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i'm so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

halo~!~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like 1.54am in the morning!!!! and i have class at 8am later!!! argh! why am i not aslept yet?! it's all becos of my dear friend vickie! haahaa~! she came over to my hse to do her report cos her com is down... well... she IS still infront of me now though... hahhaa~! waiting for her to wrap up her report and print it out!!!! lolx~! then we can go slp... lolx~!~!~! hahahaaa~! i;m so tired!!!!! i cannot take it any longer.... 30 more mins and i will drop... slp very soundly... deep into lalaland and not able to wake up lor... lolx~! sigh~!

i miss him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaa~! i saw him in sch today but he din see me as usual... he nv seem to care.... sigh~!

writtern @Tuesday, August 23, 2005

it WILL be short....
Sunday, August 21, 2005

hey yO~! heehee.... this entry is almost like an empty one.... cos i'm gonna make it real short.... i went to sch for tennis today.... and i must say tat today's training is simply boring.... VERY BORING INDEED! sigh~! i dunno wat else to say... many things are on my mind... i just wanna take a vacation... but this time vacation aint gonna work... gotta study hard... and play hard of cos.... i dun wanna lack behind the grp/class.... i want... and i will surpass others... no matter how long it takes? hahahaa~!

and also.. i realise... it wasnt just an infatuation... cos the tot of letting u go and not able to see u again hurts so much....

writtern @Sunday, August 21, 2005

4 hrs of tennis again and i still want my 20 rallies
Thursday, August 18, 2005

YO!!!!!! lolx

i had 4 hrs of tennis again today!!! damn nice.... i always feel so nice after exercising... lolx! sweat i think? haahaa~! i had autocad lesson today... then i realised how many things has to be done... and i'm still down here slackin... hahaha! vickie came and see me training today... then she went home 1st then i ask her why so fast she say go home study... then i replied "and i'm still here playing tennis! shld i feel guilty or wat?" aahhaa~! we had almost 20 rallies today!!! and tat dumb dumb did not hit the ball over the net!!!!!!!!!!!!! argH!!!!!!! wHY?!?!?! WHY ON EARTH DID U NOT HIT IT OVER??!?!??! sigh~! nvm... i try harder next time... lolx! tats all i wanna say for today... bye bye!

love peace no war!

writtern @Thursday, August 18, 2005

my determination to improve
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

YOOoOOooOOOoOooooOO! lolx.... let's see... my day today... ehm...

not a bad day i guess? lolx! well.... i hope i could finish my individual report by this week so i can hand it next week tues on time... i guess i'll do it this sat? haahaa~! sorta lazy... lolx! then... i had mechanics tutorial this morning... ehm... all i can say is.... i'm disappointed.... becos of all these careless mistakes all i could get was a B..... and my math tutorial today... ehm.... not bad.... i haven been listening in lectures so this tutorial came in handy yah... lolx!~ and miracle! i pass my math with a B!!!! hahaha~! so in total i have an A, 3 Bs and a D... hahaha~! so i have none which i fail~!~!~! wooohOOO~! lolx... better than i expected i guess.... i got to work much much harder on my studies in order to get all A!!!! hahaha~! sound impossible though... but no harm trying eh? lolx~! i have no idea why but i just feel so sad... down.... stressed.... last night.... lotsa mixed feelings... just dun feel right.... sigh.... i still am ya... but not so much.... thanx to him.... i guess.... -_-" lolx... btw... my class had 2 hr free period today.... so we went to grassroot club to play pool... well.. all i could say is this is my 1st time going out to have a little fun with my classmates.... sigh~! pathetic eh? i agree... totally! lolx...

