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my day~!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

lolz~! apparently my topic for this entry is not really associated to MY DAY... hahaaha~!~! just have no idea wat to put for the topic... 1stly! yesterday was joseph's birthday so here u go~! HAppY BiRtHdAY~!~!~! hahaha!!! hope u have a great time with us ytd... although our plan of going to have steamboat did not go smoothly.. hahaha!!! yesterday was joseph's day.... all attention was on him.. haha~!~! and this coming thursday will be huiqin's day... and all the attention will be on her... hahaha~!~~ hope my b-day oso got ppl pay attention to me... lolx! oh well... ytd... huiqin, jos and i actually planned to have steamboat but somehow jos invited other classmates too! ahaha~!~! so yah.. we changed plan... so we went to j8 instead! hahaha~!~! once we reached there we went to buy the movie tickets for initial d... and be4 the movie starts... we got another 1 hr to spend, so we went to have some food in food junction and i actually din really wanna eat although feeling kinda hungry... so yah.... i shared food and drinks with huiqin... sam and kenneth din eat... and jos DID eat... hahaha~!~! after tat i went to buy popcorns~! hahaha! the others were kinda full already so i bought a regular sized popcorn and shared with huiqin... lolx! the movie was suppose to start ard 4.40pm but in the end it started at 5pm sharp... and ended be4 7pm.. haha~!~! 2 thumbs up for initial d! hahaha~!~! although i did not watch the anime and know exactly nth abt initial d... but i still find the story in the movie quite nice... although ALL the voices aint REAL.... sigH~! edison was so so so so so so COOL~!~!~! hahaha! how i wish i can meet someone as cool as he is in nyp... haha! no offence... but maybe half as cool as he is already eye-catching for the females in school... hahaha~!~!ehm.... let's see.... lolx! after the movie we wanted to go have dinner... ehm... we actually walked up and down aimlessly... haha! but i wasnt the one leading the way! it was sam and kenneth... but i guess it's okay cos it was actually quite cold in the cinema so walking ard to warm myself up is a good thing lolx~!~! after dinner.... huiqin and i went to walk ard in j8 while the guys went home 1st... hahaha!!! i had a very very great time and i do hope the b-day boy had his great time too... hahaha! i hope everyone had their great time... lolx! huiqin actually accompanied me to walk ard j8 just to buy my tennis attire... well.. i only have 1 set of exercising attire... so i find tat it's kinda weird to wear the same thing every saturday so huiqin suggested tat maybe i shld have 2 sets... and i agreed! so we went to royal sporting hse to search for clothes... i wun deny tat i still prefer adidas and nike.. but adidas's tennis skirt got no shorts inside... haha! so i wun really like it.. then for nike... i actually love their designs and the cutting of the skirt... not only tat the skirt has in-built shorts... but guess waT? the price itself it's oso kinda of beautiful... hahah! i wun mind buying such expensive attired... but maybe wait till i'm a pro in tennis then i buy bah... lolx! so i went to look at rbk... haha! no tbad though.... the shirt is kinda.... thin... the material is gd but kinda thin... but i couldnt care anymore so i bought it... hahaha! after choosing the attire, huiqin and i tried on the caps... hahaha! i find tat almost all kind of caps suit her very well... maybe cos her head small and she is kinda fair bah..... my head is big though! hahaha! anyway i bought a nike cap.... dark blue in colour... ahaha! maybe i will bring to sch and show it off a bit... hahaha!!! then... i oso bought a adidas water bottle... actually wanted to buy the lastest design of the water bottle... if i remember correctly the colour is white... and orange!!!! hahaha! but they dun have it.. so i bought the older design... well at least the one i bought... the volume of the bottle is much more than the one i wanted... hahaha! can fill it up with more water... lolx~!~! guess wats the colour?! hhahaa! i oso dunno wat's the name of the colour... it's abit red abit dark pink... maroon? i dun think it's maroon.... -_-"~! wats the name of this COLOUR?!?!?!?! lolx! hahhaa! anyway... tats actually wat i did after sch yesterday... and as for today!

