halo....... from the topic... it is possible and quite obvious that i did not have a very very great day ya..... sigh~! today.... i'll just type wats on my mind and not think be4 i type okay? cos i'm really really tired to think and sorta restless now... haahaa~! here goes~~~~
ytd i went to queensway with vickie and annie... bought lotsa stuff..... then went to eat with them... vickie treated as cos it's her birthday... welll by right her birthday is tomorrow... lolx~! oh well... then what? i forgot.... last night i spent abt 30mins just to change my anti-shock ya... the strings are so narrow i had difficulty putting it in... lolx~!
today... went for tennis training... sadly there wasnt any extra training today... was so so sad and so no mood when daryl said no extra training... this oso means that i have NO extra training this week... not a tiny bit of it! argh~! oh yah... recalling back right... remb i tested my n5 on wed... i think i DID injured my right hand... lolx~! i have difficulty in doing stuff now... but fortunately typing is still okay... i guess i cant write fast and exert force with it... or i might have to lose my right hand forever... and i'm not lying... i'm totally serious... ok?! i bought some stuff today... weights.... haahaa~! decided to put it on while walking to sch... but it's abit dumb ya... i'm afraid tat i will die... hahaa~! but if i wear it during my common test will i be caught? no right... putting on weights arent considered as cheating right? lolx... then i bought a wrist support... incase i did sth to make my wrist go crack~ ... haaaa ha....
well... i'm having my common tests next week... having mat hand manufacturing on monday and mechanics on thursday... so i guess i wun have to go to sch for the rest of the week except this 2 days... haahaa~ cool huh? but i guess i'm still going for some jogging to exercise a little... hahaaa~
today i recieved no praise at all.... not even one bit ya.... and i dun think i deserve any of them too... my shots were like trash today.... it shall not be seen and it shall no be repeated in the future.... this have and must be the last time tat will happen in my life..... sigh~! forehands..... the ball did not went in the court... even if it did it was high... same goes to backhand... what abt slices and drop shots? ehm... they aint my speciality but i still tried my best but it all go high up.... then for lob... yeah... it suppose to be high but it was low... sigh~! and i seriously felt the pain in my hand when i hit a ball.... one hit and i will feel the pain in my hand... and i cant really smash now ya.... if i hold on to the racket and try to smash or it just slightly touch the ball my hand really be very pain.... i dunno if the problem lies with this pain.... or with my racket... cos i seriously think there is problem with my string... it just dun look normal to me.... and when i hit.. i dun feel the tension... i'm just going crazy soon ya... i wanna get it fixed... now... at this very moment....
well... after training we went to play tennis as usual.... after a while it rained... cats and dogs... argh!!!! my bag was wet.... both my rackets were wet... my hp is spoiled..... and my shoe is wet too... i guess i have to prepare a new pair of shoes.... and guess wat? i had to took it off while walking... if not my foot will be darn pain now and it was quite weird walking ard the sch w/o ur footwear... and i was all wet... so it's see thru... haahaa~ and daryl drove pass me when i was walking towards the shower room... and he din even bother to stop and check on my racket!!!! TAT IDIOTIC FREAKING GUY!!!!! just a stop for 5mins! wats the problem with stopping for 5mins to check on my racket?! sigh...
i know this entry is way too long... but i guess this is the only way for me to speak my mind out now.... sigh~! i know i am always being paranoid... and i am getting on ppls' nerves cos i speak only tennis.... but i cant help it alright... tennis has already gotten into me... i'm more worried abt my performance in tennis than studies... but i do care abt my studies of cos.... sigh.... pls... i need help... wat sorta help? i myself do not know....
writtern @Saturday, July 30, 2005
halo~! haahaa~! just by reading my topic u shld have guessed that it's gonna be abt tennis... lolx~!
yes yes weixin... i know i know... i'm a tennis freak! do i even need to be reminded by u??? thanx but no thanx... lolx~!
well... i went to sch and studied with vickie for abt 2 and half hrs... i believe half an hr was spent on phone talk... haahaa~! so we went to north canteen to eat.... and we actually ate at 7pm... so it's like i ate 2 meals within 4 hrs... superb har? lolx~! pig to some who may say..... vickie agreed to share her lockie with me~ hahaaa~! yeah~! i can stuff my things there already!!!! heeheee~! feel abit guilty cos i din pay... hahaa! but thanx yeah vickie!
alright! back to the topic.... both of us went to see the ch team training today... it started a little earlier... 4.50pm if my brain remembers the time correctly... hahaaha~! well... i din know many of them... i only know gui hui, wee yao and daryl... haahaa~! daryl din come today though... maybe he was busy with graduation stuff? who knows... secretive guy like him... haaha~! maybe he is saving the world somewhere? (watched too much super hero movies i think...) yeah... i observed almost everyone in the court.... let's see... there is this gal who wore a dress.... -_-"! i wun NEVER say she is GOOD... i have faith in myself that i will surpass her in NO TIME! i just got to train my stamina... she is... so noisey... haahaa~! her serve wasnt great.... her returns wun great... and she seems to grumble alot... and she isnt even funny at all... -_-"! anyway no offence if u are reading my blog somewhere or somehow.... next! there is thise girl who wore black... no wearing a cap... ehm... i forgot if she wears a specs... but anyway... she is quite gd... fast reactions.... returns where nice... lolx~! got another girl abit fat fat abit short de... ehm... din really see her play though... cos the trees blocked my view... hahaa~! then gui huI~! lolx! her returns are usually cross-court... well i guess she did tat on purpose? coach once said tat cross court is better... yeah... lolx! i think tats why bah... ehm.. there's another girl who uses the same wilson bag as i am! hahaha~! she wore a specs... abit red colour... then she nv tie her hair.... wore a orange shorts today... hahaha~! she is very calm in her fore and back hand bah... position all look so nice.... she look kinda cute too.. haha~!