then i had tennis at abt 4pm+ well... it was suppose to be 4pm... but tat teacher.... argH! took so long to dismiss us... i was like in a rush so i dash out of the class... wanted to go toilet tie my hair then tat aunty washing the toilet... she is ALWAYS cleaning the toilet when i'm in a rush.... sigh~! so i din get to tie my hair properly... instead i tie my hair in the court it self.... so it was rather messy... well... unexpected stuff sure do happens... hahaaa~! nv in my life daryl wave to be be4 training... he will always like walk off as though i'm thin air..... well at least he did wave to me today... so i was rather surprised and i did wave back but i dun think he saw it.... maybe he is in a gd mood or sth... i dunno... lolx! at the beginning of the training i was feeling rather frustrated.... and there was anger in me... so i din tok much.... or rather when ppl ask me qns i only nod or shake my head.... sigh~! all the balls today... suck to the core..... it's really full of disappointment i must say... sigh~!!!!!!!! and i got out of breath so early.... i guess i shld have run more to pace my breath and train my stamini... then it rained a little... so annie, vickie, daryl and me went to the shelter... well.... at tat time i was thinking"at least try to be happy during training" so after tat.... i saw daryl standing out of the shelther and i said "taller ppl who stand out of the shelter will get struck by the lightning much easier...." and he was like "who?" then i kept quiet and annie said "vickie!" then vickie said "i'm not even outside!" haahhaa~! then after tat we went to continue with the training.... well... lotsa lightnings.... hahaa! i saw it with my own eyes... lolx! look pretty cool... if only the lightning would stop for 5 secs, i would take a pic of it... ahahaa~! then got one time daryl saw lotsa lightning and he was.... ehm... complaining? hahaha~! pretty funny... but i was laughing at all... sigh~! then he was still raising his racket up.... and vickie said"arent u suppose to put ur racket down?" then he was like "ya hor...." hahahaha~! i learning top spin serve now... it's rather difficult to get it over... well flat serve itself is already a problem for me... hahaha~! then after training vickie and i went to eat... then we went to see the sch tream training... and we sat down and watch... then i said i wanna play... then vickie shout to the coach" coach! diana say she want to play!" then the coach say "can! u can join in later!" hahahaa~! yeah and i did get to join in and play for abt less than 30mins? hahaha~! well... as i said earlier on the balls i hit today all suck to the core.... so well... coach said my steps got problem... and daryl said my forehand is weak... so wat?! lolx~! i'm gonna improve okay! give me 1 month man! and i'll show u difference!!!! haahaa~!

then then then.... today when i was in training... i tot of a way to improve my forehand.... in order to make it deep.... i raised up my racket when i hit the ball.... normally my racket will be rather low... yeah.... so i actually found out tat when my racket is higher i can hit it deeper... but if lower i can only hit it rather short.... lolx~! haahaa~! i guess i'll stop here for now... hahaha~! bye bye!

writtern @Tuesday, August 16, 2005

i am suffering from this thing called DEPRESSION
Monday, August 15, 2005

halO~! lolx~! yO~! ehm... let's see... i shall start of with my day today 1st... heehee~!

i woke up at 6am this morning... couldnt get enuff slp as usual... so i hope i can get more slp tonite... then i had my breakfast... hahaaa~! well... i had cup noodle for my breakfast... i think i'll have biscuits tml morning... then i was watching TRL this morning... hahahaa~! well... it was towards the end already so i was like -_-"! siGH~! lolx.... i met up with annie and keira this morning! heehee~! then had mechanics... luckily and fortunately i understand a little of it... if not i can really go jump! hahaha~! then during phy... miracle!!!! it was my 1st time not feeling slpy at all during her class! then it was lunch time! went to FJ and i had... wat did i eat? ehm... black pepper fish.. not bad... then had math lecture.. hahahaa~! we played and joked throughout the whole lecture... i guess it's through my influence tat everyone cant seem to be concentrating... and i took no notes at all this time... guess i'm really done for my math... sure a F... lolx~! well i got to see wat grade i got for my mechanics... lolx~! then i got a B+!!!! hahahaah~! i din really take note of other ppl's score..... not really interested in it... lolx~! i wanted an A!!!! it was tat 9.81!!! if i didnt overlook the qns... i could have gotten an A!!!!!! but it's okay... as least i had learnt my lesson.... then i studied with annie, han xue and keira today... well... i think i made keira angry or upset... i'm really sorry... and i would like to apologise for wat i have said [although i'm not really sure if it's me u are angry at..... ] oh well... then hanxue left 1st... then annie and i practically spent more than 15mins doing one qns... and i bet tat easy type of qns wun come out in the exams!!!! argh!!!! i reeally have to buck up with the conversion of those units... or i wun have enuff time during the big exam! i'm rather over reacting towards the exams... i just dun wish to repeat any of the modules.... if only i could be serious abt my O lvl last yr then i wun be in this course.. but anyway this is the course i wanted oso... saddening... -_-"!