i tot the class was gonna end as usual at 4pm but i was wrong! hahaha! we ended at 12noon! why? simple... our proj period was cancelled.... this week we got no materials lab work.... and we shift the math period up to 11am.... hahaha! so we end at 12 nooN! and after tat james wanted to take some pics for our report and i have no upload the pics yet... maybe later ya? lolx... ehm... i actually planned to do some quiz later... since i come home so early today.. but looks like laziness have conquered my will of studying once again! hahaha~!~! funny isnt it? how the sun can shone on one till one have no mood in studying anymore... and how the sight of the bed make one feel like lying down instead of sitting up right... hahaha~!~! i know i know~ here i go again spouting nonsense.... lolx!!! ehm.... hahah i think this entry is kinda long... i hope the ppl reading my blog aint feeling sian or bored... anything along dat line! hahaha! guess wat?! edmund shi and kenny wants to join tennis oso... i tot i would nv see edmund ever again in my life but i guess i'm wrong!!!! well... if he did not call the captain and ask if he still can join then i wun see hiM! but if he is accepted which is mostly likely to happen... i'm gonna see him every saturday! fromthis saturday onwards to be exact! i'm really looking forward to the next training... we will get to do more exercise okay?!??! and not just hitting the ball over the net! whOO HOO!~!~! lolx!!!! so... i hope it wun rain at 8 to 10am on saturday... hahaha~!~! cos i wanna have some fun!!! lolx! hope the guys want to play after training... then extra play time and trainings for me!!!! hahaha~!~! and.... i wun wanna change my slot to the later slot... know why? cos i went to the audition for stage arts... and IF i get in... the training will be starting at 11am on saturday too... i dun wanna clash... and i really love tennis~!!~! hahaha! and i just made some new and funky frds in my grp.... bu shi de u know?... haahaha! and i wun wanna compare tennis with frdship.... both are impt to me... and ppl who know me shld now... i dun make sacrifices for other ppl.... i'm a selfish conceited girl..... -_-"! KEEP TAT IN MIND! hahahaha~!~!~! other than tennis... i can do anything for my frds.... but dun cross with my tennis... if not i wun do anything! hahaha~!~! anyway... i'll stop here.... lolx! bye bye! love peace no war!

writtern @Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Saturday, June 25, 2005

hey yO~! as u can see the topic today is burning... cos i'm like burning now... my arms are kindaa red and so is my face... i think got sunburn? hahaha~ i had my 1st tennis training today... and wx went to m'sia so he missed his 1st lesson... and i did told him tat 1st lesson is always the most impt lesson of all trainings.... cos u get to learn the basic... if u cant even handle the basic will wats more abt the difficult kinda moves and skill... right? hahaha! my coach who takes the grp tat i am in is actually the captain of tennis.... i wouldnt say he is very gd looking... but he got his own unique way... and thus everyone has one! hahahaa! he always wear a white colour cap so it's kinda easy to recognise him.... lolx! ehm... let's see... at first right... i was put into this grp which is all guys only one girl who is ME! haha felt so weird.. but when they break the grp further more... 2 more girls joined into the grp i'm in... so my grp got 3 gials and the others are ALL guys..... hahahaha!!!! some of them oso learn tennis be4.... so they are actually kinda good.... hahaha! although i learn be4... i still find myself sucky at it... so more trainings shld be done! hahaha!!! ehm... i make some new frds.... they are just so funny... after he training some of us went to mac and and... some bought large ice lemon tea... and some ate their "breakfast" hahaha! then after tat.... isaac, ryan, glenn and me when to play tennis at the IT blk... hahaha! we were SUPPOSE to book the court but we did not so we simply use the court which is available... it's actually AVAILABLE cos it was raining cats and dogs man! so we decided to play in the rain..... and some of the stuff in my bag got wet... hahaha! and after the rain... it's so sunny... oh dear... and i got sunburnt i think.... my arms and and body is or different colour... my face too of cos... hahaha! black black de... so ugly... lolx! hahaha! but then... nvm lar... i guess i will stop here for today's entry... lolx! as usual... love peace no waR! bbye bye!

