever!" and i used 1st serve... although it did not went in... at least i've tried... argh!!!! the tot of playing with him and toking to him and partnering with him makes me feel so damn FED UP!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway.... i'll stop here...

happy belated birthday to weixin, maybelin, doreen... who else? cant remb... sorry!
OCTOBER: happy birthday to my6th aunt, jasmin, marcus, desmond, who else...? cant remb... sorry!!

writtern @Sunday, September 25, 2005

freako.... me.... lolx~!
Saturday, September 17, 2005

halO~! halo~! halo~! i just wanna tell the whole wide world wat i want... lolx~! i want either a ntour or a babolat racket... lolx! okay let's see... cos i wanna try sth tat is not oversized... maybe midsize.... midplus.. i dun see any diff... HAHAHA! then the babolat... i oso dunno wat kind i want... i just want sth rather heavy.... i dun wanna have sth as light as n5... maybe sth heavier than n5.... hahahaa~! okay?! mark it k?! i dun mind forking out $100 myself and the rest other ppl chip it in... lolx how's tat? i wanna buy it tml! so it's like a early birthday present for myself... COOL?! WAY TOO COOL!!!! HAHAHAHA

writtern @Saturday, September 17, 2005

i dun wanna deceive myself...

halo.... it's been a week ever since my last entry.... ehm.... i feel so tired... exhuasted... and wats the root of this tired-ness? surprisely it isnt becos of my exam preparations.... more of a frd.... ehm... i will nv regretting have him as my frd... but the things he said make me feel like a lousy human being in this earth.... lolx... oh well... i oso dunno wat to type... i just wanna say.... i dun wanna deceive myself... although i felt so clear just now.... i tot i have sort out the feelings but no.... i was wrong.... i'm still in a confusion now... lolx... weird eh... my mind and heart is really playing tricks on me... if i like him... but he dun like me in tat sorta way... oso no pt... seriously.... i want a person who can really understand me and care for me tats all.... but i want tat person to be the special one... sigh~ spouting rubbish again.... sigh..... i think this is my more than 50th sigh for today.... i'm crazy.... i'm lost.... i'm in serious and desperate need of help... councilling may help i think? i have got no mood to type... i have got no mental strength to think... i shall stop here... bye

writtern @Saturday, September 17, 2005

ehm... wun say it's a bad day after all
Saturday, September 10, 2005

YO!~ long time no blog! oh well actually it's only been a week... lolx! as per usual i went to sch to disturb the beginners class and of cos played tennis with ridz,jeff and lam... lolx~! ehm.... dun wanna tok abt tennis today.. cos it's just another lame, aint serious play... lolx~! oh well after tennis i went to the lockers, ate my lunch at FJ alone... lolx! now i realised sth! i really eat very slow when i'm alone! cos i'm really enjoying the food and the quiet surrounding... lolx!

after lunch i went back home... eh... was suppose to meet samuel at 3.30 hahaaa~! and i tot i will be late but i'm noT! lolx... oh well... then phelan met up with us later on... watched movie.... had dinner.... go home... lolx! and the movie was red eye... i wun say tat it's a bad or boring show... at least the storyline was... acceptable... eh.. not say acceptable.. more to very very basic/shallow??? lolx! i'm not trying to say the director of this show lousy or sth... it's just plain.... lolx! oh yeah! and i bought 2 key chains from action city... lolx! it's a small tennis racket and a small tennis ball... lolx! one green and one red... well tats the only colours they have... lolx! actually wanted to give samuel the green one... but i guess he will think it's weird... so nvm... i just bought 2 anywayz so maybe i'll hang them somewhere... oh yeah~! really had to thank samuel and phelan for accompanying me to go out today... i was so darn reluctant to go out just now cos i was so tired.... lolx! but anyway i had fun so i guess it's still okay.... lolx~! guess i'll stop here for today...

gd luck for those having exams! and those having IVP!

writtern @Saturday, September 10, 2005

the qns "miss me?"
Saturday, September 03, 2005

halo~!~!~! lolx~! i shall start off with my day today~! haahaaa~! one word : FUN... tats all i'm gonna tok abt for my day today...