then.... i'm started revision with my mechanics... hopefully later i will get on with it... hoping real hard tat my effort will pay off... lolx... i'm trying a achieve one of my birthday wish and tat is not to repeat any module and pass with flying colours... hopefully i can get at least 2 As for my overall results... hahahaa~! [am i asking too much?] sigh~! btw... i got this feeling tat i'm suffering from depression... and mental breakdown... i just feel so tight up... stress... blank.... and feel like crying every now and then for absolutely no reason at all... i wonder why... ??? -_-"! oh well.. i'll stop here... love peace no war...

note: nth abt tennis for this entry

writtern @Monday, August 15, 2005

i saw a circular rainbow!!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2005

hey yO~!~!~!~ lolx! i had training today!~~!~!~!~ lolx...

i woke up at 6am this morning and had a light breakfast.... lolx... biscuit with milo and i did not finish the milo... then i went to sch at abt 6.45am reach sch at abt 7.15am... as per usual! i was the 1st!!!! haahaa~! then there came daryl then lam then coaches.... then i forgot... lolx~! today we played doubles.... and i hit daryl!!!! hahahahahaa~! FINALLY! but oh well... it wasnt on delibrate.... so sorry okay..??? lolx! i dun really remember wat happened either... he just fed me this ball and i ran infront to return it with a backhand... then the ball just fly back... lolx! i think it hit his eye.... then his specs flew away... -_-"! i din even know i hit him until i saw him squading down!!!! and i din even know it was me! until someone said it was diana... sigh~!... i'm lucky tat his specs can still be used... if not i will be bombed! cos i got this idea tat watever tat is on him is expensive... know why? he always wear branded stuff... -_-! sigh~!!~!~ felt so guilty man! then i apologise but he dun seem to be okay to me... then he went to toilet for a very long time and i tot he was not gonna come back... maybe cos his eyeball pop out or sth... argh!!!! SORRY ARH!!!! wasnt one purpose!!!!!!!!

after training i asked the malay coach if i could jump to intermediate and he ssaid sth like intermediate still got 2 more lessons... and he say wanna train me to sch team... tats all he says... so he has yet to ans my qns... how dumb can he be? or how difficult can it be just to ans my qns?!?!?!!?!! sigh~!~!~! had lunch at mac with weixin then fadhil accompanied me to watch the 10 to 12 slot's training.... then i had a little rally with fadhil when they end their training... then after tat i had my extra training... was rather tiring today!!! argh! just seem to be out of breath... sigh~! looks like my stamina is still not improving at all... and during this extra training... i saw a circular rainbow!!!!!!!!!! so beautifuL!!!!!!!! lolx~!

i just found out tat he got gf... sigh sigh sigh sigh~!~!~ felt as though a sword had pierced through my heart... then couldnt get much slp.... then i see him today again.... just felt so sad when i look at him... haahaaa~! but i still got to try being happy... sigh~! then wat else.... i dunno if i shld wait or not... sigh~! maybe i'll just let it remind a one-sided love... hahaha~! stop here.. bye bye~!

writtern @Saturday, August 13, 2005

AHH!!!!! why do i feel like this?!?!?!?!
Thursday, August 11, 2005

haaaloooo.... sigh~! realised sth? my 'a' and my 'o' are actually longer this time round... cos i practically have no energy left in me... so i got to drag all my words... sigh...~! ehm.... let's see..... AHH!!!!! i dunno why i feel like this... this sorta feeling has been going on for awile yet i have no found the root of the problem.... sigh~!

know sth?!??! ytd we got to know our grades for the materials and manufacturing... sigh~!~!~~! i got a D for materials which is a borderline pass and an A for manufacturing... i wonder if the teacher typed wrongly cos i seriously dun think i can get an A for any of the module... lolx! and today we got to know our autocad grade... and i got a B.... sigh~!~!~!~! and the teacher said he was disappointed with me!!!! he said "diana... this is so disappointing.... " argh!!!!!!! i myself wanted an A too... i mean... who doesnt want it? but then again... this shows tat i can still improve to get an A... lolx!