writtern @Saturday, June 25, 2005

hey yo~!
Saturday, June 18, 2005

hey yo~!
lolx.... another boring entry for today... since i'm not really doin' my h/w now so i tot of blogging... and yes i do have LOTS of h/w to do... i has to be completed by tuesday... and here i am still slacking as usual... lolx! all i want to say is i'm feeling much much better... not as confused as when i was typing my previous entry... so no worries for me my friendS! hahaha! so oh well... we had a different teacher for workshop lesson ytd... and tat teacher was much much humorous than the real teacher we have... hahaha! although he looks kinda fierce but he knows how to joke though... and when he exxplain stuff... i will feel more like listening to it and not dozing off... hahaha! and during material's lecture i was actually listening to mp3... SO MR lecturer! it's MP3!! NOT RADIO!!!! so please! update urself with the gadgets tat are selling in the market alright?! lolx! den wat next...... there is so so much tat i wanna talk abt... but i just dunno where and how to start... and somehow i can see myself changing gradually.... my character is changing too... sigh~! i'm no longer the happy-go-lucky little girl anymore.... i ehm... no longer am as straight forward as i thought i am..... i find tat i have been backing out most of the time when i wanna say things.... i find tat i can be with honest to other ppl but not to myself.... lolx... but anyway! as long as i'm alive i still can change for the better... right? lolx... oh well.... i think tats all for today... wanna do h/w already so yah! bye bye~!

writtern @Saturday, June 18, 2005

why is this happening?
Thursday, June 16, 2005

why is this happening to me??? sigh~!
i had a weird day today... a very very weird day.... to tell u guys the truth i realised tat i cant concentrate very very well today... it's as if my mind is playing tricks on me.... and my mind is filled with a person.... not tat i miss the guy but more of comparison.... i... i really dunno why but... wat happened in the past like the time with handi.... and wat happen to my parents..... it's just keep popping out.... i will thinking will tat someone give me false hope like wat handi did?.... and will tat someone be like my dad treating my mom in such a way??? is it wrong to like him? did i make the correct decisions? sigh~! i wish this confusing feeling will just stop.... i wanna find the answer really badly.... i.... just cant stop thinking abt it.... and i just cant stop thinking abt whether will it happen to me too..... besides confusing... i'm rather scared too...... why..... am i so scared........

writtern @Thursday, June 16, 2005

i guess no one is perfect on Earth
Monday, June 13, 2005

halo! haha! it has been such a long time ever since my last entry isnt it? sorry abt it but i really aint a serious blogger.... nor do i want to blog abt my daily life.... i mean wat i do usually is somehow or another abt the same as other one else.... hahaha! my topic today is.... welll read the topic itself! hahaha!!!!!

lately many things had happened.... i got frds asking me for other girl's contact... well at 1st the tot i had was "he must be interested in her" haha... regardless of their reasons of why they wnat her contact i still helped... i asked for her contact and gave the guy... who the guy is... i shall not say.... haha! oh well... but he kind of became desperate.... which is quite irritating... although i know everyone on Earth can be desperate at times but i just find it irritating... well... i shan't go into details why he became desperate and what are the stuff he said.. but i just shoot it at him and said"i'm not gonna help u anymore" i mean... i agreedy helping him to take her contact but i did not agree in helping him to make them a couple..... and if one guy ever want to say "it's weekday tml! i can finally see her!" or "i miss her so so much!" that one guy shld tell it straight in her face or maybe sms her.... in anyways TELL HER!!!! not me... wat can i do? act like her for him? or take a pic of her and send it to him? it's crazy man... in addition it's much much more meaningful to tell her than to tell me isnt it? from tat prob onwards... i can actually conclude he is quite childish... i mean i AM childish too but know the limit and i will think of how other ppl feel when they are trying their best to help me do things tat i have asked... and not asking too much out of it.... sometimes i oso feel tat he is not even ready for a relationship... if he got the maturity of thought i would say "GO ON MAN!" but if he continues to say "hey look this is my char! so u cant change me and i shant change it for YOU" then i think he might as well face the com every single day and play games! haha! oh well... other than tat... let's see...