as u guys know.... as students there will definitely be such a thing call examinations for us... which is like... a total torture... hahaahaa~! luckily i only have 4 papers! starting off with physics which is next friday~ lolx~! oh well..... i wish i will do my very best in every each of my papers... HAHAHH!!!! then wat else....

oh yah.... nowadays this qns keep popping out in my head "miss me???" this is common qns asked among couples... haahaa~! but if u were to ask this qns to ppl who is just ur normal frd they most probably will get the wrong idea... haahaa~! and yeah.... recently i knew this guy who ask me "miss me?" haahaa~! and yes! haahaa i got the wrong idea at 1st but anyway i asked him and he said he was only trying to disturb me and come to think of it right.... missing between frds is also very common... hahaa~! yeah... so he did say he missed me today but then i just treat it as though he is disturbing me... cos i am trying not to get the wrong idea... hahaha~!~!~ maybe i'm narrow-minded? who knows? lolx.. ehm.... honestly... i do miss him too... haha~! but i dunno as in wat sort.... ehm.. lolx... sigh~! sian... shall stop here for today...

i miss u guys alot~! esp 4H ppl

writtern @Saturday, September 03, 2005

my 1st intermediate training!!!!!
Thursday, September 01, 2005

how di?! long time no blog... lolx~! i'm kinda lazy to blog lately.... lolx~! ehm.... i shall start off with my day today.... lolx~! nth much!!!

i had autocad test today... oh well.... i cried during the test man! so funnY~! lolx! i oso have no idea why... maybe cos i feel so stressed by tat paper... lolx! honestly... it's a easy paper but becos of those complicated hidden lines... my mind got confused... and especially i did not slp last night.... i was in bed at around 12am and i still cant slp!!!! arGH! so fustrating.... after the test huiqin,jos,haslin,revathi and i went to amk to buy proj stuff... shant go into detail for tat... i'm rather sick and tired of the project thing... and i'm not interested in toking much abt it.... but here is an advice to all ppl out there!!! choose ur team mates properly!!!!!!!! lolx!~~!~!~! sigh~! u know... i can easilly give my team mates attitude if they pissed me off... well... i'm always feel so pissed off when it comes to this proj... maybe cos it's rush... lolx~! then we went bck to nyp to have tat napfa tok.... totally boring~! lolx but it's okay i guess....

now i shall tok abt the intermediate training i had ytd!!!!! lolx!!! 1st... we started off with warming up... suppose to have mini-tennis bu fadhil wanted to hit from baseline... yeah so.... we hit from baseline and most of his balls were OUT!!!! lolx~! then after tat we had this 1,2,3 training... hahaha~! 1 at the left corner 2 and the center and 3 at the right corner... and we are suppose to hit where we are told to... lolx~! then after tat it's the call... we call out the no. ourselve and hit to tat point itself... eh... i think out of 10.... i only got abt 5 the right point??? hahaha~! it's really bad.... then wat did we have?? let me recall.... oh yah!then we are suppose to hit 10 balls... but afte rone ball we are suppose to run back to the touch the fence then run back and hit again...after tat coach feed us some balls... if the ball is at the forehand side u got to hit it back with backhand instead... so it's basically hitting forehand shots using backhand and vice versa... lolx~! and since my footwork is messed up... i din do well for tat.. hahahah!!! then he finally used 2 courts... eh... but i dunno how to describe tat training... rather lazy to think how to put in it proper sentence HAHHA! then coach was telling us who always uses wat sort of hit... like eh... ridz and sauwei is spin... then fadhil is flat... lam i cant remb... then jeff is slice and lob... and coach say i'm mixture... dAnG! then after saying tat he feed us ball again.. but this time he asked ridz to hit flat.. sauwei spin... fadhil spin.... lam i cant remb... jeff to spin...and me lob... argh!!!! i hate lobbing! so difficult to control where the ball lands... -_-"!!!!! oh well... i think tats abt it... ytd's training was... SLACK!!! but i got out of breath very easily~! argh! looks like my stamina is still isnt there yet.. lolx~! oh well i'll stop here for now.. bye bye~!

good luck for ppl who are having exams sooN!

writtern @Thursday, September 01, 2005