i slept at 12+ am last night..... felt so tired in the morning... was so relunctant to get out of bed... but i still have to get out of bed! lolx... well at least i saved on my lunch.. i cooked in the morning and brought a little to sch for lunch... ehm.... spagetti... (dunno how to spell!) lolx... sigh... i shld have cooked MORE!!! felt so hungry after tat... ehm... luckily vickie spend time with me while i have my lunch... then after tat i met keira and annie... lolx! keira and i went to buy cheng teng.... u know wat?! we took away so it was packed in a bubble tea sort of plastic cup... and we ate it using a bubble tea straw... heeheee~! was fun though... lolx then i had my training.... was suppose to start early at abt 1.30pm.... but then it rained at 1.15pm, so we started at 2pm... lolx~! daryl, lam and i was like waiting for the rain to stop at the shelter at blk M i think... sigh.... then tat daryl keep on walking in and out of the building... haahaa~! sorta irritating... but i think he was trying to find his way out to another block... then lam and i just played a little in the shelter( car poach to be exact)... lolx... then at abt 1.50pm we wanted to start although it is still drizzling... then lam and i went to mop the court! haahaaa! more like playing with tat mop to me.... ppl mop so slowly whereas i was using it and running ard.... tot of warming up a little cos the weather was quite cold... lolx....

then after tat lam tried to physco daryl to charge him $10 per hr... haahaa! well it was a success.... miracle!!!! but no discount for me! argh!!! NOT FAIR!!!!! then... ah!! i dunno why i just feel so tired today.... maybe cos i din get enuff slp... and of cos the ball i get from him was all funny de.... fore and back hand... but from one end to another.... run like mad... sigh~! i guess i still hate running.... tats why... then wat? lolx i think i shant continue abt my training... ppl will be bored abt it... lolx! think i will stop here... bye bye! take care...

writtern @Thursday, August 11, 2005

what a monday i had? lolx..~!
Monday, August 08, 2005

hey yO~! lolx.... heehee today is monday!!!!

let's see.... nth abt tennis today... so pls do read on! haahaa! wat was my 1st lesson? let's see... it was mechanics... hahha! and i did not listen at all... let's just say i did not listen to any of the lessons i had today... hahaha! mostly playing a fool around... chatting with the girls... lolx....

then after sch.... i went out with some of girls... hahaha! lazy to name them out as usual... lolx! we took this picture ya... the picture of all our foot... hahaha! had a great time with them... i actually asked some of the girls to have coffee in starbucks since i have the voucher... but then.... -_-"! we din drink any coffee... instead we went for shopping... argh! i spent so much again today!!! i'm going crazy!!! PLS NEVER ASK ME TO SHOP EVER!!!!!! i will spent money like waterfall! hahahaa!~~!~!~! then wat else... i bought a bag.... 2 pair of socks... and a pair of wrist band.. hahaha! this time i got the colour of wrist band i want.... it's red! hahahaa! i dunno why,... but i just love tat shade of red... but i still love my orange!!! BEST!!!!! haahaahaa~!

well... then.... today i saw him... haha! finally i saw him wearing sth normal.... haahaa~! well... i woundn't say he look nice.... cos he really dun look gd... ugly i think... -_-"! haahaa... hai... was rather disappointed.... sigh~! he got crouch... and it seem so serious... sigh sigh sigh~!~!~!~!~!~! ehm.... stop here... bye bye

writtern @Monday, August 08, 2005

phew! what a sunny day!!!!
Saturday, August 06, 2005

hey yO~!~!~!~! it's so sunny today.... sigh.... so hot... lolx~! and the heat got into me yah! lolx! alright! as per usual abt tennis.... lolx~!

well... i was suppose to meet my frd at 7.15am this morning but he was late... so when i reach the court no one was there... sigh~!~!~!~!~! i shld have took my time... but anywayx! it's okay with me... haahaa~! then after tat a guy came... dunno his name... then weixin came... then daryl came.. i cant believe it! it was only 2 weeks tat weixin did not come and daryl actually forgot his name! haahaa! this shows how deep the impression of weixin daryl had in his mind... haaahaa!~~! then.... training! haahahaa... i was actually in daryl's group... then dunno why suddenly the malay coach(argh! i dun seem to remb his name!) ask me over.... i heard sarah's name and i oso hear my name... so i asked the malay coach"u call me over isit?" then he say"ya! but not ur turn go away!" then i was thinking "i nv tot it was my turn... i'm just asking... -_-"!" haahaha~!

