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lolx!!! i cut my hair!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

hahaha! yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! had my phy pract today... u know wat?! i feel like digging my eyes out! i din see the COS!!!!!!!!!! hai....... i'm gonna fail....... freako me!!! haha!!! but then.... it's over..... lolx!!!!!

when i was in the waiting room.... i have the sudden feeling tat i wanna cut my hair... hahaha! then i tot of cutting matsu jun's hair style.... then tonight after dinner with my dad and kor..... the 3 of us went to QB to cut our hair... then i was thinking "oh no!!!! dun even have the mag.... how to let the person see.... die..." so i tried to describe... hahaha! oh well... it din turn out tat bad.... look ABIT... A LITTLE TINY BIT like his hairstyle... just tat it's the shorter version of it... the front look alright... the back look UGLY! hahahaah! cos i was tie my hair very very tightly.... and i always tie high... if not low.... so it's like there is lots of markings... haha! ugly lor... ugly ugly lar!!! i dun care.... as long i like it... hahaha! erm......arh..... stupid phy.... so angry abt it... lolx! feel like crying man.... oh god..... lolx...... i shall stop here... bye bye!

writtern @Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Happy Birthday to ME!
Friday, October 22, 2004

Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday to _____!!!! happy birthday to YOU!!!!!! hahaha! does this sound familiar to you?? well.... shld be a birthday song actually..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF!!!! yesterday that is... to be exact! in case you are wondering... YES! my birthday was yesterday!!! 21st of oct.......

Thanx so much everyone for ur lovely presents.... -_-"! tat was only abt 3... but anyway.... i still love it! expected more though.... hahaha~! i got a pair of earrings.... 2 piggies.... one red and one pink..... i got $4...... i got $32..... i got 2 bottles of shower gel.... i got a mug..... i got 2 cakes...(one was cookie to be more precise...) and i got a piece of paper with a msg on it! hahaha! thanx alot alright?! be it early or belated.... u guys are still great! had so much fun today!!! hahaha!

din expect mei to bake a cake for me.... but yes! she did it!!! guess wat..... she forgot to add milk.... so it's powdery..... hahah!~ but it tasted so nice..... lolx... had so much fun... joke around.... dunno how to say thank you to u all oso.... lolx!

how i spend my birthday yesterday?? haha... i went to shi jie's hse.... to see shuai ge... haha! not exactly shuai ge.... just went her hse to see poster and magazines.... wow wow wow!!!! felt like i was in heaven! hahahaa! they just look so cool.... but anyway.... they aint real..... so yeah.... it's just pics..... hahahaha! but i still love them alright?! then i went home..... got scolded by my kor kor.... hahaha! cos he waited with his frd for me to come home to celebrate for me.... hahaha! sorry guys.... but hey hey hey... i love tat cake too alright?! it was oso tasty...(from the outside... haven get to try it yet.... so sorry....) and i have my feast yesterday!!!! long john silver....... hahaha! tat was the feast.... hahaha... lame right? it's expensive alright?! i'm a poor kid.... so i can only have tat.... -_-" lolx..... guess i shld stop here....

reminder reminder!!!!! : Tuesday physics practical..... pls be in sch on time!!!! wish u all... all the best alright???!!! lets all graduate together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: remember to check out arashi!!! cool!!!!!!

writtern @Friday, October 22, 2004

Finally.... oh thank god....
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

after such a long time.... i can finally blog!!!! i hope so.... so have u all been doing?! lets see..... o lvl is coming! 19 more days to go i guess...... hahaha! my prelim results??? haha... did better than usual..... improved..... but i'm still going to go higher up..... i wanna be better.... lolx!

oh well!!! MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING!!! NEXT THUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep tat in ur mind and buy me a present or treat me lunch or sth... haha! i'm as thick skin as ever..... lolx......

of cos i wanna wish desmond chua happy birthday!!!!! and not forgetting Ee-lonz, yan li, jovin!!!! u guys are really great...... my class one wat... lolx! happy birthday to all the october dragon babies!!!!! of cos not forgetting my little junior wan ying!!!! happy birthday to u too... although it's abit early to say tat..... happy birthday to my forever best frd jasmin.......

over here.... i would like to say a special thank you to u.... u have helped me ever since the 1st day we talked??? hahaha! tat will be during sec1..... although i dun know u well... and we have not been toking ever since sec3... u will still be my bestest of bestest frd! still remember our art work??? hahah! the tot of it really make me laugh.... but hey! thanx to u i landed in 4H alright? if not i will be in DnT class already.....

really did regretted going to 4H in the beginning as i lovee DnT sooooooo much...... lolx.... but then..... life still have to go on lar.... -_-"!!!!! hahaha! i love my class too...... sch is going to end this friday... yeah..... i guess that's it... the journey of 4H is ending soon... and the battle among us is soon to begin.... hahaha! in every examinations...... it is always a battle...... individual battle okay?! lolx..... i dun think anyone is reading this entry... hahaha! so i might as well type longer..... lolx!

hahaha!!!!! i'm hooked onto Arashi nowadays.... if u guys out there are free... try searching for Arashi's songs...... really nice... esp their How's it going? and Iza now.... hahaha! maybe becos this 2 albums are the ones tat i'm listening everyday.... lolx.... Matsumoto Jun is so so so cooL!!!!! hahaha! oh well.... so are the other members...... everyone of them are cool.... everyone of them have their own styles and own attractions.... so i love them all 5! hahaha! if u ppl wanna buy me present... why not buy me arashi's stuff??? hahaha! i only got iza now album... so there is lots lots more for u to buy... haha! buy me their pics oso can... haha! i dun mind..... -_-"!!!! (here is go again....) if not if not... can oso buy me their shows... i'm finding Gukosen now.... kind of difficult to buy.... but still trying... lolx!

shall stop now..... wish u all ALL THE VERY BEST FOR O LEVEL ALRIGHT???!!!!! hai..... hate to say goodbyes..... :'(
lolx...... byebye!

writtern @Wednesday, October 13, 2004