now for the guys... there were 4 guys... tok abt wee yao bah... ehm... i still love his back hand... hahaaa~! i realised that all his shots are deep.... and hard of cos... haahaa~! but if lets say outa 100 balls... maybe abit 80 balls would go over nicely... and abt 20 will remain in his side of the court... hahaha~! but already not bad... then there is this guy wear white and black if not wrong... not bad? lolx... din really notice anything abt him.... then got one guy went off 1st.... tat oso i din notice... cos the view was blocked by the wall.. hahaha~! then got a guy dunno wat name... hahaaa~! wear yellow i think today.... wear cap... u shld have look at his servings!!! argh!!!! there is confidence in it... hahaa~! was nice.... really nice... hahahaa~! almost every serve was good... lolx! ehm.... i think tats abt it for the players bah... i din get to see daryl train though.. tat DUMB DUMB!! argh!!!! i'm trying to analyse ppl here and yet there is one guy short... maybe got others nv come i oso dunno... -_-"! lolx~!
well... i did look at how they train.... now i understand a little wat daryl meant when he said "i haven even make u run round the court..." ehm.... lolx! well... all the shot fed by the coach got no sign of the word "waiting"... he did not wait for anyone... one shot keep one after another.... regardless of u able to get it or not... lolx! they started hitting from the red circle from 1 to 5

then follow by a lob and they are suppose to run to the back and try to hit over.... who those who watch prince of tennis... remember ryoma and his dad able to do a trick by hit the ball in between the legs... yuP~! wee yao did that... and it was an in... haahaaa.... i nv tot i would be able to see tat happen in real life... and yes i saw it... lolx~! and not thinking abt the ppl from my grp... i believe there is alread 2 guys who definitely would make it in the team without fail... lolx~! i will oso work hard to get into the team... haahaa~! guess i'll stop here today... bye bye!!!!
writtern @Thursday, July 28, 2005
yO~! how are you guys doing?! yeap! i just came back from m'sia ytd.... lolx! my trip was... not a regretting one... yeah~! i dun think i'm going to go into details for tat... as per usual... i had 4 meals... i think more than 4 meals per day in m'sia... why?! i cant resist those yummy food in m'sia... tats why! lolx! and i bought wilson n5 from my aunty.... yeah yeah u are righT! my aunty sells sport equipments ya.... lolx! okay enuff of those!!!! back to my topic....
the difference between prince powerline and wilson n5.... for ppl who knows.... i have been using prince powerline.... and now... i'm trying real hard to get use to wilson n5.... lolx!!!! today... i tried out my new racket~~~ lolx! the feeling was... WEIRD! know why? i think it's cos i'm not use to the grip and the sound of it... and of cos the weight of it... lolx! well... when using prince powerline i realised tat i need not exert much strength in it and the ball will just fly... and when using n5... i got to put more strength although the racket is lighter than powerline.... lolx! then i guess the handle for the n5 is bigger and my hand is so small... but i definitely have a better grip for my n5 compared to powerline.... wat else..... the sound impact.... haahaa! was really different ya.... w/o the shock absorber for both rackets... the sound would be like "ding!" when it hits the ball... but with shock absober... powerline will go "pong" then n5 will go half ding and half pong... i dunno how to describe it will either... lolx! all of the wilson racket tat i have tried so far it all sounded half half.... yeah.... lolx! but it's okay... then ball did not anyhow fly out.. hehe~! ehm.... wat else??? let me think... my fore hand seems to be better with n5.... and back hand better with powerline... but the more i use n5 my backhand improved a little... lolx! i think i forgot abt my grip... lolx! and when serving right... better with n5... lolx! rarely hit the frame.... but then i again..... i dun think the problem lies within the rackets but within myself... haahaaa~! serving did improved... so i hope it will only go better and not worser.... okay?! lolx! must really work hard on it... lolx! regardless of my racket being powerline or n5... i will... and i MUST be able to adjust my strength... skills on it.... hahaaa~! basically mastering it? haahaa~!~! lolx....
well... after playing tennis i went to take a look at the beginners training for today.... haaha! they only had 2 groups and the ppl in there is so little compared to saturday's training... fully packed! haahaa~! i observed the daryl's grp 1st... all guys.... lolx! then i think their serving is quite accurate but there aint any power.... and the balls tat daryl fed to them all seems to be rather easy.... and after 2 smashes they got to change ppl... unlike us.... smash until the ball get in to the court...... argh!!!! not fair!!!! then i observed the malay coach's grp.... haaahaaa..... -_-"! no pros...... i'm not trying to be mean or saying that i'm a pro... but it's the truth! no pros.... but it's only the beginning... soon... there will be pros.... lolx! haahaaa~! then i saw a little bit of the intermediate training.... lolx! more like warm up to me... haahaa! i have nv seen daryl jumping and stretching out to return a ball.... -_-"! and i saw that today.... argh!!!! does that mean we aint tat good enuff to make him go sweating and gasping for air desperately?! haahaaa! then afterwards had a little chat with my frds and had dinner with them... i really enjoyed my day today~! thank you my frds for bringing me joy and laughter~ heehe~! lolx... guess i'll stop here... bye bye!
writtern @Wednesday, July 27, 2005
yO~! lolx! i'm just a little tired tats all... so dun worry abt me ya?! lolx... ehm... i guess u all know wat i'm gonna blog abt right?! haahaa~ i'll start of with the after training 1st....
there ya go~! ehm... after training i went to bishan to meet qian bei~! lolx... yeah! she accompanied me to liang court starbucks to study... yeah... well.... i spent alot today!!!! sigh! i spent $10+ there... bought coffee to keep myself awake... lolx! then after tat went to supermarket/kinokuniya... then we walked to raffles... i went to hmv to listen inital d movie OST... but i actually wanted to buy a cd... dun really know wat i wanna buy oso... so walk ard... nv see wat i want.... so nv buy... contradicting eh? the part where i said dun really know wat i wanna buy then say nv see wat i want... haaha~! then went home... took mrt... was so crowded! know why? cos i think lotsa ppl went to the ndp.... lolx! yeah tats why i guess... lolx~! then reach home so tired... no one at home... more of mentally tired than physically tired... with my current energy... the most i can play is 2 more hrs of tennis... haahaa!!!!