sigh~! was kinda sad tat i got ask over to this grp u know..... cos i miss those laughter and arguements in daryl's grp... sigh~! and i dun seem to get along very well with other gals oso... hahaha~! lucky julie and the other gals were called over too... but u know wat?! got a girl go to daryl's grp!!! argh! why her?! WHY!!!!! argh! somemore... sigh~! i heard from ridz and gang tat her backhand is sharper than me.... u guys just wait and see! i'm gonna slowly improve okay?! hahahahaa~! then wat else.... i guess the malay coach is rather bias... he actually heck care other ppl... lolx! other than some gals lar... i shant name them out... -_-"! then when i JUST got asked over right... when it was my turn... i stand at the service line... cos i saw all the gals start from there.. then the coach said "DIANA! u can play! so move back!" wah.... say until liddat... well of cos i felt so damn happy when i heard tat... hahahaha! then he fed the balls like crazy.... i actually got to run like crazy! sigh~! but not bad! cos i sweat! and gasping for air desperately... hahahaha~! then then then.... when we were suppose to pick up the ball... he asked me a qns... hahaha... i sall not say wats the qns abt...cos i dun want ppl to say i brag abt it... or rather... i feel tat i'm not up for the challenge.... tats why i'm still going to train hard and improve slowly.... lolx! then! it's the demo time! hahhaa~!

usually the coach calls out fadhil, ridz, jeff to demo.... then today he call me... argh! was so nervous! i got to choose to serve or to recieve... but i tot serve would be easier than recieve... hahaha! i'm WRONG!!! i shld have tot tat daryl would go easy on me... lolx! okay... so my serve... all i can say is i was too nervous... WAY too nervous... lolx! so many ppl were looking at me... lolx! then it was the game! my grp won! lolx!~ the point was 6-3... hahahaha~! luckY!!!!!!! i was so darn lucky today! hahaha~! then when we were warming down.. coach ask me to lead them... then ridz & gang were like shouting "captain diana!" haahhaa... so funny.... but i was so paiseh too... hahaha~! i'm humble alright?! hahahaa~! okay... then my bro and his frd came to nyp to play tennis with us... then i went off at 12noon... wasnt feeling very well... lolx~! but still can take it... lolx!

okay~! enuff abt tennis.... lolx~! u know... today he seem to be rather moody in the morning... but then after tat he seemed normal again... but.... he dun seem to care.... dun even seem to take a look at the other court... WHY?! sigh~! forget it... i guess he isnt interested at all.... but we did joke a little today... so i think okay... but i.... i hope he would notice a little.... i hope he would just notice a little abt how i feel... i guess this isnt going to work.... last time oso the same... i guess this time is no exceptional too... sigh~!

writtern @Saturday, August 06, 2005

4 hrs of tennis! can u believe it?!
Thursday, August 04, 2005

hey yO~!

i'm back to my blog now! haahaa... i blogged on the community blog a few minutes ago.... lolx! now back to wat i wanna blog for the day! tennis!!!!!! haahaa!!! anyway i start with morning 1st!

morning!!!! i woke up! was so tired man! have no idea why... then i wasnt feeling very well this morning... kept wanting to go and vomit... and then tummy cramp.... so pain.... then mama made a big cup of milo and i just had 2 slips and i cant drink it anymore.... argh! worse stilL! i forgot to check the venue for my common test... so i called so many ppl then called ak in the end to ask... lolx! and! i actually for to multiply the mass by 9.81 so i actually gave my 25 marks back to the teacher.... argh! was really pissed off by tat... then again i think tat i'll treat this as a lesson... to really read the qns and see the unit and not overlook such foolish mistakes.... lolx! then after the tests annie, keira, vickie (names in order so dun say that i'm bias!) and me when to mac to have breakfast and lunch... haahaa~! then we actually waited for abt 1 and half hrs! cos my training starts at 1... but it rained! and stop at ard 1.30.... lolx~!

then the training!!!! hahahaha! i had 4! FOUR! hrs of tennis today! can u believe it?! a low stamina idiotic fool like me! can actually take 4 hrs of training! hahahahaha! i'm amazed myself... lolx! but then again! the weather was WAY too good.... it wasnt even sunny at all... not one tiny little BIT! lolx! haahaaa! so i was thinking... if the wheather were to be hot.... and sunny... i will not have been able to survive 4 hrs of training... i'll most probably endure for 30 mins... and then go take a 15mins break and then play again... hahahaha~! i really enjoyed myself so much today!!! well... at some point i find 2 ppl in the other court irritating... haahahaa! not really irritating... but tend to make me laugh and not able to concentrate... hahahaha! when i was practicing my serving... a guy from bball court.. shouted "CB!" and i was disturbed by it.... i was so pissed off.... if i were to know who the guy is... i would really ran to him and lecture him off! whats so great abt scolding such a word? does it even make u happy?! does it even have a meaning to it?! sigh~! oh well... dun tok abt this sort of disturbing stuff....