i went to the jam and hop last friday... i wouldn't say it's GREAT! but i would say it's just fine... well i actually cant say much abt it cos this is my 1st time attending such event... haha! i find it quite lame abt the belle and beau thingy and the nyp idol... but i guess a couple of them sing quite well while the others kinda..... ya know... so-so nia~ haaha! actually i din wanna go to tat jam and hop but my bro's gf invited me to go and i dun think it's nice to reject her and PLUS! my bro even tell me to go!!! argh! haha... but overall i did have fun... experienced some things i have nv experience be4.... haha! i did dance... although not very gd... cos i'm not a dance...haha! but everyone will have their 1st time in trying everything on Earth... Agree??? lolx! and the nyp idol sang a slow song... i think it was a love song if i'm not wrong... and my bro gf suggested tat we partner up with the guys... the guys are actually her frds.... and yah... so.... i dunno how to dance so i partner up with someone who knows... and she partner up with someone who is still a noob... haha! so it's like it's my 1st time dancing with a guy... i have to put my hands ard his neck and he got to hold on to my waist and guide me... i would say i dun feel comfortable at all in the beginning! cos it's only a few of us dancing in the front and the others sitting at the back watching us dance... haha! through out the whole dance i dare not look up at him... hahaa! hahhaa... then erm.... got one part he sort of like.... ehm... let go one of my hand and then i got to go back to him... (i dunno how to describe) anyway! he hugged me lar... i feel the sense of security... haha! but of cos i did not fall for him alright?! i just treat him as a normal frd... haha! after the dance the sense of security is gone... hahaha!!!! oh well.... tats all for the jam and hop thingy

haha! how i long to have a bf... who really treat me real nice... okok! to wrap my entry up today... what i want to say is everyone have their own flaws..... and everyone will have their fun times and yet having unlucky days after those fun days.... like my frd... irritating... like me... having fun time and then having unlucky time after tat... hahah! no one is perfect in this world... so we can only do our very best... live life to the fullest... do the right thing.... nv ever deceive urself... and be prepared for the worst to come... hahaha! (well... i think i got too off from my topic... but again... WHO CARES?!)

love peace no war! bye bye!!!!

writtern @Monday, June 13, 2005

My new school life~
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

halo everyone!
haha! i know i haven been blogging.... lolx! sorry alright?! today's blog is going to be about my new school life.... lolx...

oh well... my sch? name is eh...... nanyang polytechnic.. haha! lame... okok... it's basically a tertiary school... so i'm no longer the small kid wearing uniforms... haha! my class ppl.... not very bad... just tat i dun really tok to the guys... i only tok to them online in msn and not in real life... maybe...... shy? hahaha! how knows? the girl in my class.... well i found a very gd frd already! she is older than me..... so it's like... she is the big sister... haha! lectures sucks.... i wonder how they teach? the way they teach.... i can actually replace them! haha! they simply read it out from the note bk tat we got... so wats the point of having a teacher reading it for us? might as well we read ourselve and make good use of that note bk... isnt it? oh well.... life seems to be abit miserable........ -_-" but i think i can cope... i'm going to join the tennis club btw... haha! i somehow regretted not signing up for psb academy.... nvm.... maybe i will do it next yr... get a straight degree.... then no need to waste so much time... ahaha! bored... i really have no idea wat to say anymore... blogging may stop for awhile.... hahaha i'll stop here...

love peace no war! bye bye!

writtern @Tuesday, June 07, 2005