kK!!!! back to wat happen be4 the para above... lolx! kk i woke up at 6.30 as per usual... but i went out of the hse later... and walking slower... cos i always reach sch at 7.30am... and tats so early... so i decided to go later oso... and i reached at 7.55am!!! haaahaa!!! planned to reach there 8am on the dot though... but failed!!! haahaa!!!! yeah... training during 8 to 10 was nothing today! hahahaa!!!! NOTHING AT ALL MAN! but i just felt thirsty every now and then today... lolx! then went to run with lam at the track for 3 rounds.... ridzuan and jeff ran 1 round.... fadhil ran 2 rounds i think... lolx~! then went to IT court... i went to eat mac though.... lolx! so the guys was like saying "wats the use of running when u eat mac after tat?" hahaaaa~! i wasnt even on diet lar!!!! and so hungry... so just eat!!! after tat i feel like vomiting when i run ard the court... hahaha~! it's a miracle for the lazy diana to run ard the court returning those tennis balls okay?! hahaaa!!! then i went to sbm court ard 12.30... so i'm quite early... lolx! saw the some from the 10 to 12 slot ppl playing tennis... they aint bad okay? lolx! they are abt my standard i guess.... lolx! then had my extra training lor... hit daryl alot of times again.... got one time i wanna smash a ball at him but failed... hit the basket instead cos the basket was infront of him!! argh!!!! hit his stomach again... hahahaa!!!! wanna revenge man! always make me move here and there... to him it seems nth at all.. but for a low stamina girl like me is alot! haahaa... but i'm gonna get the hang of it yeah... real sooN! then... still not use to serving... but gonna get the hang of it soon too!! hahaha! everything oso soon... okay? lolx! gonna be a pro sooN! haahaa... okok i know... now tat sounds impossible... right? lolx... nvm... i'll try my very best...yeah... had this mini game ya.... then the grp i'm in lost... so we were punished to run 2 courts 3 rounds... lolx! nth oso lar!
oh well... i think i got a little of an attitude problem today... din tok much... and all tt came out from my mouth was full of vulgarities... haaahaa... lolx! wat else... dunno why everyone seems to be after me today... lolx! keep aiming at me... but it's okay... i treat it as a practice... then every keep hitting my head with their rackets... if not they keep tapping on my cap.... haaha! got a little irritated by tat... cos it's like.. they keep on tapping and tapping... lolx! then after the extra training when i was tying my shoe lace daryl tapped on my cap too and ask"tired or not today?"... the truth was... just a tiny little bit... not as tiring as the 1st individual training i had... maybe i'm getting a hang of it... or maybe not? i dunno... -_-"! lolx! i think i'm going to go gym tml bah... run for at least 15 mins.... lolx! as per usual! hahaha! only 15 mins... 15mins of jogging/running can already kill me... wat's more half an hr? i may faint... hahaa!!!! well... i realise i have difficulty in moving back fast... haha.... maybe my butt or my legs are too heavy... haaha~!!!! still got to try ya... then there was once whereby i keep volleying the ball.. lolx! the feeling is so damn shiok.... lolx! dunno how to describe oso... just feel so happy tat i can return the ball... haahha~! guess i'll stop here... bye bye
writtern @Saturday, July 23, 2005
heyO~! lolx... what nice weather it is today!!!! lolx~!
firstly, i had my briefing on the complimentary module ytd.... lolx... yeah.... my choices are jap, french, PD and german.... most ppl will put PD the last i guess... but u know why i put german the last? cos i have NO interest at all.... let's just say i have no interest in both french and german.... i only wana jap.... lolx! too bad they dun have bahasa indo.... lolx~! but it's okay... so long as they got jap... but i heard many ppl wanna jap too... so i'm actually feeling quite bored to join tat now... haha~!
secondly, i had my autocad test in the morning... and yeah... i wun say it's very easy cos i got some hard times figuring it out the hidden lines for the side view... sigh~! yeah.... i guess passing is not a big problem but passing with flying colours is the problem... lolx!
thirdly, after the autocad test i had my manufacuting mcq test... and guess wat m tang said... he said"if u fail this i'm gonna see u next semester again" arGH! no way am i going back there!!! i hope i pass tat mcq test... i DID study for u okay?! yeah.... lolx.... after the test we are dismissed and my classmates went off to causeway point to have seoul garden... ehm... it's actally a celebration for the birthday girl and guy.... but i din go cos i have extra training.... even if i dun have... i doubt i will go too... it's ex.... most my money are already spent on tennis.... cant afford to have a luxurious meal... anywayz.... i waited for my frd to return me my card and key... lolx! i waited since 11.30 and she reached sch at abt 12.30... yeah so i was actually standing for 1hr! lolx... after tat she accompanied me to buy food... so ate out cos the canteen was full.... after tat she and her frd went for the mcq test... hahaha~!
lastly! the tennis training!!!!! lolx! today i had my training at the IT block... the weather was great! no rain be4/during/after the training... hahaha~! then captain actually asked me to wait... so i waited... for abt 55 mins... argh~! luckily while i was waiting one of the tennis-mate and my frd came.... to acc me of cos! lolx~! today's training... ehm... how do i say? at the beginning yes... it's tiring.... then after the fore and back hand... train my smash..... tat is not as tiring as the fore and back hand... i wonder why!!!!!! argh! yeah... after tat was serving.... guess wat?! out of dunno how many hundred balls i hit over only 5 balls got into the correct area nicely.... FIVE OUT OF SO MANY BALLS! HOW PATHETIC CAN TAT BE?! VERY!!!! yeah.... then after tat was a mini game..... i lost of cos! haha... but at least i got 1 point from him... better than ZERO! argh! one day i'm gonna beat him! ONE DAY!!!!!!!! lolx.... ehm... let's see... wat else... there is one time when i keep blinking my eyes cos the sweat got into my eyes... then he asked"wat happen?" and he hit my cap... then i said"eyes very pain" then he say"why eye pain?" then i say" the sweat got into my eyes.." then he heard wrongly... then he say"wat?! fly got into ur eyes?' then i say"SWEAT!!!!!" yeah.... at the point when he hit my cap... i felt sth... i felt as if he is treating me as sister.... lolx! feel like i got a big brother looking after me liddat.... i guess today is the only day where he tok to me the most.... mostly abt tennis but there is some craps too... hahaha~!
guess i'll stop here... so lazy to type anymore... bye bye!
writtern @Thursday, July 21, 2005
YO~!!!!! sorry guys for the 2 entries today.... why 2??? gd qns.... ehm... there's lotsa stuff i wanna say... and i think all of my frds shld know it....
