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let's see....
Saturday, May 21, 2005

yO!!!! lolx... yes yes yes i'm no serious blogger..... since when ppl seeing me getting serious with blogging? if i only blog abt my daily lives... ppl will get bored right? i admit i aint as interesting as other ppl.... but i believe there is definitely something i have tat others dun.... i mean i believe everyone does have sth tat others dont... -_-"! haha....-_-"!~!~

let's see... i was suppose to have a preparatory physics lesson from 16 to 20 may.... but i only arrived singapore on 16th night... so i went to on 17th..... i must say it was REALLY a prep lesson.... they actually teach things tat we have already learn... i mean at least for pure physics students they will DEFINITELY know what the teacher is talking abt... although i failed my phy during o levels... i still find it a waste of time.... a deprave to my slping time... sigh~! so i decided not to go for the rest of the lessons... haha~ wanted to revise myself but i find myself watching anime as usual... DANG~!~!~! hahaha! i guess it's the usual me haha~~~ a anime lover cum freak! hahaa!!!!! so far i've only made one frd.... she is quite sweet .... she is older than me by one yr old... hahaha! one frd is better than.... NONE!

wat else.... i went out with weixin and qian bei yetserday... we watched the house of wax.... i must say..... haha! there is actually not very scary.... just tat i find the face of the guy scary.... -_-"~! the show is somehow.... abit like erm.... final destination... it's like everyone dies.... one after another~!~! hahahaha~~~~ and in the end only the siblings survived..... haha! yesterday i played naruto with weixin! hahaha! i win him! somehow or another... it's like luck..... i defeated him for abt 2 or 4 matches..... -_-"! oh well... wat else... i really dunno wat to type... sigh~!~!

to ppl in office: helLO~ apa kabar? baik2 saja? sudah makan siang belum? aku sich mau makan soto ayam di belakang... (Spell correct or not?) hahaha! lain kali kalau kita betemu... itu satu tahun lagi sich... nggak lama laH! hahaha!!!! di kantor masih ada joking tidak? i hope there is... klo nggak kantornya suda kaya... mati.... kantor mah.... nggak salah... itu adalah satu tempat buat kerja... tapi nggak berati harus kerja aja kan? lolx! make some nooise... and glenN!!!! HAVE U BROKE MY RECORD?! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! terus.... siti sama bak rima... makan nya harus banyak dong! so skinny...... grandpa, glenn, august dan handi.... jangan ke banyakan merokok... tidak bagus.... cos u will get cancer and eventually die... i mean everyone will die but u will be faster than usual... u cut short ur own life span.... haha~ get it? and dun always be late for work.... when one ppl is late others will copy.. monkey see monkey do! get it?! anyway... i will stop here... and rudi! dun always drink milk and eat so much... it's not gd for health too!!!! haha.... love u guys alot! bye bye!

love peace no war! stay in pinky health~

writtern @Saturday, May 21, 2005

after work
Thursday, May 12, 2005

ARGH! i click wrongly... so i'm actually typing my entry again...... so i'm going to make it short... i basically said i am stress nowadays and i miss handi very very badly... seem so near but yet so far.... and i haven been toking much lately.... some how became sort of mute......

to weixin: thanks for offering to pick me up but its okay... i will be going back with my mama! hahaha... but hope u and qian bei will find some time so tat we can like go out for one day.... erm... my orientation is on the 25... any idea wat i have to bring? haha... anyway take care! and have fun at sch... i'll stop here cos i dunno wat to type further

writtern @Thursday, May 12, 2005

Today is a public holiday here!
Thursday, May 05, 2005

halo once again! yes! today is a public holiday in indonesia... although i'm not quite sure was holiday is it abt... haha! well in singapore there is a labour day but here dun have.... and to ans some of u ppl's qns "where are u now?" the ans is i am still in indonesia... shld be back on the 16th of may.... cos i tats my last date of the ticket.... erm... my orientation is on the 15th of may... anyone can tell me wat am i suppose to bring and where to assemble??? erm... for ur info... my course is manufacturing engineering in nyp... so if someone happen to be taking the same as my course... pls give me some info on wat to bring sth liddat.... post it in the comment... haha! thanx very much....
abt orientation... lets see... i nv really liked orientation.... well maybe it's becos of my secondary sch's orientation was horrible tats why i nv liked it... i hope the up coming orientation would be much much better than the last time i had... hope i can meet some cute guys... haha! just kidding!!!!! more friends would be enuff... sigh... got to work again tml... so bored.... i'm always slacking in office.... they've got nth for me to do! haha! erm... hopefully i'm allowed to play pool this coming saturday with some of my frds here.... but the chance seems to be very slim~ oh well.. then erm... stated in the last entry... i haven been talking to HIM lately... yes it's truth... not only to him but to my father too... somehow my confidence of having relationship and liking someone has lessen... haha... call me a coward if u want to... but i really dun wanna be hurt becos of this sort of thing.... but still some may say it's for experience.... well... i was just wondering.... why poly always start sch so late??? they shld like push it forward... so ppl like ME will not be bored... haha! oh well guess i shall just stop here!

lastly! love peace no war! take care!

writtern @Thursday, May 05, 2005

erm.... let's see...
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

yo yo yOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! How are you guys? Having fun in school???? I hope so... Lolx!

erm.... let's see.... Firstly to Chun Mei: Hey there! erm... i'm not going america.... At least that is what i can confirm for now... i dont really wish to move here and there anymore... tired of it... cos those are actually hopes tat will only push me down to disappointment... lolx! going to australia? haha tat sounds great.... haha! weixin wanted to gog australia but becos he started sch earlier so his plan was destroyed... -_-"! haha... and i want to thank you for reading my blog... i always thought tat wx is the one who keeps track on my blog... lolx! anyway have a nice day and take care!

Secondly to weixin: yo!!! lolx.... how is the sch??? did u take up indonesian language lesson??? lolx.... i might be taking up japanese... if not indonesian... i have no idea yet.... see see look look i think... erm..... dun worry... u know me i will surely find u if i got problem... but the thing is many things had happened... so has my characteristic... been having a bad temper lately... the way i dress up myself is not the usual self anymore... haha! i've changed my specs... haha! much different from the previous one.... the colour and the style just make myself look older and dull... but it's okay i prefer it this way... erm... then.... i've talked lesser.... just feel so lazy to talk... i dunno why... not only lazy... i feel very very tired if i talk abt a certain matter again and again... wat else.... erm.... yeah... so rather keep quiet sometimes... but if i really cannot take it and wanna share my probs with someone.... u know me i will definitely go disturb someone.. haha! so far... i think tat's all tat i've changed... not much of a big difference right? lolx... oh well... guess i'll stop here take care !

lastly! love peace no war! bye bye!

writtern @Wednesday, May 04, 2005