speaking abt disturbing stuff.... there was this lady who cut my Q when i was Q-ing for to top up my concession pass.... this particular lady just walk pass me and stand right INFRONT of me... i was thinking "is this ur property? am i invisible?" if she asked me to let her 1st i would be glad to let her go 1st... but she CUT my Q!!!!!!!!! argh! not to be rude... but does she even have any manners? or is she really blind? -_-"! sigh~! sorry to be mean once again!!!!!

heeeheee~! i saw him today! chatted with him awhile today!!!! was so so great today!!! sigh! i hope this kind of day would just continue..... haahaaa~! but i'm still uncertain abt some stuff ya.... sigh~! anyway! i'm looking for to saturday!!! my next training! argh! cant wait to learn new stuff! wat are we going to learn this sat? ehm......???? -_-"! ehm... counting of points... argh! i really wana knock my head on the wall!!!!! COUNTING OF POINTS oso must teach? haahhaa~! maybe cos some dun watch matches thru the tv.... but it's... it's better than doing nth during training... i guess i'll stop here for today... hahaha! bye bye! love peace no war!

writtern @Thursday, August 04, 2005

i'm just so into it!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

hey yo~! lolx~! yes... i'm just so into it.... i'm just so into lotsa stuff... ehm... for example? Tennis!!!! haahaha~! i'm just so into tennis.... and of cos him... his name shall not be revealed.... dun think i shld reveal his name.... cos.... ehm... let's just say it's complicated... lolx!~~! duno why... but i'm just into the common test too... hahaha~! ppl who knows me right.... knows tat i DO NOT study at all... no matter wat test it is... i do not study for it in the past... i wonder wat drives me into studying... sigh!~! lolx!

i finally realised how deep my love for tennis is... hahaha~! i just keep on toking abt it non-stop.... and keep on looking at other ppl's training... haaha~! duno why but... by just looking at ppl training i can already feel happy... haaahaa~! all worries will be gone... and i just concentrate on the matches they play... or rather... i will look at how they hit those balls fed by the coach.... and stuff like dat... hahaha~! i can actually even dream abt tennis.... look! this is how freak i can go!!!! oh my... lolx! i actually dreamt abt... ehm... sth like i had a quarrel with him... and he actually was unhappy abt it... haahaa! but then i dun remb wat we quarrelled abt.... i think abt tennis oso... hahahaa~! i think i'm going crazy... lolx

oh ya... i had my math and manufacturing test ytd... argh! i nv tot the math test is so simple... but of cos i have no confidence in it... i think the most i can get is a borderline pass... and for manufacturing? haahaa... i was like writing a b c d d c b a for my multiple choices... and as for the drawing part for plastic injection... argh! i was so pissed off! cos i drew a part wrongly! sigh~! but it's all over ya... so i bought a chocolate ice-cream to award myself... haahhaaa!~ but thinking back right.... chocolate ice-cream may make me grow fat... and make me run slower when training... but then again~ who cares?! just one small piece of ice-cream.... wun harm tat much i guess..? lolx.... sadly they dun have dark choco ice cream... hahaha! i just love dark chocolates... initially they have the bitter taste but later it turn sweet... hahaha! and i played tennis today!!! ehm... they were so many ppl ya.... lolx! all very very gd frds... but i'm just too lazy to type their names out... hahahaa~! then... i had a one on one practice with ridz... sigh~! i wonder when will i get a point from him.... ONE PATHETIC POINT I CANT GET! lolx sigh~! soon! real sooN! i'm gonna train hard! and improve... lolx! then then then.... yes... my hand is still in pain... sigh sigh sigh~! lolx....

i seriously do not know wats wrong with my string... i wanna go and restring it!!!! it's just so irritating.... normally i hit hard the ball will go over the net... now? not anymore.... i got to hit even harder! argh! and when the ball goes over... it's always so high!!!! i just got to whack more balls..... whack and whack and whack until i get it right.... lolx~! got to swing more and keep it low... and oso keeping my body low... lolx~! sigh~! how i wish i'm a pro... hahahaa~! yes yes i'm thinking too much... but it may not be just an empty dream if i put effort in it okay? lolx... guess i'll just stop here... lolx....

sigh~! thinking abt u.... missing u.... why? i oso wanna know why it's you.....

writtern @Tuesday, August 02, 2005