1stly.... i am the sort of person who speaks wats on their mind... so u can NEVER EVER control my straight forwardness alright? and of cos i'm the crappy type... but in nature i'm really a ver yvery very very very extremely blur person.... dun believe? as my besties! weixin, qian bei and maybelin... they know me better than any of u guys do! i know i'm being rather harsh in this entry... but u guys left me with no choice at all!!!!!! argh~!!!!~!~!~~!~! what else can i say?! i nv hated u guys... but why me? tell me... where did i go wrong? tell me right at the face and not at someone else's face cos they aint DIANA TJU! get tat in ur brAIN!
2ndly, i would like everyone to know tat... if u have anything... anything under this great bright sun against me... just shoot it out like machine gun right at me alright?! be it i'm with my frds or not... get it? since they are my frds... they ought to know my flaws too... i can never always be acting nice and gd infront of them when i'm not.... understand? what's the point acting nice all the time when i myself know tat i'm not the kind of gd person? true?
lastly, i want everyone to know i will NEVER change for anyone in my life alright? i wanna be myself... no one else but myself... and even if i were to change it needs time too... u can never expect me to change within a day... it's absurd! and.... i believe tat if one were my true frd.... he or she will accept me for who i am... understand? and i also would like everyone to be themselve and not act infront of others... if feel like crying out loud do so by all means... u will feel wonderful after it.... i know how it feels to be always acting infront of others... u feel like u aint urself at all... and eventually u will hate ur life and urself.. i mean whats the point of doing sth to make urself hate urself????? true isnt it? i guess tats all... tata~
writtern @Wednesday, July 20, 2005
YO!!!!! lolx... just gonna type a light entry for today ya?! lolx... ehm... yeah my wish list!~!~! well... it's more like wat i wish to get from other ppl... maybe for my b-day? hahaha~! since my birthday is abt 2 months plus away... save some money up for me? hahaha! (i doubt so..... ) here goes~!
1) a tennis racket(Prince o3)[hope i got the model right]
2) a new nike tennis outfit!!!!
3) pass my exams!!!! (well... depends on my brain though~)
4) nike windbreaker
5) adidas jacket
6) hope to eat steamboat on my birthday!!! if not sakae sushi~!(nv been there be4 in my life!)
i think tats all??? ahaha~! cant think of anything.... sigh~! hahaha~! i guess if one were to buy sth related to tennis i wil be so happy! lolx~! NOTE IT DOWN!!! hahaha... j/k j/k... i cant force ppl to do it... lolx! oh well i guess i'll stop here.. bye bye!
writtern @Wednesday, July 20, 2005
yO~~!!!! lolx! i'm so tired man! argh~!~!! i'm actually running away! hahaha! according to my plan... i shld be revising my mechanics topic 4 and 5.... but once again! my laziness had conquered my bloody brain!!!!! argh!!! i hate it man! everytime i wanna study the laziness just come brewing... maybe i'll do 1 or 2 qns later... lolx~! sigH~! dun worry!!! i'm not gonna tok abt tennis in this entry!!! lolx~! hahaha~!!!!
ytd... my parents and my kor went to watch fantastic 4... and i was at home slping~ lolx was too tired to get up... so i woke up at 12noon... went to clean my room and my parents room... sweep the floor... did my math assignment but it's not completed yet and it is due tml!!!! oh NO~!!!!!!! heck Man~!!! i hate tat 3 by 3 matrices.... so confusing! oh yeah... wat else.... then i wanted to update my ipod... and my brother actually uninstalled the program! hahaha~! so i have to re-install it... and this time i installed it in my laptoP! hahaha~!!!~!~!!!! yeah... and most of the songs are different now... now i have some chinese songs.... some indonesian songs... an increase no. of english songs..... but a decrease no. of japanese songs... hahah! sian... SIAN!!!!! BORING!!!! i'm just so bored!!!! argh! i got to make myself clear of sth now... so listen up carefully and properly alright?!
i like NO ONE NOW!!!!! NO ONE!!!! i dun like any guys now alright?! all i can think of is tennis and studies tats alL!!!!! SO STOP ASKING WHO IS THE GUY!!!!! btw.. i think i updated my photos... so maybe u guys wanna check it out? it's nth much... but yeah... give urself a 5 mins break and take a look at those pics.... laugh at them if u want! hahaha~! so long as if lighten up ur day! okay?! i'll stop here... bye bye!!!!!
writtern @Monday, July 18, 2005
yO~! lolx... yeah.. well i'm gonna blog abt my day today... i'll try my very best to keep it real short... okay? cos i'm really tired.... but then today the entry will be flipped over.. i'll tok abt wat happened after i reach home afte rmy training... then after which it will be followed by tennis trainings... alright? cos i know most ppl who are reading my blog is already bored abt it... yeah... so i start with wats not tennis... lolx!!! here GOES~!
i reach home... and yeah... i'm so tired already and sticky and smelly of cos! yeah so i actually did not help out in the bbq... i just relaxed... well... i cleaned my bag and racket as usual... then i go and take quick shower.... then i went down to help out in "burning" in charcoal... hahaha~! so tiring... after tat cooked prawn to eat... lolx! eat for a while then went up to change to swimming costume... go swimming lar dUH~! hahaha! but i only swam 3 laps... -_-" lame right? so damn cooling! but of cos 3 laps is NTH AT ALL!!! argh! then went to eat again.... then went up... (btw during this whole process it rain quite a no. of times... so i went up and down alot of times oso) lolx! then watch gohtika(wrong spelling) with my mama's frd... lolx! so scary.... then after abt 15 mins i went to bathe again.... then came out to watch the show... so i'm completely lost~ but then... oh well! yeah.... then stayed at home till the end lor... then played daidee(big2) with my mama's frd and kor kor... lost twice... was suppose to dirnk 2 can of beer... haha~! but i did not take it... feel so hot(like got fever) then i oso cant be bother to open the can... so nv drink... hahaha~! yeah... then after tat mama ask me to mop the floor... then after mopping i'm here typing my blog... so tats abt it for the 2nd half of my day... now jump to the 1st part!!!
once again! woke up at 6.30am(no brkfast this morning! PATHETIC!).... when i reached the yck mrt station there was this guy who is in tennis oso... but we took the different route and i guess he is faster than me... cos when i reach there he was already there... lolx! well... i went to climb some stairs(warm up abit) and went to toilet... hahaha~! went to toilet to put my cap on properly~ haha! then when i reach there the benches as usual are WET! lolx~ ARGH! so i got no choice to just put it there! sigh~! then the malay coach( iforgot his name again!) asked me to go and help daryl take the basket of tennis ball... while the other guy is mopping the floor...(wat is the exact usage of word for this???) oh well... then go lor... tot it would be light but i'm wrong...!!!! ok ok then new thing tat we learnt today was serving! hahaha~! it really sucked at 1st... oh well~ then weixin's serve hit julie's head... it was a powerful shot... oh dear... i hope she is doing fine now...!!! ehm... then abt the last 15mins of training it rained... after training we went to have lunch at FJ then after eating play tennis till 12.45pm then walked to the sbm court for extra training.... lolx~! i tot only bt 3 to 6 ppl... then suddenly 8 ppl came... so many... and yeah... we dunno the other 3 guys... so we din tok much! hahaha~! it was like so sian... cos ridz,dhil,jeff,lam played so much be4 extra training so they were so exhausted! hahaa! so all 4 guys except lam went off at abt 2pm... lolx! the entire of the extra training seem so dead!!!! sigh~! no more of the normal laughter.... whY?! tell me whY?!?!?! too tired?!??!?! sigh~! i had more energy today u know?! sigh!~ but did not make full use of it... but then it's okay i guess... during he extra training we trained serving too... i guess i improved a little... (tats standing at the right side of the court) hahaha~! then.... daryl himself is seems quite moody... so the balls he fed seems to be as moody as he is... hahaha!!!! oh well... ppl have their bad days too okay?~ lolx... well it wasnt gd/fun enuff!!!!!
oh well... now... i'm like so tired..... sigh~! gotta do my math assignment tml... btw... can anyone tell me wat are we suppose to hand up next week? thanx a million~~! lolx!!!! sigh~! i feel so so so so tired! U_U" can hardly open my eyes.... i'm actually feeling the button and typing on it.. ahaha~! and i'm still confused ya? lolx..!!!! oh well.... i hope i can have a very very nice and relaxing individual training next thur... wish me luck! thanx! lolx! hahaha!~! kk i'll stop here... bye bye!
writtern @Saturday, July 16, 2005
oh my gosh! wat a dumb dumb day i had today... argh!!!!! was so pissed off! lolx! wanna know why? read on!
this morning i had my workshop lesson... i cut too much!!!! argh! why?!?!?!?! cos i read the vernier wrongly~! how dumb can i be?! VERY!!!!! lolx... then when i was cleaning up the machine.... guess wat?! aiyaya... the coolent dripped on my head... i could feel the coolness of it! an it's so oilY!!! argh!!!! wat abt next? lolx... i din eat my lunch... instead i went to spend time with a guy i just knew... yeah... miracles do happen i guess... -_-" nv tot tat anyone would ask for my tel no.... esp a guy? lolx! ehm.... after i gave him my no. the 1st thing i did was to turn my head and my eyes were searching for u....... the sight u gave me was "i dun care" sigh~!.... i'm so sad man... lolx!
then then... next was autocad!!!! argh!!!!!! i was having a hard time doing the the side view of the ex16 in my bk.... dunno why! but i'm reflexes are getting worse! reflexes in my brain... not physically... lolx! then here comes the materials test!!!! hahaha! an open book test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! regretted not reading ALL of the 2 topics... i only read topic 1... so i know nuts abt it! yeah... i am going to fail... so i'm not surprised... neither did i pay much attention on it... so here's my retributioN! hahahaa~!~! oh well.. i think tats it for today.... i'm rather sad... for wat reason? i dunno... all i want it for u to notice tat i like u
writtern @Friday, July 15, 2005
yO~! lolx! today i'm gonna blog abt my 1st extra individual training in 6 months! hahaha~!~!~!~ long eh? of cos it's long! it was SIX months!!!! HALF a year!!!!! lolx! let's see... i'm eating my dinner now... so i can be quite slow... but even if i am slow... u guys wouldnt know too!!!! haha~!~! LamE~~... okok i'll cut the crap now...
alright my training starts at 2... and ended at 4... lolx! 2hrs.... i tot was i was able to take it... but looks like i'm WRONG!!!! i'm so so wrong... lolx~! beginners training was not so tiring cos it's like... u hit 4 balls and u wait for ur turn... while waiting for ur turn u are actually waiting for 40 balls to be hit be4 ur turn... so it's like waiting for 10 more ppl be4 ur turn... get wat i'm trying to say? lolx! oh well... then wat did i do today? i basically started off with volleys... followed by fore/back hand at the service line... then rest then base line fore and back then rest then service line back/fore hand, volley and smash! hahaha~!~!~ then REST again!!!! i practically run out of breath every set of this thing... -_-"! my stamina is still low man! no wonder i always fail my 2.4km run... -_-"! i hate... running!!!! lolx... sigh~! gotta work harder.... then... wat else? i think my total resting time is more than the time i train... -_-"! tats just so.... SIMPLE PATHETIC~!~!~ hahaaa~!~!~! thus i'm aiming to play tennis at least 3 times a week.... to improve and to train... lolx~~!! from wat i can see... i haven been improving at all...~~~ but oh well... i guess i have to take it slowly, rushing it aint gonna do me any gd either~ lolx! when i was having my training,... i went to refill my waterbottle... and tat watercooler was so FAR~! can u imagine it?! they removed the watercooler which was near the track! i was thinking"why the hell do they have to do such a thing?! make us go so FAR!!!!" but oh well i took it as a cooling down and exercising.. lolx! i ran to the watercooler and walked slowly back to the court~! today daryl the captain was quite nice... lolx! he walked me back to atrium(ard there)... if not i would be walking back alone... ~ thanx ya! well... we din tok much... nth much in common i think? lolx~! btw... i saw the other coach too(i forgot his name again)... lolx~! funny as usual~ lolx!
for some who know wat i did ytd... i went to gym with my brother... did abt 200 pulleys(not much only 10-15kg) then 50 diamond push-ups... went home did 200 swings... so it's 100 fore and 100 back... lolx! no strength... no stamina.. PLAY WAT?! so i'm kinda exhausted... and i slept late last night.. lolx.... -_-" i'm being abit too much... all i can think of now is tests and tennis... nth else... lolx~ my department of humour is dropping too.. sigh~!~!~!~! where has all my jokes and lameness gone?! lolx! if weixin is reading this... i guess he will be thinking"since when u got a sense of humour?" hahaha! so bored... gotta revise for my material test tml... although it's an open book test i guess it's always gd to read be4 having the test... lolx~! and i made 2 obvious mistake in my speedtest(autocad) today!!!!! argh! so careless of me! i forgot tat outline comes 1st! and i drew a center line instead.... lolx~! but oh well... next week got another autocad test... and i AINT GONNA MAKE THIS STUPID MISTAKE AGAIN! lolx~!!~!! now u can see my determination? HAHA~!
oh yah... for no reason~ i dunno why my dad wants a bbq this sat... and YES! ppl got to pay $20 for it! isnt tat ridiculous? he is the one who wanna have it and invited so many ppl and yet charging in such a rate! i would rather go for training than to eat tat!!!! argh! lolx! and he actually told me this "u can invite as many frds as u want" haha~!~! all i can do i laugh but abit pissed off at the same time... lolx! but anyway i guess i'm not going to ask my frds to pay... i DONT care.... -_-"! but i guess no one is coming over... so yeah... -_-"! no ppl accompany me during this sat night.. sigh~! i guess i will lock myself in my cosy room and slp~! lolx! anti-social isnt it?! lolx! OF COS TATS NOT WAT I"M GONNA DO!!! i'll make sure i get drunk! even better to slp when i'm drunk.... anyway~ anyone wanna come just sms me ya... (i doubt so) lolx~! oh well my blog is getting abit irritating(i can feel it myself) and i'm sick of typing so much when not many ppl are reading... blame it on my brain... it cant function well wanna know why? ask it! lolx~! alright i'll stop here... most probably blog on sat... abt my training again! hahaha~!~!~!~!!~!~!~ boring right? cos all i can think of to blog is tennis tats all..!
writtern @Thursday, July 14, 2005
yO~!!~!~!~ lolx! HALO!!! once again! i'm here!!!! infront of my laptop typing an entry for my blog! lolx! ehm.... what can i say????
apparently, i have lots and in fact tons of stuff and crap to say.... but then... haha~!~! on the 2nd second.... i think i shld just keep it to myself... shant create more troubles.... lolx!!!! let's see.... ehm... all i have in my mind is tennis now.... i'm really gonna be a freak if this goes on... lolx! let's see.... i tot i would be having a mechanics test on tuesday... but it turn out to be just revisions... lolx! at 1st right... i know nuts abt mechanics... and i have no idea how to use or apply the formulas... but since saturday night i have been going through the bk... i rubbed off the workings i had in the book and try doing it again... and of cos re-checking it with the one i did on paper.... so yeah.... i din do much on sat night... sat night... i was actually feeling really sick so turn in quite early abt 12midnight... then started on sunday.... i did more of quizs on sunday.... so yah.... i REALLY started reading my mechanics on monday.... it is a total mad rush... lolx! welll i did some of the qns and then i stopped... and started just reading through the book thoroughly and remembering the steps thoroughly... hahah!!! i hope it would help... and whah la!!!! the results of my hardwork had paid off! i was able to do my topic 2 and 3.... now it's left with 4 and 5... lolx! i guess i can draw my free body diagram properly... was really happy~~~ hahaha~!~!~!~
then wat else? haiya... wanna say sth oso dunno wat to say.... stop here i think....
writtern @Wednesday, July 13, 2005
hey yo~! check it out YO! lolx! lame~~ ehm.... hahaha i dun think today's entry will be as long as last sat's entry... hahaha~! dun worry yah!
here goes! i reached sch ard 7.30 and usually at this time the coaches are already here but i see no one at all so i tot i was at the wrong court or sth... hahaha!!!! anyway sarah came and the coaches came later on... so sarah and i started with mini tennis 1st and then others came to join us.... then we did fore and back hand strokes today... was bad... very bad at the beginning... later on daryl change it to backhand strokes 1st and the nfore hand strokes... guess wat? lolx when i was hitting the back stroke... most of the shots were okay... but somehow it almost hit daryl a few times... hahaha!!!! it's so funny... lolx... imagine him getting hit by a tennis ball... but i dun think such cases happen often right? anyway.... my fore hand was.... ver ybad today... mange to hit most of the balls but it just went everywhere in the court... always out... sian~!~!then we got to learn volley!!!! hahaha! as usual i was able to control to ball.... yah so i gave myself a target and tat is try hitting most of the shots and landed the ball within the service area... lolx! yah... and of cos we learn smash too... my position was full of errors at the beginning... but daryl showed me how i was suppos to stand... so yah... got he position right but when i smash the ball... no control of the ball... btw... no control of the ball as in not much of a direction k.... lolx! wat else... ehm.... training was short today... and i wasnt very very tired today... lolx only when i was playing with some of the ppl at yck then i started to feel tired.. cos of the weather.... it's just so hot.... i'm tired cos of the weather and not the game... sounds.... dumb to me though... hahaha!
i got into stage arts!!!! amazed? well i'm very much surprised myself... hahaha~!~! oh well... i decided to train hard to get into the sch team.. but now i got selected for stage arts.. so i have no idea how... shld i join stage arts? somehow i just wanna concentrate in tennis and do well in it..... guess i have to give up on stage arts... cos i cant be juggling with both ccas.... and oso i love tennis more~!~! more than stage arts... most probably more than anyone else i knew... lolx! i tot abt the extra training last night... ehm.... i guess i dun mind paying the fee using my own savings.... lolx! yah so i decided to have an extra training... lolx! anyway... my hp is crazy... starhub did not send me my bill for at least 2 months and now i cant call out and neither can i recieve call..... hahaha! but i think can sms bah.... stupid isnt it? the fault either is on starhub itself or the delivery man.... -_-"! sigh~! for the time being... u guys can contact me in this no. 90555096 okay? it's a hi-card and ionly got $4 left... so yah... i may top it up soon... so anyway! i'll stop here... bye bye!
writtern @Saturday, July 09, 2005
halo~!~! once agaiN! hahaha... this time it's different alright.. not facing infront but looking and reading carefully wat i'm typing... cos lately when i went to my OWN blog to read i realised tat i made so many careless mistakes and of cos spelling wrong words..... so i would like to apologise for my mistakes ya? lolx!
let's see... what shall i type for this entry today??? ehm... alright! as a 24/7 tennis freak i shall talk abt what happened during my tennis practice with some of my cool friends alright?! lolx... well of cos not all the entry is abt tennis... so dun worry! cos i know tat u guys are getting bored with me.... oh gosh..... lolx~! 1stly, the ppl i played with are jeff, ridzuan, my brother, fadhil and 2 of his friends... one of his girlfriend came but went off quite early~ hahaha~!~! i have no idea why but when i started playing all the balls tat i hit went out of the court... (btw.. not as in out of the entire court... it's just an out) but as the game goes on i got a little out of breath... hahaha~!~! thats when i started to play better... not much of a out and my shots are much better compared to the beginning... but then i still know tat i aint as gd as the others... especially comparing myself to ridzuan and fadhil... i'm way way way too off... i still need more trainings.... need more practices... need more tips.... need someone to guide me....so tat i wun go off~ lolx! get it? i think tats all abt the tennis...
next! it will be abt wat happened today.... let's see.... ehm... actually even if something did happened i wun be telling in my blog... hahaha~!~! what for tell the whole world??? if my classmates were to read it... i guess they will hate me forever... or i guess they are already hating me... but for all i care~ i realised... i ain't alone... i got a whole bunch of friends.... tennis friends... ex-classmate.... outside sch friends.... although i may be alone during breaks... it doesnt mean i am alone..... i still have myself to accompany my soul... this empty shell has it's own soul to accompany alright? cos if u guys are going to say"going solo eh?" i would say look at urself be4 u say others... oh well... charlotte msg-ed me in frdster.... hahaha~!~! sorry girl! i forgot ur birthday~ it's been such a long time i last see u... how long is dat? abt 1 yr? lolx... i wonder how she is doing... i guess she is having a fun life... all thanx to her msg the past has been replaying like a film in my mind.... it's just way too cooL! lolx... remembering those quarrels i had with her but we are always back to gd friends 5 mins later... it all just seems childish but yet so so fun.... as usual... she is pretty... but her young sister look just so much like her mom.... look almost the same... lolx! beautiful of cos! oh well... let's see... i still remembered i went to the same child care as denise.... lolx! the smartest girl i ever met in my whole life! she is just so violent in pri. sch... but the last time i saw her she changed alot! from the conservative little girl to a daring young lady! hahaha!!!!! the wonders of having keeping in contact with pri sch frds are just so great... i have no idea why too..... sometimes i think going back to those days just make me feel so happy.... i'm always as cheerful as i can be..... laughing and smiling away.... no much of friendship problems and backstabbings.... lolx.... i guess when ppl grows up they tend to think more and eventually creating problems not only for themselves but oso for the ppl around them as well...
anywayz~ i wanna thank jestyn for accompanying me during my breaks ytd and having lunch with me today... not forgetting thank you for taking dat picture for me... hahaha!!!! while i was chatting with him today... something just struck me! (BoOm! just like dat.... ) why does backstabbing cases usually happen between females??? why cant they just think "forgive and forget" or maybe "lesser problems are always better than having more" ???? how hard can tat be? lolx.... of cos u guys would say"say dat to urself!" haha... i did say all this to myself... tats why if i dun really get along with someone i tend not to tok much with the person so tat i wun get into unneccesary arguements or quarrels.... lolx! wat abt u guys? suddenly not toking to ur girlfriends w/o letting the person knowing the reason? making the person wonder??? lolx.... i must make myself clear be4 more troubles arise in my life..... and tat is... i'm not a good girl... i am not a perfect friend.... i'm not as caring as u think i am.... i can be naggy... but tats me... i'm the childish and evil girl.... so accept it... i'm cold blooded.... so keep tat in mind....
lastly!!!!! to my friend ann kiat~!~! halo ak! sorry for being so cold to u lately alright? it wasnt delibrate.... just tat suddenly i feel tat if i tell u more.... ppl knows more.... i have no idea wat sort of person u are.... u may always say u are a dao person but deep inside my heart i feel tat u aint such a person.... but then again... sorry for treating u badly.... let's just put it this way.... i think too much... i'm being paranoid... but i oso need to know the reason why ppl suddenly dun tok to me to make me think soo much.... lolx~ get it? i actually dunno how to put it in words too... hahaha...~~!~!!
i'll stop here~!~! bye bye!!!!
writtern @Thursday, July 07, 2005
heY yO~!~!~ lolx! here i am again facing my laptop and typing an entry..... a fool here typing a blog entry to be exact..... lolx~! i wouldn't call it as many things happened lately... i would just say i wanna apologise to weixin!!! lolx... no doubt weixin u are still my bestest friend just like qian bei and maybelin... the only 3 ppl i will nv ever forget in my life.... the 3 who have always been by my side no matter wat has happened... lolx.... just recently i said tat weixin had changed... hahaha~! i still do think u have changed weixin! but then of cos when he said i have changed too i denied right? but then i oso did my soul searching... hahaha~!~! maybe cos i said u.... so i oso wanna try thinking abt myself... if i have changed.... guess wat... even if i say i did not change many ppl will still think tat i did changed.... oh gosh~ lolx....
today... dunno why... maybe i DID provoke someone or made someone agree without realising it myself... but if ppl who REALLY know me shld know tat i'm the kind who is straight forward... blur at times.... violent.... always scold or shout at others.... but if u notice.... i do apologise for wat i think i have done wrong... or sometimes even if i did nth wrong i still do apologise... even if i said this seriously"i'm gonna slap u!" after awhile or within a day or two i do apologise for saying such foolish stuff.... i'm me.... and i'm not entitled to change for others..... if u guys got any problem being with me just becos part of me is irritating why not stop ur agony and just find new frds? maybe changing a little here and there i will do... but if u expect me to be ur perfect frd i cant... and i believe no one can..... if u guys are just gonna outcast me... i'm not going to thick-skinned and stick ard with u guys.... i rather be alone.... oh well.... lastly.... i wonder wat does frdship mean to u? ignoring others just becos he or she said sth? try shooting back... u will feel better and i strongly believe tat the person will thank u someday..... to shoot him or her back and make tat person realise wat he or she had said wrongly or done wrongly....
writtern @Tuesday, July 05, 2005
hey yo~! hahaha.... 1stly... wanna say happy birthday to huiqin... sorry i destroyed the cake..... so so sorry man! lolx... anyway today's entry is abt today's tennis training.... here goes~~~
i woke up at 6.30am as usual and arh... was sorta early... but it's gd to be early.... haha! dunno why.... and ehm..... glenn and another guy was already there when i reached there.... after tat the coach showed us his foto from the past... hahaha! the 1st thing tat came across my mind was "he keeps tat everywhere he goes? wow!" hahaha!!! tats wat came acrossed my mind at tat time... then after tat daryl the captain came and he got to carry 3 basket of tennis balls all by himself and said"see i one person carried 3" hahaha!!! tat was like -_-"! than glenn and i said"u shld have ask someone to help u like us...." then daryl said"how i know u all come so early" hahaha!!!! then glenn said"dun u know there is sth called hp?" wah... but i dun think the captain heard it... lolx!
after tat the funniest malay coach(dunno how to spell his name) taught as how to play mini-tennis... hahaha!!!! looks kinda fun but i find it kinda hard to control the strength... so i've got to learn how to control my strength and i find tat i'm rather slow in reaction... got to train to speed it up and read the balls direction... or rather... sometimes i have blur visions so i cant really see very well... hope i'm not blind though~ hahaha!!!! after the mini tennis.... others came and then ppl who did not come last training was somehow... ehm.... how shld i put it? somehow taught how to hit fore and back hand so tat they can catch up...then.... they were told to join into the groups and weixin landed in MY group... although he is my friend... somehow i din wish to be in the same grp as he is.... hahhaa! dunno why.... maybe cos he tend to give unneccessary comments tat i din wanna hear.... then after tat we were suppose to "dance" but somehow i dun think it's dancing... the way they taught as to hit the fore and back hand sorta reminds me of my trainings back in indo.... i remember the coach last time taught me to hit fore and back hand and fore and back again... but i hit from the service line then slowly moved back to the base line.... automatically moved back... and running around the court to hit those flying tennis balls... haha! much much more tiring tat time compared to this time... i guess it's become this is a grp training aint one to one anymore... tats why...
then it's break time! hahaha!!!! our grp seems to be kinda enthu/hyper.... hahaha!!!! most of the guys nv REST at all... well i just drank some H2O(water) and joined them.... but somehow i din get to hit the ball cos they were abt to start training again... hahaha!!!! i wonder wat really happened to me cos ehm.... i din really hit the ball very well today... i mean i'm not tat gd... but today is worse than last week... oh well... then we were suppose to hit a far range and a short range of balls.... lolx! i hit one of the ball out of the fence.. in total our grp hit 15 balls out of the court... hahaha! worse than last week! but i strongly believe tat our group will improve in no time! hahaha!!!! then when we were abt to end our training we were told to stand in a line and they give the command... or rather using the ball to direct the front back and sides movement... hahaha! kinda fun... somehow i still think 2 hr per week is not enuff.... hahaha!
then wat else... after training i went off with rizuan, jeff, lam and dhil... hahah! all thanx to dhil he booked the court and we went to play of cos~ then erm... weixin did not come... i did ask but he like dun want ans liddat and then icall him he say not coming... anywayz we went off to mac 1st to buy ice lemon tea!!!! hahaha! i'm sorta influenced by rizuan abt the ice lemon tea! hahaha!!! oh well.... there are things i wanna say... but dun think i will open it out to everyone so i wun be saying... hahaha!!!! anywayz we played tennis lor... doubles.... lolx! then change to singles... we took turns so it's like losers out and winner stays... lolx! my 1st match was with rizuan! ARGH! somehow i find tat he is the so far the best in our slot of time... i wonder how other ppl are doing in other slots though... i do hope we are the STRONGEST of all slots! hahahaha!!!! rizuan's shots are all strong... i think... and sometimes when he serve the ball successfully... it's fast... of cos i din react lar! i'm so wols.... lolx! then i won the 1st match though~ hahah! it was pure luck i guess.... then after tat i lost... hahhaa! did have fun with them.... esp lam.... he was a 1st timer in tennis and yet he can hit all the balls so well... argh~! sorta envy him... lolx!
i find tat i'm lacking in the grp... something like left behind... dunno why.... i dun think i have improved at all... i wanna improve in order to get into the sch team... HAHAHA!!!! lolx! anyways... then wat arh... dunno why ppl keep calling me sharapova! i dun even look like her! and she is a player man.... i mean she plays in wimbledon and i dun! hahaha!!!! lolx.... i wonder why they call me sharapova.... just becos of my double backhand?! if tat is so... PLEASE! there are others who using double backhand too! and i'm not the best either! hahaha! lolx! well at least i'm aiming to be the best player in nyp 1st... lolx! best female player i mean... lolx... wonder if got the talent to do so.... lolx... btw... anyone interested in player tennis after sch during weekdays? if yes do tag my board... cos i need more trainings and practices too... thanx alot yah! lolx... i think tats all for today.... but be4 i end...
to a.k: hey! i dun think ppl will hate u for being dao or being urself... being urself is impt okay? we need to know the true ak and not the acting ak... remember tat!!! lolx! and i know u dun want ppl to hate u or quarrel with u or even worry abt u... tats why u acted happy and as if nth happen... but then again... when sth happen it already has happen.... u have to get over it okay? and of cos since u have carried it up... do put down slowly and steadily... and not putting it down knowing tat u will regret... understand wat i mean, boy? lolx! oh well... dun say already later u say i naggy....!!! lolx! take care yah!
lastly! love peace no war!
writtern @Saturday, July 02, 2005